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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is going on, guys?

Here's a thread related to the symbol:




OP here, /pol/ is freaking out over this. They believe that this is caused by meme magic. What do you think?


May the Gods, or whatever Great Aryan force in the Universe, please return us to our pride, identity, and purity.

And may the lesser races and sinister Jews tremble meekly and fall completely before our Great Restoration!





Sieg Hail to our White Gods from Aldebaran. Come and end this Kali Yuga once and for all.



>externalizing everything

>black sun is the substantia nigra in the brain

>more folk taking processes for religious creeds



I have no idea what you're talking about.

What do you mean externalizing? I have no clue what the other 2 meme arrows are suppose to mean.




The inner circle of Waffen SS is somehow still alive and will return soon.


File: 1439472642474.jpg (2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, black sunn.jpg)


What do you guys think is happening? Natsoc really traveled across the fucking universe while we've been rotting in this PC cess pit with appeasing dindus, fags, trannies, and other mentally ill people being our number one priority?

Or maybe they really did make a moon base? Perhaps colonized mars?

It could be that the inner earth shit is actually true and they've been living there. Maybe Nordic aliens are coming to the rescue?

Do you guys have any educated theories or knowledge about this thing? There are so many possibilities.

All I know for sure is that the design is very complex, flawless, and fucking huge. There is no way somebody made that shit with strings and boards. It would be humanly impossible to maintain perfect proportions and symmetry in something that big. They would also have needed a birds eye view of the field the entire time.

What ever made it was some sort of machine with advanced precision GPS that could draw out the image on the field. It had to fly in order to not make any marks through the field, of course.

What ever it was, what ever was behind it, knows of the symbol. Its not a common one either, the only place I ever see it is in an image board.

I just really hope its happening this time, and that they will be on our side.


Wie geil!

Sieg Heil!


It is a sign of the coming adepthood of our lord Smiley.



I just saw this on /pol/ as well, 8/8, what a date too.




We are nearing the end of the age.

Time to commit to deliverance and become determined to succeed and pass on the sacred rites. For truth, beauty, and honor shall persevere.



The year part makes me question the legitimacy. Would aliens that have to use crop circles for communication really know what year it is on Earth since most of the word counts their years after Jesus?

Could just be a coincidence though. I don't really know, just something to think about. I know nothing.



Who says that they *have* to use crop circles?

Though I find myself hard pressed to think of a reason why they might select crop circles as a preferred method of communication.



Would you not think that an advanced species of aliens who have been studying us for thousands of years, and probably created us wouldn't know what date we go by?

They certainly know about the black sun symbol, and that is only ever posted on internet image boards.



How else can they do it in a way that the public could find out about it, yet not scare the shit out of them and cause mass panics?

If they tried communicating with the "leaders", they would suppress it from the public.

Huge crop circles are the perfect method as the public would hear about it and there is enough doubt that they are hoaxes that the unintelligent wouldn't start looting everything, and the intelligent would understand the symbols and that they surely weren't man made.



No way to know for sure, perhaps the entities that lived the lives of the NatSocs of the time are simply about to reincarnate back into our filthy reality.

>I just really hope its happening this time, and that they will be on our side.

Just strive to remove your degenerate aspects and live life as if you were in a nat soc state, therefore striving every day to perfect your mind and body.


>Just strive to remove your degenerate aspects and live life as if you were in a nat soc state, therefore striving every day to perfect your mind and body.

This is great advice. I have been depressed and suicidal for a long while. Rather than bemoan the fallen outer world, I must conquer the inner world.



The substantia nigra explains its usefulness as a sigil to the Germans. Can you explain the first and third points?

Also, can you explain how you came to this theory?



Saturn's boat has landed upon the shore of Italy.



nat soc is pretty degenerate though, aim higher



Ok, who made this?



Don't worry anon, I don't fully identify with one ideology like some anons here, whether it's egalitarianism or some brand of fascism .

I take only the best of everything for my personal creed while abandoning everything else.


Looks like the Ayy Lmaos are on our side.



Really? It seems to be the peak of humanity so far. Society is in moral free fall right now, the vast majority of people can't even behave better than the lowest degenerates from 60 years ago.

I'd be happy if we could restore anything close to the morals of natsoc, but have my doubts.


