Jesus Christ the savior 08/16/15 (Sun) 01:59:59 No. 50155
In my journey, I have found Jesus Christ to be a powerful name and entity, whether he was truly alive back then matters not. Whether he's a jew matters not (Actually he's jude by RACE not religion/dogmas/ethics/etc).
On 700mg dxm, lying on my bed, I was attacked subconsciously by Satan entity(or the demiurge), telling me I was trapped in this physical plane forever. I wasn't accustomed to these subjects, but I believed this entity, I felt trapped and I'm claustrophobic.
In an instant of despair, by saying Jesus Christ, I was liberated from this horrible trance and negative energies. I woke up from my slumber on my bed, I got up to my computer, I opened up the best sounds I could find(On DXM, any music sound gritty and terribly negative). So after a brief search, I meditated with Tibetan sounds, focusing on my root chakra, this particular video :
I was still under influence of DXM and, I guess, subconsciously, I started clapping my hands methodically with eyes closed, focusing white energy on my body. (At the time I didn't even know why I was clapping, but I did it anyway. Turns out after researching, clapping is used to dispel demons in your surroundings)
Tell me why Jesus Christ isn't 777 and tell me why /fringe/ doesn't acknowledge the power of Christ more? Instead, you guys play with your silly sigils and sexual intents, childish.
SAGE! 08/16/15 (Sun) 02:12:28 No. 50156
This happened 1 year ago and I still remember it and I will forever remember it. It sparked my interest in jesus christ, not Christianity or any false catholic dogmas but, the power of the name.
I was always rebellious and satanism appealed to me, I once wanted to be de-baptized. I now know the truth, and Im so grateful for this experience I wanted to share.
didi 08/16/15 (Sun) 02:14:02 No. 50157
08/16/15 (Sun) 02:26:12 No. 50159
didi you fuck off, all your answers seem all wise but you're just like any other human, fucking clueless
SAGE! 08/16/15 (Sun) 02:33:43 No. 50161
>getting high on cough syrup
underage b& pls
SAGE! 08/16/15 (Sun) 02:35:04 No. 50162
I wasn't expecting good answers on a magic with a k board about jesus christ
well whatever faggots
have fun with your demons scum
sorry i wasnt a namefag tripfaggot with reputation
SAGE! 08/16/15 (Sun) 02:38:09 No. 50164
last of my posts
have fun magicians so knowledgeable, have fun in the afterlife
08/16/15 (Sun) 02:46:32 No. 50168
>tell me why /fringe/ doesn't acknowledge the power of Christ more?
magick pill mentality. The teachings of Christ are not a magic pill, they require work. This is not very appealing to people living under our societies basic ideas. People still prefer to draw a few squiggly lines on a piece of paper in the hope it will by itself lead to unnatural results, while ignoring the fact that if you could use the sigil method there would be absolutely no reason why you would use it.
The only thing even close to a sigil I use is a X on the back of my hand, it is useful for reminding me of whatever I wanted to remember when I made the X, plus I use the X for everything.
08/16/15 (Sun) 02:53:39 No. 50170
He was a decent teacher of bhakti yoga and karma yoga within Roman occupied Judea.
Given the cultural imprint that jesus has on all in the West, even within those without any personal background in the church, it is understandable that you would call his name in a moment of precieved helplessness. Especially given all the trolling Satan gave him in the New Testament plus the Harrowing of Hell between the death and the resurrection is analogous in my mind to a rough drug trip-ego death followed by bliss or some sort of realisation.
08/16/15 (Sun) 03:02:50 No. 50173
What do you mean, the trolling Satan gave him in the new testament? Do you mean that the new testament was ashkenazi jew-written? because it was. If you want a good source of info, it's the old testament and king james bible to look out fort.
08/16/15 (Sun) 03:07:16 No. 50174
Jesus was trolled by Satan after being baptized. Now bare in mind that there is the possibility that John the Baptist actually nearly drowned people, which if it was true might have given them near death experiences.
08/16/15 (Sun) 03:13:17 No. 50175
08/16/15 (Sun) 03:19:46 No. 50177
08/16/15 (Sun) 03:24:04 No. 50178
Im OP btw if I woulda gotten high on cough syrup, I would have gotten 300mg, 600mg or 900mg. I was 700mg, it wasnt regular pharmacy cough syrup.
