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I have one method that applies to and can be used for the control of astral projection and lucid dreams. In the mind belief and faith are the ultimate tools. You can control where you go when you astral project by simply believing you will instantly arrive at a certain location. Lucid dreams are even easier to control, with some faith you can produce entirely new dreams or even dreams within dreams.


File: 1439270420613.pdf (638.8 KB, Swami Panchadasi - Genuine….pdf)

Oh good a shitpost thread I can upload this in.



File: 1439272818952.pdf (927.77 KB, Genuine Mediumship or The ….pdf)

Improved version with better formatting. The title page is a little fucked up, but who cares.


File: 1439279659827.pdf (655.05 KB, Swami Panchadasi - Genuine….pdf)


Fuck your copy.


File: 1439279949415.pdf (639.21 KB, Swami Panchadasi - Genuine….pdf)

gfgfd ggf gf f df f f fdfd df f gf


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File: 1439283206594.pdf (634.08 KB, Swami Panchadasi - Genuine….pdf)

Probably the final version here. Try to find formatting problems in it if you can. I don't know how to hyperlink the Table of Contents to the beginning of each chapter.


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Posting in this because dream thread, and I had a vivid/weird one last night that I want to talk about, because it was fairly lucid, and the memory of it stuck with me all through today. It was probably nothing, and will be boring, as it was a dream, but I'm going to tell you faggots anyway. [Usually I just remember my dreams, and trying and think on them, but I think with this one, I'm going to start writing them down for real in a journal, right as I wake up]

So the dream starts in an old building, I thought it was my old Highschool, but thinking back it was more like a multi-level trainyard, or subway station. Top floor was sets of offices/rooms. Starts with my eyes opening inside of a class, mostly empty, three or four students in it, and my old history teacher from Highschool. He puts a paper down infront of me, and it's just labeled "TEST", with a series of 10 questions on it, most of them just the number, then garbled text. It was staring at this, then looking up and seeing the weird faceless people that I realized I was dreaming.

Pretty much the moment I snapped out of that, everything kind of blurred to focus, where it swirled out, then snapped back in. My teachers muffled voices became loud and clear. "Good to see you're finally awake Mr.*lastname*."

Que a very weird dream shift, where I felt like I had walked out of the room, and down a set of stairs, without actually doing it, ending up at a landing on the steps, sitting and staring at my test. I hear my teacher say over my shoulder, "remember to answer as best you can." When I look up, he is gone, and someone else is standing in his place, their face is very clear, but I don't know them at all. They ask me a question, and now I can't really remember what it was. I answer "I don't… think so." or something along those lines. Pretty indecisive. They frown, and push me forward.

I catch my footing, but i'm at the bottom of the steps now. infront of me the world opens up and it's like a giant grassy plain. I'm standing on a platform, and then behind me, the building is gone. to either side, tracks go off into the distance. Staring one way, suddenly a train is shooting past me. A huge urge builds up inside, and i'm in turmoil. One part saying "Jump, get on that train." the other "Don't you'll get hurt." I remember i'm not really there, and I leap onto the train, because I want to explore. While it wasn't the last car on the train, I also know that I've landed on the back of it. Standing at the end, I can see out windows [I got inside somehow instead of standing on the back platform? Dreams.] From here I think green text is better/faster, because it all happens pretty 'quick'



>End of the train

>Car is empty, windows, no chairs, poles or hand holds.

>Move through it quickly, opening the door, and jumping to the next car

>This car is also empty, but now very strange. a single long bench lines either side of it

>Shakles and manacles between the cushions and on the floor, windows now have bars

>go to the next car, a little dimmer in here

>Car is much larger, separate glass/plexiglass boxes filled with groups of 5-10 people

>People fighting / brawling. They look up at me, none of their faces are blurry, but I don't recognize any of them

>Moving along, next car is even more prison like, inside one two or three people are in a cell. Concrete walls, with bars at the front.

>As I enter, everyone slams themselves against the bars, I can hear begging/pleading for help as they reach for me

>step close to one of the gates, and it retreats away from me

>Nothing I can do, move on

>Next car has women in it, they're all just sitting on benches. as I walk past them, they throw their legs open

>Moaning they rub their hands on their bodies

>thinking it's pretty hot, tempted to stop. Star closer. All the women are sneering and angry. Notice where their hands go, sores open up, then close

>Okay. Nope.

