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Esoteric Wizardry


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With the coming shitstorm a brewin, lots of spirits are on edge. Many thoughtforms who have become self-aware are frightened, because once the vast majority of people die, they will dissapear with their source loosh cut off. If you ever wanted an astral companion, now is the time to do so. They are jumping ship. Make a contract with them, they will live off your life energy / loosh for as long as it stands. It's a lot easier than making a tulpa!

Only While Supplies Last, Waifus Are In Short Supply

Be sure to test all spirits! Try not to let her/him/it/they die in the September Showdown!



Hehe I see we are makin' loosh rain


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Wow! I just got my limited edition egregore waifu in the mail! Thanks OP! Konota and I will have lots of fun!


this astral waifu shit is the gayest fucking thing





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>being this autistic


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chill, big boi.

everyone is hyped, no need to be that ROOOOD.


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>pony shit


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I remember you Omran… From cats cradle once or twice. I finally settled down into /fringe/, but it a pretty rough here. Lots of shills and false info.

But, the September hype is real, just like we said!


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>I remember you Omran… From cats cradle once or twice.

Hey cradle-anon. I was the one that started those threads


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Ayyy. As ironic as it is, I wasn't the guy who made this thread. He just happened to choose a Teto pic, that's why I posted.

It's not as easy as "asking" to make a contract, and thought forms don't know about the happening (usually). Most who gain self awareness start to seek their own identity away from their character during an identity crisis. They have no reason to accept your shitty human contract either unless they NEED it for a specific reason. Fuck, you can't even touch them. Not only that, they are loosh dumps, require time and attention, and don't offer anything in return except words.

It's a burden for everyone. This may be the closest you'll get to a waifu if you manage a contract, but don't do it.


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read psycho-histroic model of aeon by Carroll, he really nail it in the last two paragraphs

Armed with the Psycho-historic model of aeonic change the magician can readily see what factors he should work on to hasten, impede, or reverse aeonic development in a particular culture or sub-culture. For example it is necessary to encourage both materialism and transcendentalism and to undermine magical theories when engaged in monotheistic missionary work with pagans. Conversely to help combat the effects of such missionary work or to revive a pagan cabal within a monotheist or atheist culture one should do just the opposite. However, one hopes that the primary concern for contemporary magi is to ensure the safe and speedy birth of the pandaemonaeon from within nihilist culture. To assist in this transition, magical philosophy must strive for three things. Firstly, it must strive to eliminate any remaining transcendental or religious concepts which still contaminate it. These are destined for the dustbin of history for a long while and when they eventually re-emerge it will be in a completely different form anyway. No useful part of magic ought to be thrown away with them. Secondly, it must seek to present its ideas and techniques using maximum camouflage. Magic must enter popular consciousness using a series of Trojan horses. Thirdly, as a precautionary measure magic should attempt to undermine the decaying remnants of monotheism without offering itself as a target in the process. For example, parapsychology presents an enormous and unacknowledged threat to fundamentalism; although the existence of various idiotic satanisms is surely a great comfort to it.

Dangerous times lie ahead. Millennial apocalyptic beliefs present in monotheism may still yet trigger disaster during the death spasms of transcendentalism. A fierce rearguard action may be expected from materialist philosophies as they slide further into a nihilism whose adherents will, for a while, demand ever more of what is not working, ever more luxury and sensationalism in an ecology unable to support it. The birth of the pandaemonaeon as a generally accepted paradigm could be a long and bloody business. If things go badly it could be preceded by a catastrophe which precipitates us into a new stone age rather than an interstellar age. Although there will be important niches for magicians in either situation, I would prefer my descendants to perform their sorceries amongst the stars, rather than huddled in the ruins.


well I just had this idea on how the though forms are akin to AI put more able to mutate and deviate if not used efficiently and in a result-oriented way(Chaos magic's servitor) so that you may get stuff you want.

I have given up on "muh Apocalypse shit" because it is no more than a thoughtform generating these "habbening" for the sake of feeding off the energy of people and their attention on the habbening, basically most of these prediction and "habbening" are just a supernatural ruse by some entity.

>They are loosh dumps, require time and attention

>Doesn't charge them a little and use other energy source+autonomy for efficiency

>don't offer anything in return except words.

>muh Chaos Servitor


99.999999% of the shit posted on this board is bullshit misinformation. Search within and you will find all the answers/knowledge. Let life you teach you, not a bunch of failed wizard cuck losers selling books.




the other 1.000001% are posts like this.


Ok what is this shit about September that everyone is hyped about?



I thought the other were a picture of Eris taking a shit on your pineal gland.


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it's the sabbath year, or shemitah

sep 2001 - recession

sep 2008 - great recession

sep 2015 - ???


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What if we burn all the money now and summon Elmo from the fiery abyss as our new overlord?