You're dismissing a drug experience because it's related to a school event in someone's life - because DXM is associated with a teen, unable to attain cannabis or alcohol but that's false. You are using generic, overly-typical terms. Please die, I dont have the same mercy as Jesus.
08/16/15 (Sun) 03:30:09 No. 50179
yeah I still remember the bible. I lived in a church when I was a child and for some reason a lot of that doesn't get out of my head.
The 40 days fasting is clearly relevant, but Jesus was led to the desert by the holy spirit after being baptized.
We know that baptism was done in a river and with the full body under water. You can consider this as symbolic or you might consider that they were held under the water just long enough for a near death experience. We know this can't be done in this society thanks to litigation but it is pretty effective.
08/16/15 (Sun) 05:11:08 No. 50183
Jesus is a metaphor. "Dying for your sins" was not literal, but a metaphor for the fact that whenever you commit a "sin," a sacrifice must be made somewhere in the universe. In order to eat you must kill life, i.e. sacrificing, i.e. dying for the sin of eating. Plants and animals are all little Jesus Christs when you eat them. The entire universe is dying so that you can go on living and sinning.
08/19/15 (Wed) 21:14:45 No. 50595
Jesus is the Son of God, the Ruler of All, the Granter of Strength, and the Enfeebler of Evil.
08/19/15 (Wed) 21:23:06 No. 50597
>While high on DXM I believed what an entity told me instead of waiting until I was down and then carefully considering what I had heard
You had a bad time and instead of actually using your experience, you caved into clapping your hands and doing whatever you could do to feel temporarily better, and then you took that at face value.
You shouldn't be doing DXM. You shouldn't even be drinking coffee. You have no idea what the fuck you're doing taking drugs and it's really obvious. Fuck off.
08/19/15 (Wed) 21:25:55 No. 50598
Forgot to mention his a thought form
08/19/15 (Wed) 21:32:41 No. 50600
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>50183
Holy shit, someone on a /fringe/ Christian thread actually knows what they're talking about. It's a Christmas miracle!
Wow, REALLY fuck off. You mean to tell me that out of all the drugs you could have done, you chose DXM? You're implying that you're an adult, a grown-ass man who actually has resources and a head on his shoulders that some people use to do shit like study higher-level mathematics and cure cancer and attain enlightenment, and with all that mental capacity of yours and all those powers of perception and reason and right decision-making, you said "Screw all those time-honored substances that have under proper use resulted in consistent advancement and personal understanding, I am willingly going to put DXM into my system and then I'm going to believe what it tells me and make an important life decision before I'm even down!"
What the hell is wrong with you?
didi 08/19/15 (Wed) 22:35:25 No. 50612
human's are more fruitarian
fruit is plant placenta
you spit the seeds
fruit falls from tree or you pick it
spiting the seeds with your saliva enhances the process of the seed with the salivary minerals and nutrients
with us interfering, fruit trees and plants can easily spread themselves far
you never harm or steal or kill from anything
you can get full amino acid and all your nutrients from coconuts avocados and tropical fruit as we are designed biologically for it ( without factoring the fact that we're the zero point of existence )
didi 08/19/15 (Wed) 23:26:33 No. 50620
> You are using generic, overly-typical terms. Please die, I dont have the same mercy as Jesus.
shit nigga even I don't act that unabashed, this isn't a bronze league ranked lol match, fucking kid.
didi 08/19/15 (Wed) 23:28:21 No. 50621
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>50174
none of those figures ever existed
those name's aren't even correct and changed around my pheonician merchants and slave traders.
08/20/15 (Thu) 00:44:18 No. 50641
Nigga I used to robo-trip too. When I was a teenager. And all the people I know that do it and have done it, did it as teenagers.
I mean, I'd consider doing it again maybe because it IS a different thing than acid or pot, but it still earned its reputation as teen's choice for a reason.
08/20/15 (Thu) 01:35:58 No. 50655
For your use and abuse.
08/20/15 (Thu) 18:01:19 No. 50761
No wonder he dislikes to be portrayed.
08/20/15 (Thu) 21:40:53 No. 50815
>none of those figures ever existed
I know. But talking about the story while constantly writing "remember guys this is fictional" is stupid as fuck. Mythology has a purpose, and it is useful to talk about mythology in mythological terms
20-8-5-5-12-9-20-5 08/22/15 (Sat) 09:03:40 No. 50997
Satan/YHVH = Demiurge
Christ = Logos
Holy Spirit = Nous
Nous = Spirit
Christ = Mind
Demiurge = Soul
Universe = Body
Holy Affirming
Holy Denying
Holy Reconciling
Creation, Destruction, Maintenance
Brahma = Spirit = Nous = Affirming (creating)
Vishnu = Christ = Logos = Reconciling (maintaining)
Shiva = YHVH/Satan = Demiurge = Denying (destruction or creation depending on view)
The name matters not, it is the idea.
