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>if you raise kundalini when you're not prepared in every aspect you most of the time end up fucked with some bullshit complex or become completely insane and lost in overwhelming energies

>there's about to be some cosmic events triggered by our passing through this area of the galaxy - Aldebaran is registering activity - The galactic void core is sending out energy - DNA is indeed being modified and mutated via our SUN's information transfer + cosmic energy.

>entire planet of stupids with kundalini activations

>mass manifestations of bullshit

>is this what THEY know?

what happens when you have regular JOE or SALLY from every culture / geographic area being synced to the manifestation energies in full for an unknown amount of time?



Chaos ?

pun intended


Sounds like a lot of memewords to me brother

Also I was under the impression it activates when your energies are ready and your mind is transformed with it, dedication to discipline is the only difference. Act undisciplined by eating memefoods like meat and not doing any yoga and you're asking for the long dick of kundalini to fuck your insides like squatting on an electric pole.



Thanks for making me laugh on /fringe/ anon


>mass manifestations of bullshit

Is that really so different to what we have now? In any case, what happens is that this planet becomes even closer to hell than it is already and eventually our divine mother will end this humanity out of mercy.



When exactly is this cosmic phenomena happening around? Ultimately this will be good for us as a whole. Though we will be put through a lot of chaos for many years.


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My main practice involves Shaktipat (receiving Divine Power) which is not forcing the Serpent Power, or ascending Kundalini, to awaken. This practice is akin to the highest Hindu and Tibetan Buddhist teachings.

This is good practice for modern people because it is the most direct means to God-Realization (that I know of… I also put Self-enquiry and Kriya Yoga up there), without requiring the discipline, seclusion and so on that is usually required. I planned to spread this to many people irl (as per the instruction of my teacher), but it would be cool if everyone started receiving this energy and awakening automatically…

You sound ignorant on Kundalini (like pretty much everyone nowadays…). I would suggest researching Kashmir Shaivism. I highly recommend this cheap short essay: http://www.amazon.com/Monsoon-Grace-Adyashakti-ebook/dp/B00GKE07IU (I will consider trying to upload my version if you have problems paying…) and this guys posts: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/text/kashmir%20shaivism/



OK dude, if you say so. No thanks on the book, i saw the video and it's things i already figured /knew with different names. This is legit content.

This is unrelated to my post tho - I am not talking about folk who learn to work and access the force, I am talking about the fact that certain elements can trigger such events such as strong cosmic influences.

I mean shit, you can eat a mushroom that grows on cow poop and get a more powerful experience than if you had just finished a whole study and practice on Buddhism or Hinduism.

Africans dance for 17-20 hours to induce powerful states and raise kundalini …

without sounding attacking, can i ask if you have notion of the chemistry and logistics of the content you're aware of ? Or are you aware of it's lore and philosophy and techniques alone?

Physical external factors can influence the energetic body… as everything is energy ( http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=energy&searchmode=none )

You post is kind of out of context.


ok but if i induce a pinoline production in one of those folk they will have the experience.

I'm talking about cosmic elements affecting the body while we move through this area of the galaxy.

look up pont-saint-esprit incident.


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I considered that my post could be out of context before I posted it. Perhaps I should have clarified that is is more of a response to the first line of text. After re-reading it I can see I missed your point. Apologies.

Working with what some systems may know as 'Cosmic Kundalini' can achieve the same goal as what someone working with Kundalini in a more traditional way, without the risks that come with it.

> i saw the video and it's things i already figured /knew with different names. This is legit content.

Unsure what you are talking about here… what video?

>DNA is indeed being modified

This part really jumped out at me because many months ago my Shaman friend, who has good contact with guides and 'aliens'/energetic beings told me we're going through a process where our DNA is being upgraded, but I didn't take it seriously because I'm skeptical about that sort of thing.

Would you mind revealing your source for the information you are presenting?

>can i ask if you have notion of the chemistry and logistics of the content you're aware of ? Or are you aware of it's lore and philosophy and techniques alone?

If you are referring to Kundalini, then I am mostly concerned with the latter, though I have some knowledge of the former that I haven't felt is important enough to memorize.

