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File: 1439108807314.png (950.09 KB, 900x554, 450:277, discordia_wallpaper_by_aud….png)



Remember to laugh once in a while and not take yourself too seriously, everyone go at their pace, there is no one path for everyone,don't take your belief too seriously and try to actually enjoy what you're doing.

1)Adopt the ambiance of being totally at cause over the universe and being

successful in all ventures and activities. This brings remarkable results.

2) Adopt the ambiance of being the most fortunate person on the planet. Good fortune follows such a postulate as a matter of course.



OP is a faggot, get back to reading and thoughtforming.



Thank you



You're the most wonderful,amazing, and powerful magician here, of course.I also wanted to congratulate you on your success and development.

You are right, anything else you wanted to say/prove?



kek. Your ego is showing anon.






At least I have an ego you egoless sissy retard organic portal.



Note: this faggot is not me.

>inb4 some faggot claims it's me by going on a rant about how we're allllll onnnneeeee maaannnnn


We're all one, man. Kill yourself.


Omran is a shitposter.



Thank you.


> itt: babby's first lightwork

just kidding. Go on wth blessings, friends.



Too many people in here need this advice and don't know it. Keep it up, OP.


Can anyone actually explain how are we "all one"? Just because we have a common source doesn't mean we are all one thing. Although that's my newfig opinion.



Been dealing with this question quite a bit lately too.

I can imagine how everything is together in one great set of *All* with myself included in such. Can even imagine that it could be one huge organism even if it's unimaginable in it's complexities and divided up endlessly internally. But that's more mathematical feeling, the structure and it leaves me feeling like I'm missing something.

I guess it's just hard to accept that we all come from one abstract source when we all come from many *real* sources. Maybe something more along the lines of life, birth and death? We're all born at some point, genetic predisposition and treatment in womb could give us some traits but as we grow, learn, experience and all the other trappings of life we change. Everything we encounter is another source of that change, no matter how small. Then, in the end, our perception meets another point of uncertainty we all share in death and I don't know what happens to perspective at that time.

We're all one in that we share these limitations as forms of life?

Maybe the concepts we imagine, develop, share and teach are another form of life. Then just the idea that everything is in this big, messy thing together gives form to the idea that we all are in that set of "all" whether we share perspectives or not.

Or not. Who knows? It's fun to think about though.



No need to go that deep, we're all literally one



We partake of one body as cells do. We are not actually one. That's where egalitarians have gone full retard.

Another full retard mistake they make is to claim all races are the same because they "all came out of Africa" or whatever. It's like, so? All life came out of the ocean… worms aren't the same as humans.

We aren't all one, but we partake of one infinitely interconnected reality.

There is the One and the Many.




Oh. This makes sense, though I wonder still, whether both are true, and what flaws there may in either view.

Both seem to explain karma/action-reaction/law of attraction.

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