SAGE! 08/22/15 (Sat) 14:13:11 No. 51007
But he's right, you won't escape the physical plane. The New Demiurge has already been chosen. Thank the Illuminati.
didi 08/23/15 (Sun) 01:48:50 No. 51069
>dropping in to remind you not to give your power to thoughtforms such as a demiurge or a jesus .
>reminding you we are the original titan chaos energy which fathered and mothered the gods and deities.
08/23/15 (Sun) 02:50:27 No. 51073
08/23/15 (Sun) 15:29:55 No. 51102
Why not take advantage of pre-formed egregores? They are more powerful than that which you could create on your own, it is only a matter of whether or not they are suitable to you, but given the varied peoples who have contributed to the egregore almost everybody can make good use of it
And there is a unique power to something that has existed before you and will continue to exist after you, there is a power in the ancient
didi 08/23/15 (Sun) 17:28:11 No. 51103
can someone else explain to him how subconscious energy hijacking works?
or just listen to this audio
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/23/15 (Sun) 18:18:34 No. 51105
08/23/15 (Sun) 20:49:06 No. 51119
Seems impossible to avoid, and unnecessary in many circumstances. It is not that hard to reform things to your own ends, especially a rich and varied tradition like Christianity.
didi 08/23/15 (Sun) 22:57:05 No. 51142
i respectfully disagree - and can foretell you will so verymuch soon once you learn more about the metaphysics of theology and the historicity and bio-genetic memory.
08/24/15 (Mon) 00:40:41 No. 51152
>The All is Mind
>you are a thoughtform as well
08/24/15 (Mon) 02:28:04 No. 51162
Tell me about this "new" Demiurge.
08/24/15 (Mon) 06:59:33 No. 51177
John 5:7-8 For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.
anyone want to take a crack at this metaphor?
Also, how would I find all the names for Archangel Samuel, he might also be a demon currently ;) Can anyone find them for me?
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 08/24/15 (Mon) 08:33:23 No. 51185
The Trinity of Heaven
Mother-Holy Spirit
The Trinity of Earth
Fire-Blood(life force, more metaphorical than anything)
Heaven is like the coming together of the creator and that which nurtures to create Logos, the Word of God.
While on Earth, we must take heed of this Word(spirit), of our minds(water), and our wills(blood/lifeforce)
Can't help on that last one though.
08/24/15 (Mon) 09:17:20 No. 51190
>Also, how would I find all the names for Archangel Samuel, he might also be a demon currently ;) Can anyone find them for me?
sure, locate a mirror.
also those are jewish lores, externalizing the internal process because it's easier for disconnected folk to externalize things when they can't sit their asses to meditate.
10/13/15 (Tue) 00:08:34 No. 56664
>Actually he's jude by RACE not religion/dogmas/ethics/etc
>not religion/dogmas/ethics
top kek
>"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished."
Matthew 5:17-18
No doubt that you will try to reinterpret the passage or use the most stretched form of apologia to imply that the prophets he mentions aren't Jewish either.
>Demiurge is Satan
Wrong. The Demiurge is the biblical God, who out of 'omnibenevolence' created Satan; an Archon meant to keep his retarded flock in continuous spiritual and physical captivity.
Proselytize on your containment board: >>>/christian/
10/15/15 (Thu) 19:12:12 No. 56894
10/15/15 (Thu) 20:25:20 No. 56897
OP I came into contact with an entity going by the name of Satan so I tried out a Christian prayer and saying "in the name of Jesus be gone" and stuff and it didn't have the slightest effect on this entity going by the name of Satan. Also Satan gave me really bad vibes but otherwise talked really calm to me as he told me about how he wanted me to come to British Columbia to join some coven or whatever out there.
Overall I'm not very impressed by Jesus (no real experience with any entity going by that name yet) and "Satan". Dunno why I don't resonate with these entities at all.