>Next car, feel like i'm getting near the 'front' of the train

>Individual Cells

>All concrete, steel doors.

>Go up and look inside one of the cells

>Person, alone in white cell, strapped to steel frame, bound all up in what looks like a straight jacket.

>Head held in place, metal, blackish-blue all around their head, but their face is uncovered

>Eyes go wide when he sees me looking in, starts to struggle, but I can only tell because of the way his face contorts.

>Move along

>Last car more merges with this one, less a door between and more gate, one side dimly lit, the other dark, going until there is no lighting.

>Take a step 'into' the new car

>Totally empty, just like the first car

>at the end, I see something. Just a big chair. inside the chair a squat little man, kind of stuck in place, a little table with him, as my eyes adjust to the dark

>Feel a chill

>Staring, I notice the man look up.

>Freeze in place, and get that "Oh fuck." Feeling

>Sharp teeth. Plate infront of him has what look like a pile of people, just small.

>In his mouth, which is turned in a big grin, I see three of the people.

>He's chewing, and grinning, crunching and eating them like they're gum, opening his mouth wide each time

>sharp teeth

>face swollen and blue, nose bulbous and blue gray

>chest is hairy, eyes this weird gray-silvery

>Sudden urge to flee

>I'm on a horse, and suddenly covered in armor

>turn the reigns and gallop the fuck back up the train, rushing by everyone. Suddenly as i'm going, everything I had passed is lunging for me, trying to get me. someone grabs my arm, covered in plate, recoils when they touch me

>I get to the end of the train, horse jumps off, vanishes, I close my eyes and feel myself hit the ground

>wake up sweating

Shitty dream, and not really THAT great for being transferred to text. I probably should have written down when I remember more details than just the train part. I just thought it was weird that I could read/recognize text in the dream, and that nearly all the faces I saw in the train wern't blurred, but looked like real people, when usually in my dreams that isn't the case.

What do you think? aside from that I need to keep an actual journal.



Might be meaningful.

Go through your posts and select the most pertinent events in order as well as the symbols.

Study and condense it to head in the direction of the meaning.

The tl;dr version of it will attract more responses as well.




Will do, thanks for the advice, i'll look in on it


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I made a post in another thread about an experience I had awhile back.

I'll fill in the first half which I did not mention.

I was visited by an entity who seemed to have both insectoid and reptilian features. It wore a long flowing robe and had a sinister aura about it. It began to influence my mind and I could feel its presence throughout the ordeal, though I only could see it at the very start.

Once it had left my visual awareness, I began to regress into an animal form. I may have become a worm and an insect or some kind of fish or amphibian, but spent most of my time as some kind of lizard. I was in a state of despair, attempting to recapitulate phylogeny but finding myself stuck, it felt like an eternity had passed and I was simply stuck in this form and would have to live my life like this. Perhaps it wanted me to resign myself to this fate. I tried to pull some flesh and bone around myself but could not manage to become mammalian once more. I eventually managed to push myself skyward in an act of pure yearning and became a bird. I flew off toward the sun, into and above the clouds. At this point I became indignant with the entity, I told it that I was a man and that it would communicate to me in words and language. And so I inhabited a human body once more, but I never got a straight answer.

We then went on to some sort of underworld, and this is where I'll just paste what I've previously written:

>I've had a similar experience. Not a tower but a tree, one growing up from a vast riverine swamp. Scattered in the pools were bodies writhing in pain, each seeming to suffer alone. The tree itself too was made of bodies, it was a chaos of moaning and limbs, each body desperately clutching its fellows. It seemed to be reaching skyward. There was an air of desperation, and I stood athwart the tree and the lonely swamps surrounding it.

I was in fact awestruck. It seemed horrible and pointless yet beautiful at the same time, there was obviously some hidden process under way that I had not yet come to understand.

The entity seemed amused and mocked me. I believe it wants me to come back.

And in fact, I believe I've just connected some pieces by retelling this in full form.


Hello. I'm a hypnotist. I'd like to learn more about this topic in order to be able to facilitate AP/ LD/ OBE experiences via hypnosis.