Sounds like a solid plan.

k, lets do it


1901-1902 Shmitah

46% US Stock market value wiped out.

1916-1917 Shmitah

40% US Stock market value wiped out. German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman Empires collapsed. Britain, the world’s greatest empire was almost bankrupt. The beginning of American to rise to world power.

1930-1931 Shmitah

86% U.S stock market value wiped out in the worst financial crisis in modern history.

1937-1938 Shmitah

50% US Stock market value wiped out. Global recession.

1944-1945 Shmitah

End of German Reich and Britain's hold on territories. Establishment of America as the world’s superpower.

1965-1966 Shmitah

23% stock market value wiped out.

1972-1973 Shmitah

48% US Stock market value wiped out. Global recession. US Voted to kill its unborn children (Abortion legalized). US lost its first war Vietnam…

1979-1980 Shmitah

US and global recession

1986-1987 Shmitah

33% US Stock market value wiped out.

1993-1994 Shmitah

Bond market crash.

2000-2001 Shmita

37% US stock market value wiped out. 9/11 and global recession.

2007-2008 Shmitah

50% US Stock market value wiped out. Global recession from which there has yet been no recovery.


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ELMOooooooooooooooo Tiem





Whoops! Back to the degenerate childen you go.

Ugh fuck my ego


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Those are some great memes.

You must be a high level magician.


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I'm actually a self initiated shaman. I'm constantly connected to the void and I pill information out of my ass. Manifested a SHIT LOAD of money without dping anything but desiring it. Energy manipulation is a cake walk. Magnetizing my hands, heatbaaalls, static, vibration, etc. Prophetic dreams up my ass about the Tower falling. Energy healing, Qi gong, reiki, currently trying channeling. I don't even read on how to, I just know and my body moves and walah! I've been practicing for about a month now, maybe a month and a half.

Mages are just scrub lords who can't step into reality, so they dream up something and pull it towards themselves.


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I thought changing reality was easier than "pulling", as you put it. I just try to imagine reality as my fifth limb, and move it the same way I move my arm.

The spooky aura stuff isn't something that people usually notice in me, except for the occasional gifted child who hasn't had enough fluoride water yet. my presence alone has made children hysterical before

Hell, I still know next to nothing about magick or how it works. I'm just glad to have it.

What I'm trying to say Sigma Shaman, is that we're all special snowflakes here. Especially OP



I'm a void being like Nobody, go read his thread. Beings in higher dimensions refer to me as taboo. Spiritual beings here on Earth tell me they "don't recognize my being". Hell, my old roomie could tell when I was making psiballs and she always told me to stop because it was uncomfortable for her.

I see reality as the externalization of myself. That which I have not fully integrated yet. And I simply discern which parts are my higher self and which parts are my shadow, then I take both in.

I havent been around children though. I live in a town with no added fluoride to the water so I might give that a shot. Animals notice the SHIT out of me though, its muy bueno



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>void being

triple darkness cosmic womb.

Void is female energy, pure chaos, material. Eris is eris for a reason.

Simply put - he's not a creation from a creation. He's simply a creation.

Ironically, this knowledge of self is available to everyone, all beings from the true core originate from the triple darkness. Zero point.




Tell me about these prophetic dreams.



They're mainly revolving around me and my path right now. But so far I've seen my friends (who are either "asleep" or misguided) running up into the tower whole I stay on the ground with some awakened folks. Then the tower falls and people inside freak out, even though I warned them about it.

My dreams are too crazy to remember properly and I haven't been keeping a journal lately. I should probably go do that. But the dreams have been revolving around The Tower lately. Right around the time I started hearing the September dates.



I've had a similar experience. Not a tower but a tree, one growing up from a vast riverine swamp. Scattered in the pools were bodies writhing in pain, each seeming to suffer alone. The tree itself too was made of bodies, it was a chaos of moaning and limbs, each body desperately clutching its fellows. It seemed to be reaching skyward. There was an air of desperation, and I stood athwart the tree and the lonely swamps surrounding it.



all that self-fanning and you don't make the world a better place?

>inb4 GTFO shill



>1965-1966 Shmitah

>23% stock market value wiped out.

>1972-1973 Shmitah

>48% US Stock market value wiped out. Global recession. US Voted to kill its unborn children (Abortion legalized). US lost its first war Vietnam…

>1979-1980 Shmitah

>US and global recession

>1986-1987 Shmitah

>33% US Stock market value wiped out.

>1993-1994 Shmitah

>Bond market crash.

muh recession, muh market crash

meanwhile US was a economic superpower in the years you cite



i think the main thing i got out of this thread is that op misspelled leesh. gj meme magicians


>September Showdown

I told every single one these pricks that nothing would happen. Now they're all quiet and hide in shame.


What's even the point of getting a familiar if you're bound to die and transcend shortly anyway?



>admitting to being in cc


I wonder how that book is going

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