10/15/15 (Thu) 20:42:31 No. 56898
>Satan is a metaphor for the doubting mind, which enslaves faith
>No faith, no Jesus
Don't worry, faith isn't supposed to be easy
10/15/15 (Thu) 20:51:41 No. 56900
>Don't worry, faith isn't supposed to be easy
I don't really need or care for the concept of Jesus or Satan or named entities in general. I prefer to put my faith in the All instead and to interact with all manner of entities including unnamed ones to achieve the miracles possible in this world.
SAGE! 10/16/15 (Fri) 01:50:27 No. 56936
Go convert someone else.
10/16/15 (Fri) 01:56:15 No. 56938
>Having faith in the All
>Having faith in Jesus, an elder spirit, advanced enough to consciously act on the One Will, sacrificed his mortal body to instill ideas in the history of humanity, and then returned in his higher density spiritual body to prove there is life beyond death
but yeah, faith is faith, doesn't matter what its in
also, the prayer didn't work because you didn't have faith in it. you say you have faith in the All, shouldn't that trickle down to all of Creation as well? just a thought
10/16/15 (Fri) 02:12:31 No. 56941
Honestly, how powerful is this Christian god in the grand scheme of things? I have abandoned my faith in the god of the Abrahamic religions, and numerous others believe in completely different principles regarding life and the Universe. What makes YHVH so special?
10/16/15 (Fri) 14:35:32 No. 56988
Yeah, sounds like you didn't really think the prayer would have an effect anyway, so if you don't believe it would work,how can you expect it to work, why bother? Not just specifically Jesus related but for anything really
10/17/15 (Sat) 22:19:35 No. 57163
>>Satan is a metaphor for the doubting mind, which enslaves faith
>what are Archons and archetypes
Are you seriously this new to Gnosis?
Looks like you also failed to understand what I meant when I corrected you on who the Demiurge is, because Satan is not the Demiurge, rather a product of it.
Protip: Demiurgos means 'public worker' in Greek, alluding to an architect of sorts, and which implies that of reality in general.
>dropping in to remind you not to give your power to thoughtforms such as a demiurge or a jesus.
>reminding you we are the original titan chaos energy which fathered and mothered the gods and deities.
If that is true, then its implied we created the Demiurge prison warden and shouldn't complain about the bed we made.
10/17/15 (Sat) 22:32:43 No. 57165
>tell me why /fringe/ doesn't acknowledge the power of Christ more?
>play with silly sigils
>sexual intents
That is Jesus. Religion is false. Just look at this:
10/17/15 (Sat) 22:55:51 No. 57167
The whole of this video:
- This false prejudiced discriminative kind of thing (mean and vicious too)
- (more the second part) Work thou hands to the bone and be unhappy to be in the location of church when the pastor wants it
- ,,God will punish if not done''. Well in doing that, to anyone with some bright mind it becomes clear that the punishment is created with doing as said.
As a whole: how to put it? impossible ? No real view on where the thing is that really mirrors Christ. He did not forbid anything and explained that that is not Gods intention in the great commandment. Though, he said that anything should fit into a system that would make anyone happy and affliction is not possible.
10/17/15 (Sat) 23:09:40 No. 57170
Nice song. But how will EVER stop, this enormous, bizarre thing about Christ and God?
What I posted here:
This is just what that means. Anyone just thinking a little further will probably see that something is wrong.
I don't see how it can be that this is so and for that long time. It is totally bizarre and almost frightening. At least it means an enourmous loss in general.
the video does show some moderateness and good intent at points.
10/18/15 (Sun) 21:31:01 No. 57239
I don't know what you plan to do. But I figured long ago that if there is such a thing as a god it manifests through the laws of nature. The laws of nature imply certain behaviors which is ethics.
It seems obvious to me that one who follows natural law, and in doing so worship life itself, would be doing nothing more than worshiping god and following his will.
That is what I try to do.
About other people however I follow the story of Diogenes. When asked, “But aren’t you overdoing it a little?” Diogenes replied, “Of course. I am like the choir teacher who sings louder than the rest so that the others may get the right note in accordance.”
10/19/15 (Mon) 04:36:09 No. 57311
Not only that but life itself is the quickest way towards death. See, the biological process of life on earth arose in the first place because life is the most efficient means of using up the energy from the sun that was radiated onto the earth.
Please go back to your grave Steve Jobs. No one here wants to join your zombie army.
You seem to be a Gnostic but I would like to remind everyone on this board to at the very least not participate in hierarchical religion. Like you can have organized religion and maybe even some guys who are higher rank but not stupid things like a papacy.
The spirit is the holy spirit.
