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if someone hates their body and their mind, what can they do? is suicide the only option?

i have sexual complexes, fears, tics, and habits that i can never break. deep down i know what i do wrong but when it's go-time i always mix something up.

i have a better handle on my lust and laziness, but out in the real world i still suck. it's like a monk whose never left his monastery claiming he's purged himself of craving. really now?

ill give you an example. if im talking to a pretty girl, or really any person id feel like shit getting rejected or overlooked by, my eye contact sucks, i act too submissive, i just basically radiate fuccboi energy and its always after the fact that i can catch myself and understand what i did wrong.

i cant even visualize my higher self. im looking for a complete overhaul of who i am and how i relate to the world but i cant get specific at all past "be more dominant, less afraid, submissive, etc." the fuck do i do?



Autosuggestion in front of a mirror (about a foot away or closer) will help change your "beta-male" beliefs and mannerisms. Start with 5 minutes of staring at yourself in the eye and meditative breathing for warm up/calm yourself, just doing this may even bring up some fairly intense emotions. If you can, do this naked since the point of this is to make you more comfortable with yourself and shed the self loathing. Now say affirmations 15+ times each such as:

"Women love me everywhere I go"

"I love myself"

"Women want to fuck me everywhere I go"

"My affirmations work whether I believe in them or not" <- this one is very important as you will probably feel stupid saying these at first

"I am a sexually desirable man"

"I deserve to have the women/people I want in my life"

"I am enough"

"I am comfortable in social situations"

"People like to be around me"

"I am a fun guy to be around"

These are just examples and you can use whatever you want. They must always be in the present tense and in the affirmative (affirmations, get it?), eg. instead of "I do not feel anxiety" say "I am calm". Doing this everyday for 15-20 minutes per day will radically change your life within a couple months.


Thanks guys will do

Its worth mentioning im not looking for a shortcut to anything here. Its just i dint think even with weightlifting and having creative hobbies like i already do id b able to shed these self concepts, and even if they could id need something to tide me over until that magical point in the future since if i experience the slightest awkwardness or inadequacy now i crumple like a faggot


>if someone hates their body and their mind, what can they do? is suicide the only option?

Literally this is the most pertinent question of my life OP. Well, this whole board, this great journey I'm on, we'll see where it takes me. My plan is to completely and fundamentally alter my perception and manifestation of reality.

>the fuck do i do?

Rebuild your senses from the ground up and carefully and steadily reprogram yourself, becoming possessed by the qualities you desire, with the use of powerful thoughtforms.



>"My affirmations work whether I believe in them or not" <- this one is very important as you will probably feel stupid saying these at first

Oh man never thought of this going to try it myself.



Yeah I'm trying to embody the qualities of the man I want to be but I revert right back to my original programming real quick and I end up just feeling like some kinda RPing tryhard faggot. so much fucking work just to feel like a normal person. idk why im bothering tbh


Self discipline, commitment, and sacrifice is key, OP.

Some just say also, "You have to want it". For me, who struggled with much of the same shit, I learned that, moreover, you have to know how to want it.


you walk the path of the razor's edge

read samael aun weor, "revolutionary psychology" "the great rebellion"



Practice in the real world, being alone also is the real world. Do not lose yourself in petty distractions. Eventually, you will reach the other side. I went through this phase as well. Realize that many people are petty and you may have manifested some of this or sense the residue. It is not wrong to desire beautiful women and for people you are attracted to also to be attracted to you. First consider who you are. Why? There is far more to our current circumstances than our own decisions but inevitably to change the conditions around you, it is your decisions which make the difference and that begins with a positive psychic field of energy that is generated by your Mind being receptive and obedient to your Spirit. This is not difficult when you participate in Life in the better ways you have been hoping for. Do not accept current circumstances as permanent, see their transient and ephemeral sensations as something pointed towards a greater Truth. Live that Truth and be that Truth. Even the lies in this world are part of what is True, it is the way that people see these curiosities and forget the Truth which is the great comedy/tragedy of Life. Indeed, that is why we are here, to witness closely and be a part of the majesty of Life. Know that you are living and divine. Release all thought forms that are premeditated and the true knowledge will run to you as the rivers run into the Ocean. Be here in the Now and stay anchored in this place. Shalom.

P.S. only "fuccbois" use that word, with all or less irony and type of language. Be dynamic and purposeful. Change the way you speak, change the words of your Life.



That's not how it works silly. You need to become possessed. When you do it right, you will feel you are not pretending, and that you have no choice but to submit to the new behaviors and qualities.

This practice has been done since forever in all times and all places where you basically make an ideal tulpa and then you let it possess you.

Do it.






thanks for posting this.


there's a great line in true detective when one character's getting rashed on for something and he goes "i'm just trying to be a good person, okay?" and the other's like "well, you don't know how to try right". came out of left field and hit me like a truck tbh


>new post in thread

>just some /pol/fag

get out of my thread reeeeeeeeeeeeee

going to a big party this weekend gonna try the affirmations and feeling new and different and out of my usual, constrictive mental space. here goes.



