>Debunk this review first: http://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1IILYAG4IMQ6R/
yeah, it's unfortunate not many people or physicians know you're supposed to balance 80% alkaline 20% acidic for your entire food intake daily.
Also what's with people saying fish isn't meat.. is this some kind of joke?
But the dude didn't have to go full retard-180 back to the blood puss starches
he could of just ate some quinoa, and he was prolly having issues with his omega 6/9 balancing, not to mention i didn't see one mention of b12 - which we do have to supplement ( i use the jarrow edibles since it's methylcobalamine ) because our agricultural ways have destroyed our soils and we're not in contact with heavily humid tropical environments.
when you're having issues from food it's either these points:
1. your ph is fucked up
2. your vitamin D is low ( get some sun at sunrise or sunset )
3. your b12 is low
4. your omega 3/6/9 ( 3 6 9… ikr.. ) -→ chia seeds /avocados
5. your melatonin is deficient as fuck because of all the artificial lights and lack of proper immersion in natural darkness.
From all the symptoms this dude mentioned in his review… the dude's skin was loosing it's binding capabilities, and he didn't do musculature work… also i'm wondering if at any point he ever tried to submerge himself in natural salt baths since our type of being thrives greatly near natural beds of water.
Honestly, eat what chimpanzees eat if you want to be comfortable navigating the mundane, or evolve past the needs of foods, the problem with this fellow is he did not listen to his body like many recommend, he mentions doing spiritual work and the such but does he listen to his body? At times during winter I get pica for specific types of animals products, once i supplement with the proper forms one of the mentioned above numbers i feel 100%… most of the time you're seriously just lacking proper fats..
but remember… chimpanzees also cannibalize their cousins…
personally, I have experienced the milk and honey and the satiation from eating pure sunlight while in a alpha state sungazing, I work out every 2-3 days leaving only 1 day of rest and my muscle mass is increasing - along with my strength per weekly sets quite well.
And i do consume cooked foods such as quinoa or steamed veggies, once every 2 weeks i will prepare myself a veggie saute with coconut oil.
Once i make my moves to the more comfortable climates with abundance in everything, it's 100% raw.
Also let's not forget a whole lot of this debunking of veganism is done by folk being paid to do the researches by the very companies who sell fish / meat products… shills will be found anywhere the words truth and money can be found.
Dr.sebi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Q_bGqAI7s http://healing-art-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Dr.-SEBI.png
Loren lockman https://www.youtube.com/user/LorenLockman/videos
john coller from okraw https://www.youtube.com/user/okraw/videos
If you watch john coller's videos you will see him interview many doctors who have been on the raw food plant-based diet for 10-30 years.
Also idc if you believe me or not, you can do the research yourself, but the wifi / the elf waves / all the electronic bullshit around us and the artificial chemicals being sprayed on people and all the plastic and unnatural substances we come in contact with affects our body and our chemistry… Just holding a plastic container during the summertime you absorb traces of contaminants via your skin… you can't avoid this shit anymore.. there's satellites everywhere… most pacific islands have wifi signal available…. all the free-wifi hotspots running their shit 24/7 in city areas…
do me a favor and buy 2 plants for 2-3$ at a store.
Place one plant far from your router, place one plant right by your wifi router.