Water has relation to baptism.
Blood has relation to communion wine and the metaphor of taking thereof.
I suppose that this must be a statement of how God the Father is findable inside the human spirit (and YOUR human spirit) on earth, the Word and the holy gospel is here on earth and also spread through baptising people, the blood of Christ on earth is the holy Spirit and is part of YOUR body and yourself just as when you take wine into your body it is part of your body and all these things are one. But I'm not Christian.
I am not sure what you mean by "Natural law". Do you mean natural as in naturalism and science and shit and not just dancing around in the woods and worshipping flowers and stuff?
The only "natural laws" other than primitive biological urges I have personally observed have been the scientific laws around me and a deep beauty (order and structure) inherent in the world around me and the universe. I suppose one could do worse than basing morality around an appreciation of the natural beauty inherent in the universe and those around us but personally I like to add into my morality the concept of "nobility" and that man should not only appreciate the natural beauty of the universe but that man should actively work to increase the beauty of the universe around him and himself (not just by putting flowers and makeup on shit or by making cakes and pastries and shit obviously though, this shit takes hard work and personal effort.)
10/19/15 (Mon) 12:05:39 No. 57373
shitty disinfo thread
10/19/15 (Mon) 19:19:24 No. 57410
>mes clear that the punishment is created with doing as said.
(I have something selected every now and then when pressing Reply. Sometimes I just like to leave it)
Ok, that is one interesting way. Logically speaking the checksum can be right. I think there could be resistance too from some corners. One beautiful way to look at it I think. Basically that is how it should be: the facts, what is and what apears from what happens. that sort of thing.
I have an interesting question for you. How do you see anything forbidden, how would this work in the light of Jesus' great commandment?
10/19/15 (Mon) 20:29:23 No. 57414
This post is kinda big, but I think better when writing so I felt like doing it. Sorry if its too long.
By natural law I mean not only the scientific laws but the so called spiritual laws and mental laws too. For instance laws as described in the kybalion although they're not accepted by "scientists" they are natural laws to anyone who observes the universe. However there seems to be no law strictly against dancing in the woods or worshiping flowers from time to time.
Also I use the terms ethics in the sense that it seems to precede morality. From my perspective, the ethics of nature become part of morality only when the laws which impose those habits (ethics strictly meaning habit) are understood by human mind. Nature is therefore not moral but ethical. Nature always punishes failure to understand and live in accordance with law, and by this mechanism it ensures that its ethics are kept even when men's morals are corrupt.
You might for instance use the law of gravity to make a building that resists earthquakes and you might also use it to jump from that same building. Neither seem to be absolutely preferable, when considering only the law of gravity, but other natural laws might limit the ways in which you use it.
And yes I agree with you, the higher levels of human existence are the biggest blessing known in this universe and to this universe. Unlike any other physical creature, men have regulative powers.
What I would like to see I suppose, is for instance a doctor, who knowing his purpose is not curing of illness but the maintenance of health, teaches preventive medicine and uses modern medicine sparingly. Or an architect/designer whose work reflects nature's richness of detail yet never being a tiresome experience. Or a politician who strikes as fiercely as mother nature herself when one refuses to live in accordance with her laws which are all rightfully justified, yet still leaves some room for error and repentance when such is possible. This are not easy things to accomplish.
And what I want from myself is recognizing, understanding, and living in accordance with those laws, in such a way that I might teach them by conduct and through the accomplishment of the work which I chose to contribute.
10/20/15 (Tue) 00:17:58 No. 57440
I like the Bible, especially the parts about Jesus.
It's all pretty heavily edited and redacted, clearly to support a dead end religious agenda, keeping people on a hamster wheel going nowhere.
But there's enough there for the serious seeker to find use.
The witches and sorcerers will come out of the wood work if they see you carrying one around and show obvious signs of actively using it.
I don't know why, but a lot of cults just really lose their shit when it comes to actively using the name of Jesus in faith.
And the funniest part is you will find religious people are often part of these groups. Churches seem to attract more Satanists than actual followers of Christ.
10/20/15 (Tue) 00:38:04 No. 57445
you don't know shit
SAGE! 10/20/15 (Tue) 01:11:32 No. 57456
>cassiopean transcripts
Seriously why has no one read this, these threads would not be posted if they read this.
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:32:44 No. 57461
Who would think too that spirituality, ok. What the conclusive words of God, Jesus are: ok, but something is wrong. The checksum is wrong.
