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Would like to know more about:

'isaac Newton' prophecy about the 7 weeks.

Where can i read it, not just quotes.

Official announcements of 'Cern' doing tests on 9/23

Something that should be easily be verify.

What Asteroids are heading to earth (name and coordinates)

What specific Happenings are around israel/islam/jews on september 2015


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This video was released on the 25/02 if we compile the numbers we get 5 for 9/23 and 25/02 gets us a 7.

5+7 is 12 so 3. A triangle has three sides…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This was uploaded on the 6/05 so we get 11 11+12 gets us 23 which brings 5. A hexagon has five sides…Anyways this is to edgy for me the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper I hope I find the bottom soon


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The rule of thirds gives me no choice I must post once and for all to end this madness.


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thanks anon, for showing me what /fringe/ is about.

So i guess this is the wrong place when asking for some sources or more information.

Even MSM sounds at this point more srsly then you guys.

What ever, shitpost, go.



Well look at the 1st video if you want a casual mind fuck but yes the other two aren't very relevant but these days my friend was is, your post for example apart from underlining my flaws dose accomplish nothing else. Thanks anon, for showing me what /fringe/ is about. So i guess this is the wrong place when asking for some sources or more information.



and you see now I two have replayed once even twice more this creating even more pointless discussion. By underlining what you fear or despise you only accomplish to bring more apon yourself




hy /b/

on drugs again?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ah yes of course we are at 3 now, you see I am free from care and you could learn a thing or two when something on this board displeases me I simply let it simmer and move on to greener pastures and remember son as a wise man once said and I quote

>>don't feed the trolls

I hope you have learned a powerful lesson in magic today.


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who are MSM?or what is MSM?


OP, just my thought based on "reality creation redux" in montalk" and my thought on 23 Conspiracy.

1.There might be something going to happen but due to people anticipating the happening that result in more anticipation and block the actual happening(anticipation bring anticipation).Though the closer we reach the promised day we are going to use all our self-destructive impulse to actually delay it rather than have it on the exact day, also known as "Lust of Result"

2.The 23 conspiracy seem to have some truth in it and cause some "weird and wacky" stuff to happen though it doesn't need to be actually real, might be just a number or might be a conspiracy.

In the end Doomsday cancelled, you create your hell and heaven.It's called "Change of the guards" a period of time where there is need to change the guard of the "old" time to the new one(more of exchange) and the old one doesn't want to give in easily, so we will have slaughter,disruption,chaos,and pain for a mass change to occur.However you can see the need for small pockets to able to live through this period without personally suffering the devastating effect of The Changing of the Guard.Mind me if I use dogma here but life is a cycle and there is no eternal hell or heaven as most chrismelws thinks.

Just enjoy the ride,don't anticipate it if you want it, live slow and die whenever.



actually, this is not about the conspiracy theory of the nummber 23

it is about the apocalypse prophecy of Newton's (7 weeks-year), starting from 9/13 or 9/12

>MSM - MainStream Media


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I don't really see why Issac's prophecy need to be true other than the that "economic crash " thingy.I want you to consider this, if we assume that the "WORLD GONNA CRASH" are you prepared?will you survive?what will it benefit you to actually know if the world going to end or not?



i don't care about a 'Crash', i care about sources so i can better define it for myself.

That's what the op text is about.



Doesn't seem "worth it"


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>original thread on /pol/

>posts already deleted



A group I'm affiliated with has shut CERN down in it's prior attempts.



there is no such thing as the GFL or any of that bullshit those fat old white people living in colorado or arizona are telling you.


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What I find most interesting is on GoogleMaps

write 9/23/15 - it goes to CERN

write I Pet Goat II - it goes to CERN

demon portal is nigh



I cringed at his posts too if it makes you feel better.

Did you try asking /pol/? They talk a lot about September.



>TFW I made that thread.

Feels good man. That CERN guy had a magnetic card and we even caught a shill who claimed it was fake and tried to derail the whole thing with disinfo. It was weird.


The fuck happened in the CERN thread to cause a bunch of posts to be deleted?

What information was revealed, other than someone on /pol/ works for CERN?



It's pretty weird.

Why does that even happen? Like, there has to be an actual reason.


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>AUG 21 - SEPT 09


>"Sweeping and Cleaning"

>12. SEPT10 - SEPT 29


>"Return of the Gods"

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis also died on September 23rd



>Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis

pardon for the intrusion but i am compelled to make corrections

>Sigmund Freud, the plagiarist of Jung and disinfo shill, also died on september 23.



