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Hey Fringe. I have a little write up here for anyone who would like to develop themselves as a man or woman. This is based on my own practical experiences of what works and what I've found to be exceptionally helpful.


The first step of becoming a magician or even a strong and developed human is to clean the emotional body, to control the subconscious brain. Without this you will either fall into ego trap and become what we commonly see as a mentally ill wizard(I'm sure we've all had some experiences ourselves or with others) or reach kundalini psychosis from your energy work and turn into a wreck or never even be able to reach the levels you want because of lack of mental and emotional control. When you're not fully integrated and have control or knowledge about the subconscious then you are liable to externalizing other peoples power and your own past wounds. You may see people with victim mentalities who limit themselves or others who are too shy and scared to live free. People who've been emotionally abused and wounded who "hate" everyone and everything are common examples of this problem. These are the edge lords that we see commonly here on 4chan or any other social media outlet of this world.

Throughout your day you might notice little jolts and sparks of emotion which are triggered (and are commonly called triggers) by certain external situations or people. Maybe you were emotionally neglected as a child and when someone goes to hug or show love you repel it. Maybe you've pretended to be something you're not or to like something you don't and when someone talks about this you instantly go to defend it or to feint love for it. Figuring out your own emotional wounds will take some meditative childhood and adolescent digging. The key rule is if you've felt and expressed a large amount of emotion in any experience of life it has left a mark in your subconscious. This creates a fragment of your being which needs to be reintegrated to become whole. It's called emotional trauma. Once you start to understand emotional trauma you can then begin to see why so many humans act irrationally and strangely. Why they have buttons and why you probably should be careful and delicate with handling them. You should begin to develop more humility and tact.


Now before we move onto fixing your emotional body and becoming whole, we need to discuss the use and conjuring of emotions. This is a basic magical skill which EVERYONE should learn and MASTER. You can't break through level one of wizardry if you don't learn this. The most basic and useful emotion is love. We all might have different understandings of what love is and how it feels but I'm going to teach you the practical version which you can use for magic. Centre yourself in your heart area around the sternum and thymus gland. This is your heart dantien. Relax fully and melt into this area. Think and imagine that you have everything you want (materialistically, socially, vocationally and whatever other areas). Put yourself in the visualization fully and pretend that it really happened. As if you had just won a million dollars, try to feel those strong emotions right now. Keep pushing this and trying to feel more joy while focusing on the heart centre. You should begin to feel what we call as love. We all might need to think of different things. Some might think of animals and others money. Keep yourself immersed in this emotion for as long as you can and strengthen it. Remember what it feels like because now you can bring this up at any time you want. This is how a yogi will get himself drunk on his own bliss.

Now that we have the ability to induce love, it's time to reprogram our bad memories. This is how the past, present and future all are interweaved. When you have a negative imprint in the past it influences your present actions which also influence the future outcome. Start recalling all of your negative childhood experiences (this is not for the faint of heart, but you'll feel much better afterwards). When you've pulled up an experience which you feel is triggering large amounts of negative emotion in you, start to induce love and love this experience as if it were a wounded child. In doing so you're replacing the bad emotions felt and imprinted all of those years ago with positive and joyful emotions. This can be a little strange because you're feeling good and positive at all the horrible things that might of happened. But when you realise that these past negative imprints are negatively effecting and influencing your present day actions it becomes more manageable. Take an hour to go through all of the situations you can. You'll find that all the negative experiences in your life have a common thread like anger, shame or fear(there are many others depending on person to person). This theme is now your current life hurdle to get over. We won't just stop with experiences. Think up all of your friends, new and old, all of your family, rivals, enemies and whoever else is in or has been in your life. One by one forgive, accept and say sorry to them. Make them do it as well and give them a hug. Doing this will make your subconscious relinquish old grudges and memories against these people. This is especially good if you blame your problems or ruin on family and friends. Remember, even if other people have screwed you over in life, do you want that experience to keep screwing you over after they've left or do you want to clean yourself of it?


After this you might feel empty inside and drained or released. You'll start to notice differences in how you act and treat others. You'll become more free and peaceful, able to control life again. You'll notice that people or situations that used to annoy you no longer do. As you were a little wounded child to the world and now have grown up emotionally.



