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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1439960728418.gif (35.68 KB, 400x236, 100:59, tarotspread.gif)


who /brownpill/ here?

this is the only book you need. every answer is located within. all you need to do is learn the language. the brilliant part about it are the fail safes:

1. the permutations

do the math. you could spend your entire life and never read the same spread twice. especially with a more advanced spread (OOTK being babby steps)

2. the frauds

people use this shit to tell fortunes and whatnot. this keeps many people under the illusion that the book is a novelty and frauds in business… perpetual disinfo

if curious or combative, ask away. ive been working the book for 20 years, and it was only last year i unlocked everything.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I would suggest all students of the tarot to check out Michael Tsarion's Path of the Fool series on youtube. In his words, it's a "master class on the symbolism of the Major Arcana." 90+ minute presentations on each card, all available for free. So far he's made videos for the first eight cards.



Remember, always global report the browmpill spammer.



why would you do such a thing? im not a spammer, and brownpill is the only pill that is self sufficient and self contained. ritual is for cosplayers



but what about the countless threads about "the founder of the brown pill Mike something"?

If those threads are a way to dismiss brownpill idk, but from what I know, brownpill is fucking retarded meme

get the fuck out



i dont know mike and i dont know anything about the brownpill meme. i do know that shitposting isnt going further any understanding or discussion. maybe you should get the fuck out


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Brown pill originally meant "oriental occultist" on this board. See muh pill meme


File: 1440042840491.png (22.45 KB, 335x326, 335:326, Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at ….png)


>this board

thats a cuckchan image thats quite old. please, show me where anything oriental is mentioned.

also that image is incomplete. it doesnt have the reading material for each pill.



enlightnen me on this book


cool stuff, will check out



its the 78 card tarot deck. every piece of objective, universal knowledge is contained within. since there is no binding containing the pages of this book, the knowledge offered is unique to the page order, shuffled every time for a different lesson.

you could spend your life trying to learn everything the book has to offer. but isnt that the greatest lesson of all?

>youll die knowing only a fraction of what The Amorphous Gospel has to offer




consider the number of permutations in a spread, with 78 cards, upright and reversed, with 20 or so cards for a spread.

(just an example, a real spread utilizes every card in a distinct progression.)

decades later, you have never seen the same lesson. similar themes may come up, but thats the nature of recurring pages.

all you need is the patience to learn the language. once its internalized, the fun begins. you will never pick up another occult or philosophical text.

many occult scholars (waite, crowley, papus) consider the tarot to be the philosopher's stone


File: 1440053661047-0.jpg (366.72 KB, 800x2438, 400:1219, tarot-egypt-1.jpg)

File: 1440053661048-1.jpg (709.99 KB, 800x4129, 800:4129, tarot-egypt2.jpg)

The Egyptian Origins of the Tarot


File: 1440081774675.png (373.38 KB, 565x640, 113:128, 1438834912872.png)


>Have you taken the Mike pill yet, friends?

>it's a pretty easy pill to swallow! The Mike pill was founded in 2015 by Sir Michael Schiteposter, who made an impressive amount of shitposts on /intl/ while behind seven American proxies.

>Forget red and blue pills, Mike pills are the way to obtain supreme confidence and the ability to make effective shitposts.

>Picture related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

>Swallow the Mike pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin /pol/ maymays, this one is the real deal.



I didn't know Tsarion did these videos, thanks for this. I'll watch to upgrade my memory and notice new knowledge


I really wish we had access to the BOTA Tarot curriculum in the fringe library.

Intro to Tarot and Tarot Fundamentals are the main ones, iirc.

Some really legit stuff.



You can buy it and send it to me to put on mega if you want



I really would, but I'm stuck on an off-brand tablet and don't have a lot of functionality atm.

I think I have most of the curriculum on Google Drive, which I pretty easily found via Kickass torrents (or maybe it was TPB.)

I wish gmail would allow large batch file transfers. Ugh.



Found the torrent but its not got any seeds.

Here's my email address if you can send anything:




Also you could try making a mega account and uploading it there - or mediafire if that doesn't work.



Sent you some mediafire links. Hope it works!


Well… I would read it. But then again I don't want to walk around with cards unless it is for a good reason, and I don't know if it is a good reason.





If anyone wants to buy and share more of their material that'd be cool.



Thank you very much.

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