File: 1441202956236.jpg (31.08 KB, 600x750, 4:5, i-want-to-believe.jpg)




Am I the only one here who thinks that looks man-made? It's not geometrically perfect, if you look close enough, and the straw appears to be bent by someone knocking it down. Although it is hard to tell by the video what the bent straw actually looks like up close.


File: 1454476356790-0.png (1.25 MB, 945x543, 315:181, 1450183519869.png)

File: 1454476356791-1.jpg (118.65 KB, 1200x1137, 400:379, 1393906751940.jpg)

Implying that this couldn't *easily* have been made by humans is a joke. The shape and size are not even impressive by any measure for crop circles.

The lines running parallel across the field can be used as reference points, and to enter/exit without disturbing the rest of the wheat.

I do wonder about impressive crop circles, (pic related) but this isn't one of them.



Shut the fuck up, bullshit "occultist".

Of course it's made by humans, but not with standard technology. They obviously use what is commonly known as "alien" technology.


File: 1454517047365-0.jpg (199.79 KB, 630x359, 630:359, Oregon Sri-Yantra 8-10-199….jpg)

File: 1454517047366-1.jpg (79.69 KB, 500x375, 4:3, sri yantra.jpg)

Crop circles are made by directing a stream of high pitch sound, high frequency vibration/energy that is, to a medium that can receive the sound/energy transfer and display the sound visually accordingly.

The beings who send these "crop circles" have bridged the sciences, in this case, sound & visuals. To them, it is one and the same. This is their way of sending radio transmissions, or, information, likely because we don't have anything advanced enough yet to pick up the frequencies they send so they chose to clutter the ground. Maybe because we are picking it up but not reaching the masses?

It can be done over vast distances with the right gear, sending the sound corresponding to the image desired.

It can be printed on most anything, but have a better life expectancy on wheat unlike on water or sand which instantly realigns or blows over.

Its this technology.


But far more advanced.

These images are sent from alien satellites as a means of communication.

Some are easier to decode than others, a few contain basic ASCII codes and messages while most contains star constellations and the movements of heavenly bodies.

If you lurk /fringe/ and propagate that the creators of these images were humans, humans with sticks and ropes, you're either a big fat disinfo or have your head so far up your ass that you lick cognitive dissonance off your intestinal membrane for breakfast lunch and dinner.

The creators of these images are not humans of Terran origin and deciphering these images are of great importance.

They themselves does not contain schematics for new apparatuses, but they point us in the right direction, they speak of cosmic waves washing over the planet, they hint at Metatrons cube, secrets of quantum physics and suggest research in magnets, something humanity lacks and has not delved to much in.


File: 1454517199776.jpg (76.15 KB, 720x566, 360:283, Adam&Eve.jpg)


you shut the fuck up disinfo.

this board is being HEAVILY shilled to shut up any and everything about aliens.

its why the board was wiped the first time.

we had a great many threads about aliens, books, sources, discussion.

its all gone and all such discussion is quickly made quiet of.



Tell us then, why are these aliens making crop circles

What's the point

>coding a bunch of shit that humans already know into crops


>making all these massive messages then trying to cover them up on obscure imageboards




Just had a thought, what if these cropcircles were sigils that would lead to evocations of these entities?



Ayy lmao's are a psyop though



>>coding a bunch of shit that humans already know into crops

>>already know

>>>making all these massive messages then trying to cover them up on obscure imageboards

>>then trying to cover them up on obscure imageboards


If your mother gave you an orange and I said that I gave you the orange, and that it was purple, would that imply that the orange didn't exist?



nice meme arrows

very philosophical



Maybe you should concoct something that doesn't take two sideways v's to demolish if you want a proper answer.



Oh, so you're a troll.

Good, my faith in fringe was starting to wane



Mr no carcinogens pls you can't pull the troll card when you look that wrong, people will notice that you're stupid.


File: 1456873065026.jpg (146.63 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, victorfrankenstein.jpg)

Inner earth societies leaving their mark for people to figure out what it means and join them :)



come to think about it, crop circles are just massive sigils. Either way, whatever faction of visitors it is that are creating the different mega-sigils, have extensive knowledge of symbology/sigils/subconscious mind/collective unconscious, that's for sure.

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