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:57:10 No. 57467
Because its channeled bullshit by people using a ouija board?
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:03:05 No. 57470
It's accurate bullshit, bullshit that will get you psychic monitoring for reading. Bullshit that got the cass group stalked and implanted constantly. Bullshit that ties in with a lot of unrelated sources. It's true shit. I wasn't being monitored till I read the cass scripts.
10/20/15 (Tue) 04:09:38 No. 57506
I found this concerning the topic
paranoid rantings about COINTELPRO, which I can understand as a /pol/ poster, but uh, /pol/ itself would probably have a lot more interest to COINTELPRO than this
I also found this on a forum:
Former members that wish to remain anonymous, also claim they were scammed out of large sums of money when the Jadczyk’s suddenly uprooted the Perseus Foundation from New Port Richey, Florida and moved it to France leaving many a bewildered cult member feeling emotionally raped by their experience and financially taken advantage of.
The Jadczyk’s raised well over $100,000.00 to $150,000.00 from a bogus raffle to sell their home (AKA the Perseus Foundation) via PayPal then split with the money, leaving an unverified winner unknown to members but close to Laura. According to 2003 documents the home is still up for sale and a former devoted member lives there as caretaker showing the property. Laura is in legal trouble with fraud and embezzlement if she returns to the USA. Many members would sue her if they could get her back here.
As one member told me they began to wake up as soon as prediction dates that came from the Cassiopaean channelings came and went, and began to speculate that Laura was making things up via her channeling board just to keep the paranoia going and the money flowing. Laura was noticeably unable to follow her own set of lies and began to trap herself in them by getting dates confused and changing previous information. "
Does not seem credible if the source isn't.
10/20/15 (Tue) 05:24:16 No. 57513
Using a Ouija board for information is like walking onto a used car lot and asking for the honest salesman.
I've been tracked, stalked, attacked, and experienced weirdness my entire life, so that doesn't exactly count for validation of an information source.
10/20/15 (Tue) 06:16:49 No. 57514
After around 2000 they fell into their egos, it's pretty obvious even montalk mentions this. The cass transcripts were done in the 90s before the repeated abduction and paranoia got to them. It's funny because the cassiopeans themselves actually warned them before hand.
You seem to have a misconception, the ouja board is a simple method but it is the hardest to hack. Yeah thats been happening your entire life. What if in the middle of reading some information about aliens and the true nature of the world, your ear just started ringing and didn't stop. Then the next day the same thing you are reading mentions how that indicates psychic monitoring. Note that the ringing started before I even knew this.
10/20/15 (Tue) 07:14:10 No. 57521
Spiritual niglet please, why not start a fucking thread about it?
Going into unrelated threads and shilling about it isn't going to accomplish much.
10/20/15 (Tue) 07:23:12 No. 57522
Please negro, don't steal my shit. It's pointless to have these threads because the cass scripts explain the Jesus story as well as the origins of humanity already. That's the only reason why I am shillin like a villain. Peace and good day my negro.
10/20/15 (Tue) 07:47:17 No. 57525
>spam your shit in every thread you think is relevant
>waaaah I wont start my own thread for people to read and understand it, that would just be too logical
>why don't you people see everything the way I do? its all so reasonable in my head
Drown in a wheelbarrow of dicks, you cancerous faggot.
10/20/15 (Tue) 07:54:04 No. 57528
This is what I love about board culture. Your assumptions are incorrect. I never said I wouldn't make a thread about it. I am fine with people believing whatever they choose. I merely am providing more areas of information for people to ponder. Loosh farm harder. Good day :)
10/20/15 (Tue) 07:59:00 No. 57529
>It's pointless to have these threads because the cass scripts explain the Jesus story as well as the origins of humanity already.
Nice flip-flop there, anymore mental gymnastics you wish to display?
Never mind, upon reading the rest of your reply, you're keen on doing it on a per-word basis.
10/20/15 (Tue) 16:35:35 No. 57575
The same women who delivered the transcripts through a oujia board, went on to scam her followers.
I don't know, that sort of discredits the whole thing right?
Montalk goes on to deliver a different version of the story, wherein a "Israeli moving company" scammed her or something?
It sounds like he's just sorta passively defending her, because if you accept that she was always a loon scammer it ruins the authenticity of the transcripts (and skews Montalk's reliability, perpensity towards gullibility)
Additionally, the whole shift seems to have come from a anonymous death threat TM. Are you sure she just didn't threaten herself to justify leaving the US?