>some meditative childhood and adolescent digging

Sure, this may help, but in the short term you are in for some mental instability



Thank you OP. This reached me when I needed it.



tfw me too but still putting it off cos seems like it'll be so rough…

Great job on this though OP, needs some gaps though it cos it is a rough read…



I'll take note of that for next time. It's certainly not an easy job to handle and integrate all of your childhood traumas and pain but it's extremely worth it. Take a night for yourself to really dedicate on it.



Are you familiar with 'Trauma Release Exercises' and the 'spontaneous purifying movements' or 'Kriyas' they cause and how that practice or the 'movements' relates to this all?

I think that receiving Shaktipat daily naturally cleanses me out in this way (among many others) and making attempts to separate all the lies in my belief system and replace them with things I know are Truth, achieve the point of this practice, but please lemme know if you feel I'm misunderstanding this practice…

btw a nice synch a few days ago… my friend came back from a 3 day Yoga workshop where I think the Guru awakened their Kundalini through sound and they gave the people a 21 day homework to do to purify the emotional body so Kundalini doesn't mess them up I assume… thing is he is kind of 'spiritually retarded' and skipped it on the very first day already and it is like this with bringing all this stuff from the past, but in a way that is way more complicated than this and not something he'll be able to do properly… so I'm probably gonna needa teach him this in a way a child will understand, unless I want him to explode or go insane on me or something….

Okay I get it now I think… any tips to dumb this down even further for someone who would have no experience with consistent spiritual practice?



Woops missed over this part yea I definitely get that with the techniques I was talking about… yea I definitely have had that experience with the techniques I've used and without having to deal with much pain… Robert Bruce's catch basket concept is super important… especially in a state where you have an 'open mind' and are brutally honest with yourself, prepared to dig deep though…

Will probably still give it a go but not so thoroughly…

the feel when giving that symbol a good look - woah

I feel like a may be time to stop posting on here for good now… tyvm



I haven't heard of the exercises you're sharing but would love to hear experiences about them.

I do recommend a daily cleaning ritual as you have spoken about. For me personally I perform the 6 healing sounds and cosmic inner smile to balance myself.

As for Kundalini, you either spend a few months or a year in full preparatory work cleaning yourself out or ride the wave when it comes. There's only so much you can do before Kundalini since it will clear out all of the remaining junk in your system whether you like it or not. Though if you don't manage to clean yourself out physically, mentally and emotionally I recommend taking at least a couple months of rest at your work or whatever you might do just to allow yourself to be rebalanced and reborn anew.

And finally to try dumb this down. I would first try getting him mentally ready and accepting. You need to be prepared to go through this, to have courage to face whatever comes. Remember there is only one moment which is the current moment. Anything strongly feel at this moment can carry onto the next. We can say that all of our past traumas need to be handled as if they were angry, emotional or wounded children who just want to be loved and given attention (Which all children do. It's why a lot of them act out because negative attention is better than being starved to death). If you understand and are able to feel love, to feel happiness and joy then all you really need to do is to give that love to the child. You can do this through whatever medium of visualization you want. If it's holding the child(in the memories) , comforting them. I preferably skip a lot of the visualizations and just transmutate or alchemize my wounded emotions that I'm feeling from the memory into love. This can be where people slip up because they need to feel happy and good about all the painful things and horrible people in their life. We all need to realize that we are beyond and above those times so it's best to let go and forgive, to free yourself.


Hello, mate.

Got anything good for seeing the future?



There are certain divination tools and abilities to access the probable future in the akashic records. Firstly you could use a tarrot deck. They work frighteningly well. You could astral project out and Access the material at the source or use meditations. Go into a deep meditation and ask your higher self for whatever it is you wish to see.

Depending on what you want to know and how developed you are will depend on what tools you want to use and how well you can gauge or understand it. Some things are just locked in by fate (astrological phenomena) and such.


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You don't need mantras, meditations or things like that. Just cleanse your body with regular fasts and a mucusless diet (Read Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System), this will connect you with your spirit, making you intuitive, healing everything, even sick minds. Really, this should be the first thing to do before getting into magick.



