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Esoteric Wizardry


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Why sigil magick doesnt work to kill people?


takes 30-90 years.


Why you ask that? Tell us about how it doesn't work.


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>wanting to kill someone through sigils

tell me more, why you haven't found jesus christ in your heart


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well you can do it with sigils but you have to keep on charging it over and over, I prefer servitors/thoughtforms.Create a servitor that would implant suicidal thoughts or push someone to suicide and then feed the servitor over and over until it can "kill" the person you want to kill.


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Killing people, even if you do it by ordinary means, have tremendous negative consequences on your self and your own development. A true master doesn't kill people, and can't be killed by others either.

Having said that, that are many ways in which you can use magick for killing people, but all of this ways only work with mundanes. Even the lowers ranks of /fringe/ can protect themselves against it, maybe not completely but enough not to die.



What would the lower ranks of /fringe/ be?



/fringe/ are the lower ranks… There are a lot more clever wizards on this board that don't post on this board.



is there a forum place better than here

/pol/ > /fringe > ???

Im guessing there are none public a popular like fringe



Let someone word it for you this way. A lot of us worry about our identity both amongst whom we face day to day, any online that may wish to harm us, and if anything online may come back to hurt us in the future.

What are you worried about hurting you? Is it metaphysical or physical? The former: salt, kosher salt, blessed oil/holy water, etc over doorways or entrances. The latter? Move to a decent neighborhood, know your neighbors, keep a gun, and keep your faculties in tact. Know that your body is but the temple in the same way that the ark of the covenant used to be a vessel for YHWH. You can exist without it, but on this plane you'll be confined to it for the time being. Protect it, upkeep it, and try to make it better.


There are no forums better than meeting someone else physically higher along the path than you. More often than not the posts here could mislead you (shitposters) rather than lead you in the right direction. Take everything with a grain of salt. If you're willing to take everything you read online as a whole truth you have issues.



>If you're willing to take everything you read online as a whole truth you have issues.

where did I say or imply that? Like what



As far as I can tell, the best place here has like 5 users and is very inactive.

The next up is fringe, less quality content but more quantity posters.

And then you have /pol/, very active and very uh.. well let's not go there.



ark is osiris' box. The DJED pillar. it's your kundalini….. fucking guys will you guys stop taking Ashkenazim lore for factual history?

the whole indiana jones movie was fucking allegory….

the douche bah nazis represented the fucktard frat boy who wants pussy and a quick free diploma during his whole college experience… then when he graduates and he's given the PILLAR ( kundalini rising / energy work ) everything fucks up and the fucker melts like the nazi cuz it's just too much info and responsibility for the unbalanced self… only the balanced self can have it all and enjoy it.



The lower ranks of /fringe/ are people who have had a mystical experience but still can't make sense out of it or even experience it again at will.

This level is remarkable for its intuition, you get people who have no idea what they are doing or talking about but for some reason kinda get it right.

That is why you can't kill people who are in the lower ranks with magick, their intuition will keep them somewhat safe.



>There are a lot more clever wizards on this board that don't post on this board.

This, or they very rarely post if they do.

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