>>Sigmund Freud, the plagiarist of Jung

Well when you put it that way, I guess Jung plagarized German philosophers like Nietzsche and Schelling.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 5, 1, 3 + 2 = 11 (3d6)

Start here with this video. It's the first one in an 8 part series. This chick Renee has a lot of good 9/23 stuff on her channel.



Renee has good stuff but don't trust it all (as always).

I heard she's satanic and in my opinion she is.



I thought it was just that one guy's post that got deleted. Were there others?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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>Jung plagarized German philosophers like Nietzsche



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(fringe might be able to solve this easier than /x/)








Just a cipher I've been posting on otherboards.

Nobody can figure it out past the number-letter code. Oh well, sooner or later.





And is that a date or something?


Now you got me curious…


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I will give you 2 hints


and (pic related)

do the math


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File: 1440411435864.png (44.35 KB, 588x493, 588:493, mlfw6195-tumblr_m72sxteZBO….png)


Not worth it then.

This age of information not one of cryptic and secret messages, you wouldn't get a really big feedback and I don't see the need to do it.



Most already know about it.



why encrypt it then, big boi?



Looks like a shifty attempt at loose farming to me

Or an ego the size of a blimp

>Crack the code guys

>no one can Crack it yet

>yeees give me your loosh



It's /illuminati/ all over again


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tbh i don't think we'll see a false flag. too much hype for the day. i think its more of a 'beginning of the end'. coinciding with the end of the blood moon tetrad and all. i think the most important thing will be the speech by the pope, his message will be on global warming and sustainability and we all know what the implications of that are.

Pope Francis = 122

San Francisco = 122

Trainwreck = 122

San francisco is on the 122° meridian west

Francis is the 266th pope

9/23 is the 266th day of the year

(Pope Francis will speak in front of congress on 9/23)

September Twenty Three = 266

The philadelphia trainwreck this year occured at 9:23 pm

Lebron James had a movie this summer called Trainwreck

Lebron James has a jewish gematria of 923


They did a shooting hoax at the movie in Louisiana, patsy was named

John Russell Houser = 239 (23/9)

Mh-370 (one of the plane crash hoaxes, the one where they just found all the parts on "Reunion Island" [and where a volcano apparently just erupted today ROFL http://www.wired.com/2015/08/volcano-erupts-island-mh370-debris-washed/] )

cheeky CNN headline when the wing 'washed up' was "SMALL PIECE OF BIG PUZZLE". lol.

MH-370 had 239 passengers.

Lebron James lost to the Golden State Warriors this year

Golden State = 122

Golden Gate = 239 (jewish)

There has also been a lot of focus on the Golden Gate bridge…


There is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYY fucking more than this, the matrix web of connections is fucking insane.

this vid is from 2 days ago, cnn report on North korea nuke threat, they filmed kim jong Un in front of a plane or a missile with a fat 239 on it:


also pic related is from when the stock market had a 'glitch' and got all fucked up. notice the 923 on the mans jacket sleeve who just happens to be standing in the background.

the reporter kept referring to the stock exchange as a Train in her report, she literally said it at least 3 time they really wanted her to emphasize it for some reason..


(renee m is a shill but vid is good)



there was an islamist attack on a train 3 days ago.

August 21 is the 233rd day of the year (234th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 132 days remaining until the end of the year.

the philadelphia trainwreck was 5/12

May 12 is the 132nd day of the year (133rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 233 days remaining until the end of the year.


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"AMTRAK adding trains for popes visit"

dem alien demon eyez.



I made it for other boards. I just figured someone here might have some fun. It's not so much "encrypted" as it is, subconscious.


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Don't preemptively attach bias to things.

Saying someone has an inflated ego and is up to no good only affects yourself in bad ways.

I'll "reveal it" in case someone wants to post it in another board.



The 13 Families of the ruling elite.

I-WAE = 9-2315 = September 23 2015

The day of Impact.

To the far left a mirrored 666999, 69 being the sign of cancer = The Crossing.

2nd image signifies the 7 year orbit of our binary friend.

The site name, Starfall signifies a falling star, or multiple falling stars.

Last image is an example of a binary orbit.



I never did understand Renee M.

