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>Brain regions associated with attention, interoception and sensory processing were thicker in meditation participants than matched controls, including the prefrontal cortex and right anterior insula


Where is the prefrontal cortex? Right where your third eye is.

Scientific evidence that the more you meditate, the more powerful you'll be.



we've known this for 65,000 years now on record.

Recent study on meditation / healthy lifestyle / energy work has shown to increase telomerase at the ends of chromosomes which the depletion is what causes aging and feeble constructs.

This shit is all allegorically coded in the theology of this planet.


people that meditate practice different kids of attention. wow what do you know…



but now its scientists saying it works, so ONLY now its actually real :^)


Post more meditation science ITT



Cognitive Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation



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Meditation also reduces the amygdala, the part of the brain associated with stress and anxiety.

There is an inverse relationship between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. The bigger the amygdala becomes the smaller the prefrontal cortex becomes.

People who cause a person stress and anxiety whether its a person who is engaged in repeated harassment or a person one is in a bad relationship with or whatever are working to increase the size of the amygdala. And due to this those sorts of people are working to reduce the size of the prefrontal cortex.

So the prefrontal cortex is also related to judgement and decision-making. Anything from choosing friend to choosing food to choosing what to do with ones life… etc…. any sort of choice.

So basically people who are a repeated source of stress for oneself are actually sabotaging ones ability to make good decisions by causing the amygdala to grow and the prefrontal cortex to shrink.

And so if you look at people who are in a relationship whether its with family members or people at school or with a romantic partner or some extra curricular activity or even if its police harassment… if someone is in a situation where they are being verbally abused or harassed by anyone their ability to make proper judgements is being under attack.

This is why if you look at the people who have become drug addicts many of them have a history of being verbally abused over an extended period of time.

Verbal abuse could even be said to cause brain damage. This is why bullying is a serious issue. People who speak words of anger at another person on a regular basis are basically attacking their brain and people have died as a result of activities set in motion by poor judgement that was caused by verbal abuse.

Words can kill.



>This is why bullying is a serious issue

You forgot to mention that it only works on people who still haven't recognized their own Self.

So much more important then caring about bullying is teaching people to be true people.



link me to somewhere that will teach me to recognize my true self which does not contain any adverts and explains in a concise manner without fruity language



>link me to somewhere that will teach me to recognize my…

Do you really not see the problem there? You're basically saying "show me where I am", how the fuck should I know where you are? I can only do that in terms of where I am but that's not what you want.



Just meditate bra

One hour

You will know where you are, who you are, what is important, what is right.



What type of meditation ?



preferably in a dark area, comfortable, don't eat 2-3hours before so as to not get stomach movements.

it's all about the breathing

if you're having some issues nose-breathing start with alternate nostril breathing for a while then you should feel it being easier, then..

4inhale hold 4 exhale 4

6 3 6

7 2 7

10 10

15 15

30 30

the trick is to slow down the breathing without forcing it, just let it happen.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Power of Now brah



>eckart tolle

>most obvious shill ever



The Power of Now and A New Earth are both great entry level spirituality books IMO, as well as The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. they're what lead me into getting out of the materialism trap. The audiobook version of both is read by Eckhart. His voice is very relaxing to listen to. There's some decent "New Age" stuff weaved in with all the disinfo.

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