Thank you for this post. I needed it right now.



>You don't need mantras, meditations or things like that.

>you don't need scissors to cut a piece of paper in two .

true, you can just bend it on both sides and then rip the middle gently, but scissors help.

also, just because your body and diet is immaculate, don't mean you will have all the spiritual connections you seek.

I've met a shit ton of vegans and health nuts who eat very properly and are complete shitheads and extremely closed minded, most are atheist anarchists.

You can spend 30-40 days without food

3-5 days without water

3 minutes without air.

What's really more useful than changing what you eat is breathing exercises and self-programming… because you have some of the most reckless eaters out there who wield more magickal influence than many

See bobby hemmitt for example

of course the diet catches up to you over a while and interferes with a lot of daily needs which may encumber your desire progress..

I mean shit, you would get a crazy spiritual experience out of just doing a 3-6 day liquid fast.



I can agree with you in that fasting and having an alkaline diet will create a proper physical body. Except we're going over a different issue here which is the emotional body. While all things are interconnected and will heal each other vice versa (this thread could be thought as a synchronistic gift for those who are physically healing themselves but need the help for emotional healing) You still need to do work on each part.

Think of a plant which takes in sunlight, water and has roots in soil. The sunlight could be thought of as the food and the water is the emotional body. Improving one of these will improve the entire plant but there are still extra factors in play.



I explain it to the mentally challenged here: https://www.reddit.com/r/kundalini/comments/36pbop/trauma_release_exercises/

Appreciate the long write up.


>Read Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System

Debunk this review first: http://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1IILYAG4IMQ6R/

>regular fasts

Then be specific on what you mean by "regular", then fully describe the sort of "fast" required.



I appreciate you spreading the word of healing.



What do you mean exactly by 'healing'? Do you also practice receiving the Power? If so would you mind describing how you practice and the sorta results you get?



By spreading information you're helping to heal the planet of the plague of ignorance and self harm. I more mean it as a general term than anything specific.

What power might you be talking about? Kundalini? General energy work?



Dang I better crank it up a notch then, eh :^)?

I thought you were refering to the post where I say "I think that receiving Shaktipat daily" - Shaktipat meaning receiving the Divine Power from above, could be seen as receiving The Holy Spirit too if that explains it better to you…



I can't say I payed enough attention while learning syncretism. The holy spirit is what the Christians call kundalini right? I can talk about my experiences with that if you want.



>Debunk this review first: http://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1IILYAG4IMQ6R/

yeah, it's unfortunate not many people or physicians know you're supposed to balance 80% alkaline 20% acidic for your entire food intake daily.

Also what's with people saying fish isn't meat.. is this some kind of joke?

But the dude didn't have to go full retard-180 back to the blood puss starches

he could of just ate some quinoa, and he was prolly having issues with his omega 6/9 balancing, not to mention i didn't see one mention of b12 - which we do have to supplement ( i use the jarrow edibles since it's methylcobalamine ) because our agricultural ways have destroyed our soils and we're not in contact with heavily humid tropical environments.

when you're having issues from food it's either these points:

1. your ph is fucked up

2. your vitamin D is low ( get some sun at sunrise or sunset )

3. your b12 is low

4. your omega 3/6/9 ( 3 6 9… ikr.. ) -→ chia seeds /avocados

5. your melatonin is deficient as fuck because of all the artificial lights and lack of proper immersion in natural darkness.

From all the symptoms this dude mentioned in his review… the dude's skin was loosing it's binding capabilities, and he didn't do musculature work… also i'm wondering if at any point he ever tried to submerge himself in natural salt baths since our type of being thrives greatly near natural beds of water.

Honestly, eat what chimpanzees eat if you want to be comfortable navigating the mundane, or evolve past the needs of foods, the problem with this fellow is he did not listen to his body like many recommend, he mentions doing spiritual work and the such but does he listen to his body? At times during winter I get pica for specific types of animals products, once i supplement with the proper forms one of the mentioned above numbers i feel 100%… most of the time you're seriously just lacking proper fats..

but remember… chimpanzees also cannibalize their cousins…

personally, I have experienced the milk and honey and the satiation from eating pure sunlight while in a alpha state sungazing, I work out every 2-3 days leaving only 1 day of rest and my muscle mass is increasing - along with my strength per weekly sets quite well.