It's obvious she's a shill, but her videos are quite legit and informational, what is she working at?



check this out.


you only have to read the first couple of pages, it will explain it.

btw i think miles mathis is a shill…lol



This reminds me of the Chapter of Beelzebubs Tales to His Grandson featuring Art and Artists.



so >>51306 was right



dance also seen in i pet goat ii




he posted that dumb code in a random thread 1-2 weeks ago and all it did was give me a ego boost to the fact that i pretty much got 80% of it by just looking at it for 20 seconds…

and i decided to delve into some of this sept hype going on.

same youtube videos with same editing with same music backdrop with buildup of momentum in the narrators voice. Same stupid old-looking white people ( seriously come on you have to admit most of the folk getting scammed by all this shit are white folk - and i include the melinated folk who are pretty much white folk too because WHITE is a mentality ) commenting on how yo should repent to jesus and accept the lord of the universe and submit as being a sinful shit so you can be saved during the end-game by davinci's nephew/cesar borgia.

and most of these videos also talk about accepting god in your heart via jesus your lord and savior.

200k 500k 150k 300k

>those views

>dat add revenue

>those prepper sites selling tons of dehydrated food


>commet ison

>commet elenin

>hopi blue-star katchina

>omg guys bloodmoons inc run for the hills

>omg guys its 2nd blood moon …



>omg guys it's 4th bloodmoon

>muh jadehelm n september crash

>muh galactic energies from the Galactic federation ( federation - really? ) of light.

when's the next one, im going to invest in some stocks in those companies before the next big end game event



>what is disinformation

its not the end of the world but the NWO is about to step their game up. 2000 years innamaking



meant for >>51391


They are using that date to try to scare us. The real happening is before that and will be a change of tides where the evil people get fucked. Stop letting them feed on your fear. Those in power are afraid of the people, and they should be, because their days are numbered.



well when is it?



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I will settle this once and for all


Is there a "habbening" in September 23??

>image name 16

Is the habbening going to have an effect globe-wide?

>image name 15

Is it le doomsday?

>image name 14




Renee M isn't even a girl.

It's a bot account some black guy is using.

Registry Admin ID:

Admin Name: Joshua Musau

Admin Organization: Blue Digital Company Ltd





Keep telling yourself that.

Its not gonna come out of nowhere.



>~600 hours until 9/23/2015

sorry but i dont have an hour to dedicate to watching this stupid bullshit. its most likely disinformation (the first video you link to is Renee M which someone already said in this very thread is a shill) and in the case its not disinfo, i have 600 hours til being obliterated by an asteroid so whats the point in wasting a couple reading about it. fuck that



Renee M

9+5+5+5+5 + 4 = 33


this is the most autistic thread i have ever seen and proof that you are all level 1. September is going to work in our favor. Stop being pussy bitches.



the logo or title inside the video "Rapture Puzzle" has 13 letters also



x-file theme start


Montalk on the Shemitah:

Guess: maybe stock sell off but will recover quickly. Crisis more likely in 2017, and then 2020-2021 start of big collapse.




advertise scam

and while all the sheeples looking to the sky for the doomsday

jews run off with the money from the stock market

call it smoke screen, nothing will happen, and because of that, everybody will dismis this after september and look away, they all will look away when the jews will take the money.




Humanity have survived quite a few Ends of the world


We can survive a few more.



we survived 90s fashion - we will survive anything…. ANYTHING.



the number of time the word jesus have been found in that wikipedia






A couple mathematicians have been wrong on that list. Maybe you're one of them.


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>Most Likely

But not a definite answer. The law of fives is never wrong, supposedly.


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jewgle warned us




and this



because on Google maps search it includes comments about the location, so people mentioned the video and the date and so when people search it pulls up comments on each location too. Its basically being scared of your own shadow




but did people discuss CERN (over all the other things) so much on i,pgii that it was the #1 most likely thing google maps attached it to?


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>when CERN is trying to summon Moloch and all you plebs have no idea


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Is today the day?


File: 1442978039461.jpeg (23.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, received_bWVzc2FnZV9ibG9i….jpeg)


>mfw i forgot the date and im gonna be tripping ballsack into tomorrow

Welp, time to do some "end of the world" drug magick


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That is definitely the least likely thing that could ever happen. What are you even suggesting, that everyone cease to exist for the period, or will time skip straight from Sept 23 2015 to Sept 23 2016?


Eid ul-Adha (Feast of a sacrifice) is a yearly recurring ritual in the islam.

> "It honors the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son, as an act of submission to God's command, before God then intervened, through his angel Jibra'il and informs him that his sacrifice has already been accepted. The meat from the sacrificed animal is preferred to be divided into three parts. The family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy."



it's tomorrow at the 24th.



Did this yesterday. I timed the peak of trip to midnight and actual expected something. I felt like dying




nice ruse, nothing happened


Oh but something did happen. The question is what?



look around friend, the same thing that's happening right now

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