Would any of you have any clues as to what to look for, what the mind mechanisms involved are, etc?


Background: I lucid dream naturally almost every time I go to sleep. It is taxing. For me it was a reactionary adaptation to night terrors as a kid. The kind that cause you to jerk and seize in your sleep. The kind that trigger conscious sleep apnea ( disruption of breathing that normally occurs momentarily during deep sleep). I learned to push my nightmares away. Now I am aware that I am dreaming nearly every night.

I usually give myself superpowers and have fun with it. However recently I have been having dreams with other people in them. And no I dont mean the typical dream constructs that are manifestations of your subconscious and serve as actors in the dream. Like self aware individuals. The difference is that the former are like stepford wives. They dont really have interest in the fact that it is a dream and become confused when you break script. Very robotic.

The others are not part of the dream and usually interrupt it. Also they usually are much stronger and have more powers than I myself have as the dreamer. And I mean I give my self a lot of powers (flight, teleportation, the ability to phase through walls, telekinesis, etc)

Recently I had a dream, where I paused and was simply admiring the world I had created, when a suddenly there was a man leaning against the wall behind me. I felt him before anything else. It was weird to say the least. Then he called out my name. Not in like a ghostly or angelic way or anything weird just very matter of factly to get my attention "Hamman." I whipped around and confronted him "Who are you? How do you know my name?" He told me to come with him and phased through a wall. In and of itself that was not very surprising, as I said it is one of the powers I myself possess in my dreams. But never have I had a dream where another person in my dream had that ability nor have I ever had a dream where the individual was not subject to my will. Also note that using certain abilities without destroying the dream (wall phasing) is VERY difficult. Which is one of the things I complained about. I made it through the first wall and he was already down the hall and halfway through another wall. I called out "Wait! Thats not fair I can't do that as easily" he replied in a voice that seemed like he was right behind me "Yes you can. You are a ———" . I am not really sure what he called me. It was like 10 words at once all on top of each other.

2 walls later and the dream fell apart and I woke up. Now I have always enjoyed lucid dreams but this is seriously making me consider the possibility of astral projection.


When I woke up in my dream my room had become bigger but still my room but now it had alligators, a lot of them, as the dream went on my room became the beach, and the ocean, and there was alligators all in the water and it was like the beach was a sudden dropout as soon as it touched the sand deep water, not the gradual sandy slope you see on most beaches, the dream added some river crud or slag you might call it around the area between the beach and water, there was something in the water that I saw and I knew I had to get it out of there I wanna say it was an animal at first and I had another male beach goer helping me get it out of the water from the mouths of one of the aligator, I started squeezing the eyes of the aligator and the dude did the same to the other eye, the aligators let go and the animal turned into a guitar case.

I found a guitar in a case, it looked sorta like my guitar but had a more beautiful look about it and had European or Mexican style roses on it and the case had a "if found sticker" on it, of course the dream took course than and I, ever so a lover of walking, started to walk down to southern california, where the owner of the guitar lived, specifically, southern sandiago or northern la, around that area.

When I had finished walking there from my home in waterford, California I found a very beautiful woman, with gorgeous long dark dark brown hair and eyes with the ocean in them, I had also been carrying my guitar and playing music on the way, so this woman invites me, and takes me to this thing she had been invited too, I don't know what it is except that I had also been welcomed into it, it was something important I had figured there was other people there, they were friendly, they talked, about what I can't remember but I think it was their journeys to the place.

The woman was given a wierd guitar by the man that seemed to be the master of the event that we had all gathered there for, it had a beautiful Chinese looking case and the "guitar" It's self was like nothing I had ever seen, with what looked like a Drum at the bottom and a guitar neck sticking way up, longer than a normal guitars neck, it was wierd looking, but I had the sense of exquisite finery about it and the first lucid words I said were, looks like a Chinese American guitar, Chinese looks but had American sound.

As I was saying these words I woke up, saying the last bit of them.

I think my problem is, that as soon as I lucid talk in a dream, I wake up.

Gota learn how to fix that.


>started demanding specific dream content

>receive it

Demand of yourself and confidently create the intent prior to going into your quickenning ( sleep means to become stupid )




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