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File: 1439234151635.jpg (16.56 KB, 220x266, 110:133, 220px-Donald_Trump_by_Gage….jpg)


Let's combine our thought/will to influence synchronicity to get Trump elected. He is the final hope for the White race.


Someone schedule a groupfap



absolutely degenerate


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Trump threads on /pol/ are a fucking disgrace to what /pol/ once believed in - in let's say, end 2009.

>believing voting matters

>believing it's better to vote than not voting

>believing Donald Trump does not go to masonic mansion sex parties

>believing "hes the better choice!1!"

>believing he's against jews when his family converted

If you think they're gonna let Trump get elected (not that he has enough votes anyway) you're sorrily mislead. Do you think a white businessman is next, after the first nigger president? It's gonna be the first woman president, because we're in 2015 and by 2020 the mark of the beast will be introduced and the beginning of the end will really start.

Just fucking kill yourself, /fringe/ is not for the mundane pathetic politic THEATER.



Who cares, he is the perfect clown/troll president for this whole fucked up system. Yes it's cynical as fuck, but at least its fun. TRUMPPPPP



>here lies the deluded retard, participating in useless Trump thread, a puppet in the political game.

who cares he's controlled opposition and appeals to fucktards like you

who cares you're wasting your time on this garbage

who cares if you dont kill yourself


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Couldn't of said it better myself.


honest question: wouldn't he just be the antithesis to Barry Obama they need if the elites are using some sort of a Hegelian system of metaphysics to control the world?



yes it's all just controlled opposition part of muh Hegelian dialectic



yeah posting two replies and having some giggles sure is wasting my time




As someone who was on /pol/ since it was /new/, /pol/ has gone full reddit. It used to be about exposing Jews, exposing conspiracies, maybe putting people on a healthier path away from degeneracy. Now it is about nigger mundanity and twitter posts. At least cuckchan had the excuse of being subverted from above.

The Trump goyim sound just like the Obama drones from 2007.



did /pol/ even exist in 2009?





Tell me Anon, what other choices are there? They are all the same, so you will get the same out come no matter who you vote for.

The point behind it is the lulz. We want to rustle the marxists jimmies, don't we?


File: 1449897293374.png (29.06 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 1280px-Flag_Schutzstaffel.….png)


Still better than being a defeatist.

Grow a pair.

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