Unrelated: Is there a way to contact you outside of /fringe/? I have a few questions regarding you method of going in a dark room while high (have asked you directly here before, but you did not reply), some Loren Lockman related things and the specifics of the transition from vegetarianism onwards. I prefer such discussions away from imageboards since it can require going back and forth quickly and can bother others…






Supersoldier friend told me that feeling your body vibrate is DNA activation. I feel it… and I'm tired of memewords. Been hearing that tripe for years now.

It's important that one is in the right place. Kundalini can only be raised by satya.

I have little fear and now see this fucking stage as nothing but something to conquer. Take the slaves, fuck the lolis and destroy everything that stands in my way.

“It’s not enough that I succeed, everyone else must fail”



5$ says i can destroy you in arm wrestling



Are you saying there will be free kundalini awakenings and DNA will be mutated because of it?

Am I right to assume that this mutation will represent whatever your kundalinis or your souls energy represents?

Sounds awesome to me. And since I am already insane I don't really care about that risk. (Sorry if I sound edgy there.)



C'mon man, how you gonna dodge my questions like that, but then reply to a post in this way? This disappoints me because you are one of the ~3 frequent posters here that are worth reading…

You seem to like helping people, so why would you not be willing to go for this:

>Is there a way to contact you outside of /fringe/? I have a few questions regarding you method of going in a dark room while high (have asked you directly here before, but you did not reply), some Loren Lockman related things and the specifics of the transition from vegetarianism onwards. I prefer such discussions away from imageboards since it can require going back and forth quickly and can bother others…



I didn't answer you because I don't have a means of communication I can use which isn't related to my financial appellation. If you have a steam account or a skype I can add you.

I felt that btw :(


After my sungazing this morning i was walking past the city's university and this little chubby small bald old man was looking at me then once he was getting nearer to me he hunched his head down and i could see his body language and his face, i felt his envy, his pain, his agony… he would of done anything if he had known it would work or believed it to be me, or even a fraction of me, I towered over him and I am well physically built now… it was so fucking real… that level of pain, then i realized… if i just keep contributing this information and this content to folk - and eventually they realize with the real-eyes what's real to the eyes and that it's all just lies we tell to all the I's… well maybe less of that grief, sorrow, etc… will be prevalent on this planet..



"thank you. This should be framed and jped." applies to many of the posts I see of yours… it would be nice if this board was friendlier so good posters are more likely to stick around when people express gratitude for them and such…

I feel like a productive correspondence between us could really help both of us find certain puzzle pieces we may be missing.

BTW to give an idea whether I'm worth corresponding with… I'm like the only person here to post with the Yoga flag here (since the last quality poster here that used it left) and I saw you post a link to PPM, which I revealed here a few days before…

>load up Skype… (not responding)

>don't want real name showing up so try to register new name… says any birthdate I enter makes me unable to join Skype

>have a longish message typed up to this post and accidentally click close button on this browser window (is 72 tabs up at once a lot for fellow seekers? I constant cull it down and feel this is relatively low for me…)

Well either Steam is a bad idea for me or this ain't meant to be or I'm going to have to install Steam and deal with that BS again…

Hopefully the latter, but I'll meditate on it later before I decide…

btw remember how you have a reddit account that can be used to exchange private messages

(this post kind of resembles how you post, but I'm not trying to copy your style or anything, it just naturally came out like that and I'm on second night of no sleep this week so can't be biffed editing properly+ I seem to naturally imitate the styles of people I like if I read them or am around them too much)


aight account is Hridayam133

I really may have gone against the 'flow' by making this account, so hope I'm not making a mistake…

I feel like it could be kinda like using cheat codes by directly messaging you some of your recent posts are like the exact sort of stuff I felt I had to see and already answering some stuff I would have asked… which I see as risky as I feel that certain truths need to come to me not through mere text explanation, but through more in person interaction when I'm in a certain state that allows my mind to open (drugs very helpful in that case…) I will try to be careful though…



I can see you're getting into trouble here. YOU need fear to have hope. You see it as a challenge but you will not win it unless you have fear to help guide the process. Instead your ego will rise until you fall on your face and you will be left with nothing to get past it. Balance so your comparative mind can tackle this ego trip of yours.



You are insane, you will not be able to feel it, therefore it is useless to you.

Enjoy free emotions that you will convert into your life willy nilly. If anything you should try and stay more focused on things that benefit you. Like your treatment. People think being insane is cool. It in fact keeps you a simple jack.




Why not use a free (as in freedom and price) and fully encrypted IM instead? http://utox.org/

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