>be me
>be greenpilled
>be over at the house of some old white boomer woman into New Age and Amerindian spirituality and a bit of Christian stuff all mixed together for a week
>everything she says on these matters is completely fucking retarded
>I just let her talk and don't answer, it feels awkward as shit though to hear her prattle about things she doesn't understand
>she does some stupid prayers and other things completely ineffectively
>she gets extremely mad over any little thing easily
>she yelled at me a bunch and freaked out over fucking trivial crap, locked me out of the house for like an hour, and basically made me feel I would never want to come back here again
>next day her keys are missing
>she blames me for it, saying that because I made her mad or whatever bad things will happen, some new age babble
>feel like I'm going to get witchburned staying around here long
>she engages in very extreme avoidance of contradicting thoughts and ideas, like, if anyone disagrees with her (be it in person, on television, on radio, whatever) about anything she gets really fucking mad and turns it off / shouts the person down / etc. rather than listen to them
>basically, you can't ever have any discussions with her, without her chimping out and blocking out what you're saying
>a few greenpill things I have talked to her about, she'd respond with incredibly stupid shit like she was agreeing, forget what I even said, and demonstrate she has worse comprehension than a toddler trying to into linux… she can not grasp any of the stuff I try to explain to her without her twisting it in her mind and failing to understand it properly
>I avoid talking to her and deeply resent any moments I encounter her throughout the day because no matter if it's a simple thing like sitting down to eat or any shit that has to get done in the day she is an unpredictable raging crazy fuck womyn that is alone for a reason
If this is what your average "greenpill" interested in (with an extremely shallow understanding of) spirituality and related matters is I must say this vermin deserves a lot of tipped fedoras and to be thrown into the corpse pile. I feel like I'm stuck with a possibly dangerous schizo woman with the mentality of an excessively angry and spoiled child with an understanding of reality that is on par for nigger savages.
She's also obese and frequently binges on junkfood and then makes up excuses as to "why she needs it" and I'm pretty sure her fucked high-sugar and caffeine diet is making her emotionally and behaviorally unstable.
I'll be going home in a few days and I really don't want to come back here again until she straightens her shit out but I see that as very unlikely to ever happen as she will never listen to anyone and her mind is so devoid of reason I am surprised she manages to pay her taxes… but she doesn't work, she gets the money from her husband, who she doesn't live with.
Not really sure why I'm making this thread just need to get this off of my mind and know if anyone else has experiences with people like this and how you deal with them (besides GTFOing ASAP).