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>be me

>be greenpilled

>be over at the house of some old white boomer woman into New Age and Amerindian spirituality and a bit of Christian stuff all mixed together for a week

>everything she says on these matters is completely fucking retarded

>I just let her talk and don't answer, it feels awkward as shit though to hear her prattle about things she doesn't understand

>she does some stupid prayers and other things completely ineffectively

>she gets extremely mad over any little thing easily

>she yelled at me a bunch and freaked out over fucking trivial crap, locked me out of the house for like an hour, and basically made me feel I would never want to come back here again

>next day her keys are missing

>she blames me for it, saying that because I made her mad or whatever bad things will happen, some new age babble

>feel like I'm going to get witchburned staying around here long

>she engages in very extreme avoidance of contradicting thoughts and ideas, like, if anyone disagrees with her (be it in person, on television, on radio, whatever) about anything she gets really fucking mad and turns it off / shouts the person down / etc. rather than listen to them

>basically, you can't ever have any discussions with her, without her chimping out and blocking out what you're saying

>a few greenpill things I have talked to her about, she'd respond with incredibly stupid shit like she was agreeing, forget what I even said, and demonstrate she has worse comprehension than a toddler trying to into linux… she can not grasp any of the stuff I try to explain to her without her twisting it in her mind and failing to understand it properly

>I avoid talking to her and deeply resent any moments I encounter her throughout the day because no matter if it's a simple thing like sitting down to eat or any shit that has to get done in the day she is an unpredictable raging crazy fuck womyn that is alone for a reason

If this is what your average "greenpill" interested in (with an extremely shallow understanding of) spirituality and related matters is I must say this vermin deserves a lot of tipped fedoras and to be thrown into the corpse pile. I feel like I'm stuck with a possibly dangerous schizo woman with the mentality of an excessively angry and spoiled child with an understanding of reality that is on par for nigger savages.

She's also obese and frequently binges on junkfood and then makes up excuses as to "why she needs it" and I'm pretty sure her fucked high-sugar and caffeine diet is making her emotionally and behaviorally unstable.

I'll be going home in a few days and I really don't want to come back here again until she straightens her shit out but I see that as very unlikely to ever happen as she will never listen to anyone and her mind is so devoid of reason I am surprised she manages to pay her taxes… but she doesn't work, she gets the money from her husband, who she doesn't live with.

Not really sure why I'm making this thread just need to get this off of my mind and know if anyone else has experiences with people like this and how you deal with them (besides GTFOing ASAP).



This is the definition of the True Great Work. If you can get people like her to come out of her state of retardation and wake up, you have won the game. You think it's impossible, but deeper contemplation will tell you it is not if you actually give it a shot by exposing her to knowledge using green-pilled tactics. You think this is a great waste of time, but this is what we are called to do on a mass scale. To wake people up. Expose people to the detriments of their own calcified egos, show them all the errors of their methods of thinking and show them that not only is it perfectly okay to say the words "I was wrong," but publicly acknowledging that you were wrong opens up doors to higher understanding.

This is hard work because we are also very imperfect ourselves and don't have the patience to deal with the retardation, but imagine the high level magick you will have accomplished by transforming complete idiots into adept light occultists. This is the True Great Work my friend and Law brought this bitch into your reality to give you a challenge. Consider what you will be capable of and what you will have learned through the process if you actually make possible what many would think was impossible.


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Op needs to get away from this one! Fast!



from the way you worded this out this sounds to me like your soul-mate. You get what you mirror inside.

>is greenpilled

>wonders why he's been put in this experience

see >>50492


I bet you don't even own a fucking broom / dust scooper set in your place.



I've thought about how I would do this, but with as many people as possible, but when it's done, it would truly be a fucking masterpiece, especially if everyone did this.

It would involve some serious computer/hacking skills too


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hacking skills would be great, because the "spookiness" would get to a bunch of computer illiterate people.

Though, you don't need it. Well crafted works of art can go a long way towards getting people to consider alternatives.



The only thing green is your text.


>This is the definition of the True Great Work

Have fun with that. Maybe you can rewrite their inferior genetic code and somehow figure out why their seed was maliciously altered at the beginning of their creation, while you are at it. New Age faggot. COUGH COUGH… Sickening.


Look at this faggot. Mirror blah blah blah. Most people are quite shit, toxic actually. Please expound.

Expel the parasite. Kill the unethical. You're not fat, you're toxic. Etc… Really, they should be killed off.

I recently went to a 'Law of Attraction' meetup and it was all 50+ people who had already wasted their lives and got together to dribble. It was also ran by a demeaning woman who bossed her possible partner around. Too insulting. Death may visit them soon.

Usually it is older people who have interesting meetings like this. Reminds me when I went to a black project super soldier conference in a home and the hostess was an older sexually dissatisfied women who put off the most smutty vibes. I remembered what women are good for at that moment yet declined using her orifices because of how poor her health was. So, let's just say it might come with the territory.

And yes, women are sick or fundamentally altered. Huge subject, won't get into it. Here's the formula for their behavior: function F(input)= (180 Degrees + x [10])… or at least it's F(Input)=(ArcTangeant x 45 degrees).. In case this is confusing, this is a function. The first one where a woman hears something plain, neutral or containing non emotional facts or information, and her mind instantly skews it 180 degrees towards herself, ADDS emotional information to it, hence the + X, then multiplies that X 10. She the regurgitates this new bunch of shit back out and accuses the man..

Good day, impotents.



someone needs to hit some good weed and listen to some bob marley

Or go back to r9k.

BTW females are awesome - best bullshit detector is a healthy woman's intuition.

And don't get me started on how fantastic their magickal energy is.

the most powerful magick in existence is done via the union with love of 2 beings to create life.

You have a problem with your human mentality, study leary / robert anton wilson / jewel pookrum.

btw, everything you wrote is betamale memes.

go on, press the number nexto my post and hit the box with random words which won't mean shit to me because i overstand your crap.



>kill the unethical

Sounds like its pretty safe to say we could start with you.



Wow, I always wondered what would happen if a yoga instructor got a lobotomy and then went on /pol/. Now I know.



I found your post to be quite entertaining. You're a pretty good writer. You should start a blog bro, you'd be big with those manosphere types.


New Age is probably the most frightening religion

Coming from an upbringing like this myself, my dad's behaviors were very similar to this woman's

They preach love but create the worst kind of hatred. There is no greater contradiction



Fuck you and your left-brain imbalanced eugenics and Darwinian bullshit


if you're ok with this


idgaf about universal laws, idgaf about 7 hermetic dickshits or any of the illusory shitfuck you stupid fuckheads think is so fucking important that dominate your lives as belief systems… but you are headed for the worst existence imaginable, allow it, it is done.

This is the stuff that true occult work prevents and heals.

As long as you harbor jealousy for the female existence or for another species ( black, asian, furry, anime characters, what ever ) this entire existence you have created for yourself will for ever and unequivocally be painful.

tolerate this piece for a second and tell me who is worth more, because actions speak louder than words… and if as above so bellow - what kind of life are you in right now?



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>7 hermetic dickshits

Now I KNOW you just didn't talk shit about muh principles, boy.

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