And i do consume cooked foods such as quinoa or steamed veggies, once every 2 weeks i will prepare myself a veggie saute with coconut oil.

Once i make my moves to the more comfortable climates with abundance in everything, it's 100% raw.

Also let's not forget a whole lot of this debunking of veganism is done by folk being paid to do the researches by the very companies who sell fish / meat products… shills will be found anywhere the words truth and money can be found.

Dr.sebi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Q_bGqAI7s http://healing-art-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Dr.-SEBI.png

Loren lockman https://www.youtube.com/user/LorenLockman/videos

john coller from okraw https://www.youtube.com/user/okraw/videos

If you watch john coller's videos you will see him interview many doctors who have been on the raw food plant-based diet for 10-30 years.


Also idc if you believe me or not, you can do the research yourself, but the wifi / the elf waves / all the electronic bullshit around us and the artificial chemicals being sprayed on people and all the plastic and unnatural substances we come in contact with affects our body and our chemistry… Just holding a plastic container during the summertime you absorb traces of contaminants via your skin… you can't avoid this shit anymore.. there's satellites everywhere… most pacific islands have wifi signal available…. all the free-wifi hotspots running their shit 24/7 in city areas…

do me a favor and buy 2 plants for 2-3$ at a store.

Place one plant far from your router, place one plant right by your wifi router.




Currently I'm on a completely raw vegan diet of which I don't eat any starches and just about no acidic foods. I'm an artist so my work requires high levels of mental focus and creative taxing(creativity is kind of like a resource which regenerates). I've found after any cooked meals, especially large ones that I'm busted for the rest of the day and can't work. I used to jump to a coffee which is what I think most folk do to get over this hurdle. If I eat raw, alkaline and smaller portions I can work all day as if I had an IV drip of coffee keeping me going. I no longer feel sluggish, slow and lazy.

I've gone through meat eating, vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan and now a nearly 100% fruit diet. Going to start cleaning my body out through fasts so I can naturally absorb more energies from the air and sun and eventually reach that breatharian stage. I honestly find already now that I'm only eating out of habit and to quell that oral fixation.

Tips to those who want to start this kind of diet. Do it slow and listen to your intuition. Listen to your body as well. You might not need as much liquid or as much food as you thought because you're not malnourished anymore or dehydrated from the cooked food. I can't speak of detox symptoms since I went on this diet from a relatively decent past one.

Also for those already on a fruit or alkaline based diet, what's your favourite foods? Dates, coconut water, pineapple and watermelon here. Looking forward to mangoes coming into season. */Fringe/ - Esoteric vegetables*



Durian is probably the best thing I've ever tasted. No exaggeration, it's the only fruit that almost made me lose balance from sheer ecstasy.

Also going fruitarian from vegan didn't solve as many problems as I thought it would. I put it too high up on a pedestal neglecting the mental/emotional elements. But it has made me more sensitive so that helps, even though my stress levels have gone way up as a result since it feels like my body is engulfed in flames from anxiety.

I've don't think I've ever felt hunger in my life. I've only felt weak from not having food on fasts (which did not make me want food at all), and the rest of the time I only ate for pleasure or stress relief. I can see how my need for food would dissipate significantly if I actually put in the work to address trauma.

On another note I really think Jericho Sunfire is a good resource to learn about the transition process from cooked food to breatharianism. He is easy to relate to because he is balanced and practical about it unlike almost all other proponents which are too far gone into the right brain and driven by vanity more than anything.



consumption of coconuts has been shown to drastically increase muscle production and skin health.

personally exactly what you listed

+figs + cherries + litchis + avocados

mangoes is a big thing for me - id rather have 2-3 mangoes than anything else apart from some coconut really.

best tip i ever got was to check out the nearest china-town like hub … holly fuck can you find diversity and affordability.


there are fruits called sapotes which depending on the color taste like chocolate pudding, butterschotch or vanilla pudding…. and theres durian which can be used as replacement for chicken / white meat with an already incredible aroma to it… there's thousands of fruit.. and we only prolly are familiar with 1% of what's out there and prolly very good.

