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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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I was advised by one of people on /fringe/ to post these here for the lulz

SMILEBERGERY:face on stuff

First Series

TURTLEHUMPTON:ponii's make smiley crys


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File: 1440055611150-1.jpg (114.65 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, I-Don't-Know.jpg)

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series 2

Muh Magic


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series 3

Pinkie Smile

I will keep posting more here, hopefully.

just wanted to put some giggle,chuckles, and laughter on your faces.


Third Series



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Third Series.



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time to masturbate


Omran, when are you going to post something that's actually interesting?


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I don't know

I just let life take me wherever it goes and enjoy whatever I do.


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Keep "enjoying" yourself being a kid with nothing usefull for the community.


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lol, subjectively and to your reality-tunnel/belief-system, yes I am

>being a kid with nothing usefull for the community.

To my B.S. it's a "bus stop", it is a learning experience to see people and see their reaction.Maybe you're really developed and great magician that you shouldn't was on a no-good shitposter like me, amirite?

why waste your time on me? wasting substantial portions of your life obsessing over a nobody on the internet?


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pretty sure we already have a designated shitposting thread.




>implying this board is fast enough for shitposting to actually be a problem

>saging on a slow board



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>mfw every time this guy says reality tunnel

RAW is entry level

RAW is jew

RAW is probably a shill


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RAW is leary for chaos magickians.

Can you please elaborate what dissonates you from his work?



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Amen. Leary is the mundane plebian's answer to Alan Watts with none of the insight, charisma, and wise use of parable. Leary was "kooky" and "new age," and embodied pretty much everything annoying about acid culture. You don't need anything from him that you couldn't get in a wiser package from either Watts (a bodhisattva) or else Terence McKenna during his less predictive and more honest moments. The difference between a psychedelic guide and a guide who knows how to use psychedelics is very important.



ok, so just use jewel pookrum's 7 circuit model then instead of leary's 8 circuit, doesn't change the fact that that's pretty much what's worth it in his content, a way to realize the levels of bullshit - to me, now none of that is useful.

Some of the coolest parts of RAW's books was when I realized why we all use shit, fuck, the mannerisms we make - all that.

Once you reach a 350 press… you don't go back to doing sets of 100 or 150.

Personally, fuck LSD - manmade shit that affects your experience. NTY.

If i can do it with a breathing technique or something more natural such as cannabis or iboga - id rather use nature, since nature provided this construct.


I do agree - but like i said, his model is what i took from him.

Most of western medicine is possible thanks to acts of extreme barbaric cruelty - such as experimenting on female slaves - cutting people while still conscious and severing limbs and the such.

>personally i think it's horseshit since if you lived in accordance to nature you wouldn't have the need for western medicine.


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His eight-circuit model has use but it's a reworking of chakra models that predate him utterly.

As for Western medicine, I trained as a premed student but only to train in neuropharmacological research. Western medicine works but yes, it is provisional. An overdependence on its pharmaceutical industry is indicative of the utterly mindless regulations in place. It strains the imagination to try and come up with a more disingenuous, brutish slob than a DEA agent or, even worse, someone willing to work at NIDA, where scientific rigor and intellectual honesty, and personal integrity/ethics go to die.

The way in which we administer drugs especially needs a complete and total overhaul before public trust will be restored. I do fall into one unfortunate cliche, though; the condescending doctor. Dealing with medical conspiracy theorists is a very fast way to learn firsthand that 50% of people are dumber than the average person, and prone to every manner of stupid thinking imaginable, and the worst irony of all is that it is these very same errors in thinking which have led to medicine being stifled by policy made by people who apparently have an IQ of about 85. Western medicine could do so much, just a staggering amount of phenomenal work, it could overhaul the human body until it worked like a god's, but because the dumbest among us are shit scared of any idea that doesn't coddle them and their mouthbreathing, we're stuck with the shittiest system of health and the worst culture surrounding healthcare that has possibly ever existed in the history of mankind. Can a more pathetic system be imagined? No.

tl;dr Please bring back shamanism ASAP.



Also just as a note, ergotamines (the class of chemicals LSD is a member of) do have aa long history of use as entheogens, especially in Mesoamerica, and LSD is an excellent tool in the right hands.



but where is the shaman to teach the youth the wisdom needed to navigate such waters?

Egypt had priestesses who would teach this.

We got mckenna

and joe fucking rogan ( sigh )

at least graham hancock doesn't bullshit around and contributes.

There's hundreds of thousands of people using shrooms everyday for recreational purposes and in their reality all it does is make them feel goofy and trippy with fun colors and shapes for a while.

If the psychedelics ALONE worked how many people like to say they do as an excuse to keep using them - then why the fuck don't most people bring back anything useful from their trips other than something to talk about for 5-10 mins on youtube then cry because of the overwhelming abundance of universal appreciation they received.

There are folks who i've known since 2010 who got into the whole new age hype via the conspiracy 2012 shit and then went down A rabbit hole, not THE rabbit hole as they like to tell themselves - they still tripping and doing psychedelics and their egos are blasted to the fucking max with ideals of jesusdom and savior mentality, meanwhile they are homeless, begging folk for cash or stealing from commerces, they have weird shit on their skin from obvious poor/malnutrition and will attack you if you suggest any form of literature to them.

Only effective doses to do anything to a new tripper in terms of realizing truth will come from a 4-5g heroic dose in darkness with proper intent.


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All drugs had their origin at some point with brave souls who dove into their depths and came back with something new.

Joe Rogan is DMT and he is way too much of a douche. I mentioned Alan Watts, who was my own guide to LSD and so far I have never had anything but exceptionally positive experiences with LSD, the most useful of my life. I attribute that to his wisdom and guidance on the matter, among others. He isn't up his ass about the whole thing, LSD wasn't his whole world, it was the message that mattered; LSD was a tool like anything else. An exceptionally useful tool sometimes, with the right people and places, but ultimately it can only ever work with what you give it.

I prefer it over mushrooms for its consistency and clarity. Holy man syndrome is a personal issue and it is not inherent to drug use itself by any means.



>scroll up the page and scroll down and let yourself burst out in frantic laughter at the obvious display of polarities within this thread.

from shitposting to chi-posting.


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It wouldn't be the first time that a pony thread's gone in an interesting direction. Say what you will about horsefuckers, every now and then the confluence of cartoonish, pathetic bullshit and actual human intelligence produces gems.


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Anus fiddling.


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I don't have many more but the ones I do have are priceless.


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