Montalk then goes on and on about mysterious forces and blah blah manipulating people which may or may not be a cover for the fact that the whole thing was a probable new age hoax from the beginning. There's also a bit about "French intelligence" getting involved because the fraud kept going on and on about Montalk, but I'd like to see evidence about that myself.
10/20/15 (Tue) 20:01:44 No. 57594
This is my second last post >>57410
Maybe I could make a thread about it. I went to the cassiopaea site, became a member and in my introduction I immediately said why. To see what it is exactly.
10/21/15 (Wed) 02:05:29 No. 57648
That is surprisingly helpful on this Cassiopea business, in stark contrast to the other anon.
This Cassiopeia information or transcripts, on closer inspection, seem to go beyond even their apparently 'good phase' between 1994-2002, which exposes two problems I tried raising to the other anon; the first being the time consuming nature of it, the other being how much of it is genuine and how much could be seen as disinformation.
Now that I know this, I have a better framework to approach and address the material in question.
In future, people should better clarify exactly what information they want to get across, and be as specific as possible; instead of chiming in with "lel google muh TL;DR and be forced-fed opinions from questionable people, itz da TROOF" and then do a complete 180 and put on an act, palming off that they are now objective and distancing themselves from meme culture and cancerous behavior.
Any genuine and lengthy spiritual material demands better treatment, and that is before it gets read and accepted, the latter being up to the anon engaging it.
10/21/15 (Wed) 02:12:24 No. 57651
10/21/15 (Wed) 02:26:35 No. 57652
There are certain sites pertaining to occult and alien knowledge being watched 24/7 by these hidden government sects. This page you link is in fact one of them. If anything that's got to give it some credit.
10/21/15 (Wed) 02:37:16 No. 57655
Been perusing this website for a few years now, and not everything on there automatically has an air of truth to it. The presence of intelligence agencies from around the world more suggests they use these repositories to push their own spin and disinformation, mainly to attack or discredit other groups, including foreign governments.
Reminds me more of GodLikeProductions, where you can get every conceivable contradictory viewpoint under the sun on any subject, many of which are churned out by bots, shills, etc…
10/23/15 (Fri) 17:53:00 No. 58014
(pic is logo)
Here is an or the publicly said explaination about the Cassiopaea:
That is why we did not dismiss the “we are you in the future” as impossible and therefore ignorable. Instead we decided to continue the “communications” as a form of a controlled experiment in “superluminal thought transfer” — even if it was clear that the term should be considered as a tentative indication of only one out several possible interpretations.
((The more improbable is a given phenomenon, the more information is carried by its occurrence, the more we can learn by its study.))
10/24/15 (Sat) 14:53:55 No. 58109
i wonder what we can discover and elucidate by studying people whom receive transcripts through a ouijia board and went on to scam people out of cold, hard, materialistic cash money
01/09/16 (Sat) 06:04:04 No. 66980
I am so confused. So very confused.
03/31/16 (Thu) 01:30:33 No. 73757
I had a dream once that I was getting raped. I said "Save me Jesus Christ. Help me Jesus Christ." Immediately I woke up, and then fell back asleep into a good dream I was rollerblading.
03/31/16 (Thu) 01:49:51 No. 73758
I do not worship Christ nor do I follow Christianity, but every time I think of Christ's sacrifice I tear up immediately.
03/31/16 (Thu) 02:21:20 No. 73759
Because he's an enabler. While christ as a force may save you from peril at first, he never does anything to eliminate the situations that caused that to begin with (thus making it so he has to "save" you over and over)
He also does more shit than just heal/save you. Christ as an element of nature shifts too many energies/karma out of place and doesn't do much to bring it to your awareness or even show you an alternative, so while that demon may have just been banished from the astral plane, you may now be in an even more frustrating trap of having to reorganize your entire life around getting back to where you were before you encountered that demon that caused you to invoke christ in the first place.
This is why the buddha is way more effective, but as the old saying goes, if you see the buddha, kill the buddha, because it's not real.
Never trust a guy who thinks dying on a cross is cool.
03/31/16 (Thu) 02:49:02 No. 73760
I've heard that words from the Koran have the same effect
03/31/16 (Thu) 12:25:32 No. 73791
Yes, apparently the Ruqyah verses are very potent too. Years ago I also heard about some other Islamic prayerss being very powerful too, but I do not remember which of them.