Here's what I did and it's getting easier by the day, the process seems to be multiplying its own effectiveness at every new "level" I reach.

I pretty much made a list of everything I wanted to do, everything. I knew what it was because of years researching, my only problem was doing it.

So after I made the list of everything I made a board (with paper since I already had paper) and put it on the wall. The board has 7 days in it and every activity I wish to master. I then judge at the end of each day my actions.

>Red if I didn't do it

>yellow if I kinda did it but was in and out of it

>green if I did it til the end and focused while doing it

>blue if I did it more then it was necessary.

Notice I'm not judging the results. I am only judging my will power here.

At the beginning it was hard just to judge each day, for the first week all I got was reds but I was happy I was even using the tool I created. During the second week even though I got only two yellows out of my 20 activities in the first day, I just said to myself "tomorrow I'll get four". Well tomorrow came and I did get four, but four greens. So it started increasing each day. I created a reasonable way to judge my own actions and have it there in my face, a way that was objective and didn't involve the way I felt about it.

The second thing I did was the art of retrospection. I learned about it while listening to Manly P Hall and he said he learned about it from studying Pythagoras. Basically what you do is, at the end of the day before sleeping you play your day backwards in your mind. Instead of going from cause to effect you go from effect to cause. You start by how you're feeling right now and gradually move backwards in time till the beginning of the day. It seems silly but this is incredibly effective.



>Release all thought forms that are premeditated

Don't do this. This is how other people take control of you.


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OP are you me? You just described my current situation. It really hits you hard when think you are progressing and getting closer to an answer, but no! You just keep hitting a brick wall, having to start again and again, and with every new try you start feeling sicker and weaker.

Honestly, the worst part is KNOWING that there could really be something "tangible" and real about magick, but you go to bed without answers.

Its a seed of doubt that eats your physical and mental health everyday: knowing that magick COULD exist and not being able to see or use it.

At this point, I honestly wish I had NEVER read about magick. At least I would have died a happy mundane instead of torturing myself everyday trying to find the key to manifest tangible magick, that somehow always escapes my hands.



>saying lies into the mirror a foot away





*tips menorah to all*

Thoughtforms which are premediated are illusory until they manfiest. To say that you are not thinking is incorrect. The surface mind cannot stop thinking, it is the sole purpose of surface mind to perform analysis. What I am saying is to release the ideas within your surface mind, even positive ideas of what you THOUGHT you were. Your newfound clarity will allow your mind to be grounded in the actual (the Now) and your experience will be sincere. The guy who said others will control you is a liar. You're the one in control m8.

tl;dr stop projecting in public and you can then read the projections of others. affirm only your desire that you have in the moment otherwise you will not get the full benefit



not OP obviously, but you keep mentioning the King Warrior Magician Lover book a lot, I'm wondering though how applicable or useful is it to females (ones who are not pursuing relationships nor sex etc)?






The archetypes in the book are useful for ever gender in king warrior magician lover

Seems to be more literature catering to the male's imbalances more than the females, or maybe i just haven't been attuned to that realm of literature yet.




howl long has this session been going on


>i act too submissive, i just basically radiate fuccboi energy

You sound like you need more testosterone/less estrogen.

Read this thread on /pol/


There's more good advice in there besides the plastic thing. Be sure you work out, diet, and sleep properly (see the relevant fringe threads) in addition to your meditations.


I've been in the same shoes as you OP and still am struggling with it. So I will just drop my 2 cents in case it can help.

I started out after reading 'In search of the miraculous'. Basically the part in the books that went on about self-remembrance helped me a lot, by holding my head in 'the game' so to say. I would make decisions that would go toward my goal instead of impulse or mechanizations from my brain. Basically it's about not only seeing your world around you, but always monitoring how your brain/thoughts/emotions interpret it and react to it.

After some time passed I started with putting up goals and affirmations. I started out with negative ones like: "i'm not nervous, negative, anxious" etc.. Didn't get exactly the result I wanted and it indeed seems so that positive seems to work a lot better. Although I was feeling better and overal my experiences in life seem to get more positive, I still wasn't where I wanted to be. I also basically did what >>49846 said and went through my day before sleeping. Although I haven't been holding that one up with 100% discipline, think it's a good idea to pick that up again.

Also tried Reality Creation by intensly wishing somethings in my reality. Didn't really work out (not saying it doesn't work), but I did get some very funny syncronicities out of it and afterwards I was a 100% believer that the universe is more than mundane. Although I also got some warning signs that it might not be the way to go, so judge for yourself.

And now I am where I am now, and I notice that a lot of the places where I'm being held back is because of fear, which certainly improved over let's say last year before I started this path. But as I see it now it's my biggest obstacle.

So sorry if this turned out to be somewhat of blog, but it might help you in a way. Since you sound a lot how I was before I started on this path, still am in a lot of ways.

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