ok, so just use jewel pookrum's 7 circuit model then instead of leary's 8 circuit, doesn't change the fact that that's pretty much what's worth it in his content, a way to realize the levels of bullshit - to me, now none of that is useful.
Some of the coolest parts of RAW's books was when I realized why we all use shit, fuck, the mannerisms we make - all that.
Once you reach a 350 press… you don't go back to doing sets of 100 or 150.
Personally, fuck LSD - manmade shit that affects your experience. NTY.
If i can do it with a breathing technique or something more natural such as cannabis or iboga - id rather use nature, since nature provided this construct.
I do agree - but like i said, his model is what i took from him.
Most of western medicine is possible thanks to acts of extreme barbaric cruelty - such as experimenting on female slaves - cutting people while still conscious and severing limbs and the such.
>personally i think it's horseshit since if you lived in accordance to nature you wouldn't have the need for western medicine.