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After stumbling on this episode of AUM radio I have to humble myself at just how fucking 10/10 legit this content is.

If you're a new occultist / neophyte - new to the this or just trying to figure out why your life is still not going as you would like while aware of these modalities.


Listen to this.





May the grand architect of the universe infuse in me the divine intelligence that links me into the cosmic consciousness of ALL so I may reach my divine potential and purpose on the planet.

Good stuff



>if you're new to occult magick from the question section - please check out this audio before you keep going into your occult path [ this content contains ways to stay based in this and not end up completely fucking fucked by your own unaddressed shit ]



That was real fine. I'm glad someone finally speaks out about firstly the corruption and lies within the occult and spiritual community. There ain't nothing wrong with following a practice and taking from it. But just remember that all paths lead to the same destination.



Just an addition to that post. I wanted to say that everyone needs to stop being lazy and get of their arses. No more pointless studying or meditation (Not all is pointless but you should be able to get my point) that you're only doing for the purpose of escaping your problems. People come to magic because they think it'll solve all of their problems and make them rich or powerful(It can but you need to put in the effort). Everyone here needs to stop working from thereptilian brain/ego/lower self that a lot of newer people get caught up in. Start cleaning out your entire body(physical and emotional. There's a thread I made a little back on emotional body healing/cleaning) through fasting, a raw vegan diet, herbs, and other means. Develop yourself physically through exercise, yoga, tai chi, martial art or any form of movement. Develop your mind through meditation and energy body through energy work (qi gong). You NEED to do these things as a basic foundation to even get near true power, balance, understanding and intuition. Don't forget social development as well.

Once you've cleaned yourself out you'll begin to be able to align yourself with the higher self. There will be a voice of truth which appears to help you. The key is following this even when your lower self or ego does not want to.

I'll quickly address the main thing a lot of people are after which is manipulating and controlling reality. Understand that your perception is what crafts your reality. Every decision you make in your head right now controls what manifests in the future. Use your emotions and words to change your perception. Dislike or feel uneasy about doing something that you need to do? Start invoking that divine fire or motivational energy to push yourself towards the perception of wanting to do it. If you guys want women than work towards it through whatever means be it online or offline. If you want money then sell of your old stuff, get a job, welfare, start a business, etc. If you're interested in a new skill or hobby then dive into it. Most people on the planet are robotic like drones who don't do anything except their old routine. Seeing this as the usual environment has programmed you to think that it's how you're meant to be. Do you get what I'm saying? We firstly use magic to change out perception because when the past, present and future are all one then changing the current moment changes the future outcome. This goes hand in hand with summoning spirits or energy to take some of the burden. (I can do a thread on evocation because it seems like not enough people here know the skill and it's extremely valuable to helping yourself materialistically)

Learn a method to change your perception. Be it sigils, visualization, emotion, mantras, shear willpower, dances, songs, whatever.

As a side note. I'm speaking quite a bit about the materialistic or more physical side of life. That's because you'll want to be sorted out and set up on this side of life in our day and age.



inner guide meditation

try it and see result.



This is fascinating and definitely deserves its own thread, but since you posted it here for some reason, I'll just include a link to the original .pdf for anyone who's interested


2 links: uploadable.ch and rapidgator. Use the uploadable.ch one; other one requires a premium account. I



I will make new thread

After my afternoon nap



I have problems with that.

I can't really visualize for peanuts.

How can I become better at it quickly, because I really want to try inner guide meditation….



You can't visualize well because you're trying to do it in a beta brainwave state (normal waking consciousness). Spend 15-20 minutes relaxing, clearing your mind of thought, doing deep breathing exercises, focusing on your breath, et cetera first, to lower your brainwaves into alpha or theta territory. Visualization becomes much easier and much more vivid.


That was some good stuff. Thanks for sharing.

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