Been dealing with this question quite a bit lately too.
I can imagine how everything is together in one great set of *All* with myself included in such. Can even imagine that it could be one huge organism even if it's unimaginable in it's complexities and divided up endlessly internally. But that's more mathematical feeling, the structure and it leaves me feeling like I'm missing something.
I guess it's just hard to accept that we all come from one abstract source when we all come from many *real* sources. Maybe something more along the lines of life, birth and death? We're all born at some point, genetic predisposition and treatment in womb could give us some traits but as we grow, learn, experience and all the other trappings of life we change. Everything we encounter is another source of that change, no matter how small. Then, in the end, our perception meets another point of uncertainty we all share in death and I don't know what happens to perspective at that time.
We're all one in that we share these limitations as forms of life?
Maybe the concepts we imagine, develop, share and teach are another form of life. Then just the idea that everything is in this big, messy thing together gives form to the idea that we all are in that set of "all" whether we share perspectives or not.
Or not. Who knows? It's fun to think about though.