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File: 1440355755582.gif (16.22 KB, 240x330, 8:11, tinfoil area.gif)


Hi, /fringe. Take this thread as both a greentext thread and an advice thread.

I'm not new to the occult, i've seldom practiced but i've read a lot and understood the basics.

At the same time, i've looked for truth ("conspiracies n shit") about some of the mysteries of the world today: aliens, "illuminati", and other things.

>inb4 tinfoil

Maybe, but that's not the point here. I think we can all agree that if we, common humans, have access to fringe knowledge, there is probably some kind of organization/government/ayy lmaos that have more extensive access to it than us.

What i'm asking is this: Have you ever got to the point where, after getting pretty good at magick (or after digging too much on internet/deep web about conspiracies), someone (or some entity) showed up and warned/threatened/contacted you for what you've done? Or even attacked you?

Share stories about these ayy lmaos/reptilian jews or advices for not getting caught (like etheric tinfoils).


The trick to avoiding such attention is to throw them off the scent. If they think you are a harmless fool you can operate unimpeded.


Basically what you gotta do is superimpose a false ego image of yourself into the world around you. Such that no one would ever suspect you are "above the rest". People will only come looking for you if you give them a reason.


There are definitely elites who have access to fringe knowledge. I mean the entire purpose of the state of Israel is essentially occult in nature.



Archons OP.


First time I reached any sort of place during meditation I was attacked and it really hurt

Got a guru after that and he keeps me safe :^)



>implying they don't cross-check link copy/pastes + timeframe of registering of new link + logged algorithm similarities in grammar / posting mannerisms / vernacular.

>see cool link ( while using chrome or fire fox or something )

>copy link ( registered command )

>switch to other tab ( command registered )

>paste in new site ( command registered )

if you share the same link within an hour, your ID# is added to a pool of algorithms - the more you share it the easier to profile you.

there is a folder with your full name and absolutely everything you're ever done / said / viewed / downloaded / uploaded to the internet.

even behind 7 proxies it doesn't matter - when you're using tech and software built by the very person you're trying to hide from - it's counter productive.

Highly doubt legit as fuck hackers don't build their own shit and their own frame first before getting into any kind of breaking.

And almost every time these kids are caught within the next 3-6 months.

Math is math, you can't bullshit math - and profiling uses math.



You can't bullshit math, but you can bullshit a humans bullshit detector by overloading it easily. Plus I've honestly got nothing to worry about myself.

As long as you don't go OVER THE TOP with any of this shit you're fine. They don't see people like us as a threat until our profiles start "acting up". Gotta stay incognegro and LET THE DARKNESS CONSUME YOU

*crazy screeching noises*



On a side note, just sitting in pure darkness feels so fucking ecstatic.



would you say, euphoric?


what i want to know is why these niggers are worshipping saturn. if someone could shed some light on this it would be great.

also if you could explains whats humans, whats earth, and why humans are on earth that would be…greeeat.



>tfw you're definitely on at least 5 different watch lists

>tfw you can never erase this

>tfw only way to get away is to go innawoods forever



>tfw they probably watch u thru your laptop's built in webcam that u never even use.

god damn i really gotta cover that shit up. need tape.



Why, in theory you can just use your magickal practice(s) to erase these records

>tfw also worried about this tho



They sure have a lot of footage of me fapping then…



huh, i always put black electric tape on the cameras of all my devices… but you know - there's always something listening.

Looking to get a mini-faraday cage type case or some form of anti-elf wave case for my phone too.

put a plant nexto wifi for a month and see what happens.

you hold your phone/ipad / devices on you

you walk past a mcdonalds or a starbucks and the entire zone has access to wifi

they plan to put free-wifi access to every corner of the street in most canadian european and american cities.


but then again, if this shit was effective on YOU, it would of done it's work already.

Spiritual work is key.



>implying CIA doesn't use high level black magic to protect files from deletion

>implying CIA doesn't use high level black magic to backup files in akashic records

plus i'm a muggle i can't do shit




always something listening i'm sure.

>google plant next to wifi

holy FUCK i'm gonna start wearing a tinfoil hat for real




This is what happened when i used to work where i did - everytime i had to confront some prick in a situation where i had cameras on me - the video footage was glitched when i went to review it, only the few seconds where there is apparent conflict, all it would show is my ass walking to the situation.. then walking away from the situation. Shit was so hilarious.



just your ass?

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