I know of a rumor of a fruit which grows in the asias which pretty much tastes like a fucking pizza because of the aroma combination ( pizza is mostly bell pepper + oregano + tomato fragrances which hit the olfactory sensors during ingestion which have a pleasant aroma + the texture which has a non-viscosity property to it but is also easily chew-able which we seek in nutrients as we avoid unripe fruit and avoid over-ripped fruit which is just sign of early fermentation … literally anyone who has a die-hard pizza craving is 100% fucking retarded as shit if they think it's the actual pizza itself which makes them want it… )

BTW, if you want b12 - you have to have organic plants growing in a tropical environment and eat fruit straight off the plant as to still have the natural elements which produce cobalamin.



i need to try durian, i meant jackfruit not durian >>50886

>sunfire jericho

i second this recommendation and alley-oop with the aibi book in the mega


it's your muscles and posture, also test your cortisol levels, you could be missing proper balancing of your sero+melo chemicals.


didi, please make a thread where you post all your findings. I don't like all you say, but you offer a wide range information. It's just a shame it's so scattered throughout various threads.



That's a great idea to check out chinese hubs. I should be able to pick up exotic fruits like the sapotes you mentioned which sound lovely.

To all the viewers of the thread I've come to an agreement which I believe both people from the diet and yoga side can agree on. Comfort eating and emotional eating is a large part of why people in the west especially eat. This becomes a problem when you change around your diet and thus fixing the emotional body will smooth out this process. I recommend anyone who's struggling with comfort eating to get some fresh air, proper hydration and to try find a good hobby to keep yourself occupied. I know for myself giving up cooking has given me much more time in the day to play around with.



i did, check out the video thing



>There's only so much you can do before Kundalini since it will clear out all of the remaining junk in your system whether you like it or not.

I don't care about "love" and all that self-help shit. I really don't want to do it myself.

So, how does one just get that Kundalini working? As long as there is no permanent damage and I'll come out stronger, I'm in.



Ignorant fool

Heart my warning

Awakening your kundalani whithaud clearing your mind could kill you

How I know it?

I was you ,

Now after awaken my kundalani in a pot meditation and having nearly killed myself by the might of my own mind let me help you

The smarts you have

All the knowlege you tink you have

And all your memories will be put against you in living awake nightmares for days , is way easier for dumb people

The smarter you are the more you need to prepare.



I care naught. As smart as I am, my willpower is greater. I have no fear, just infinite depression. Only a huge shake-up can change my life around, I think.



You say it

Infinit depression and no fear

Tell me what you else you need to kill yourself?

A lot of energy like in a kundalani awakening.

Your will power might help you but you are asking for hell

Go for binaural beats meditation and chacra meditation in excess

Anon plz forgive me to point you in that direction I really hope you don't find death or insanity.

If you change your mind just meditate and exercise meanwhile you prepare

Good luck.



Nothing, haha! I honestly wouldn't mind dying if it's painless enough. And if I can somehow save my life in its pursuit, then all the better.



Just out of curiosity though. How does one prepare?



Clear your soul

Do as the op says

Clear your mind

Practice mindfulness meditation until you clear your toughs for at least one hour

Be in at least minimum of physical shape

And pray to God to guide you through this

Never do it alone

I was save by my Mom who was in another room she slap myself back to sanity.



It's okay, I am completely certain I am more than capable of going through things alone.

I'm feeling less edgy now, so I might actually prepare a bit first if I am to get onto this road.

What are the actual benefits of kundalini being awakened though?

p.s. I'm going to bed, so thanks in advance for your response and thank you for the info.


This needs some expansion I think. This is probably one of the more important topics especially for spiritual evolution.



kundalini awakening is more energy.

but your problems will be amplified too if you don't take care of them. that's what the love transformation thing is for.


if your trauma is deep, and especially if you have repressed it (for example you defend your abuser) then you're in for a rough ride but at the end is perfection. you will never be totally present and aware in this life until you burn your karmic ribbons through forgiveness. Also forgive yourself. We are all learning, and mistakes don't make you a bad person if you accept and integrate them and move forward. Want to transcend time? Let go of the past.

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