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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1439907742870.jpg (118.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, anger2-747499.jpg)


I just masturbated and blew all my loosh down the fucking drain what the FUCK WHY WOULD I DO THAT

Months fucking gone!





You know you're just losing more loosh by being angry at yourself about it right?



Wasn't there some egyptian (or other sandnigger) technique on redirecting the loosh after fapping back into your energy system and basically keep flowing in circles instead of leaving you?

Then you could fap as much as you want without losing loosh.

I remember hearing about such a thing but I don't remember where.



I think this method is discussed in Jason Miller's sex magic book.



Pashcal beverly randolph

Sunyata saraswati

Mantak chia



pretty sure it was the instrument called the UNK.




Couldn't you tell me that before I fapped ?@!

>Not OP



File: 1439931827995.jpg (74.8 KB, 500x718, 250:359, 11406438_759135980873199_5….jpg)

You haven't lost all your gains. You have been filling a jar for months and basically you fumbled the jar causing some stuff to spill but not all is lost there is still stuff in the jar.



>you have been filling a jar for months





maybe this flag is better…



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>reminder that what you're trying to do in this process is absorb the light from the semen up your spine to reach the basal ganglia.

>just letting it sit there and you abstaining does fuckall but cause psychological /physical issues.


Listen guys - if you really REALLY have hangups on sex, and all that…. just fucking do magick to put yourself in the path of a witch and fuck conscious pussy for a purpose.

See video related.



Well, now you know.

And knowing is half the battle.

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