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Esoteric Wizardry


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gah, he's like *THIS* close to figuring it out but he keeps thinking those are historical/actual beings instead of realizing it's all allegory for self-mastery, and it's mostly poorly translated egyptian shit.

Air= lucifer, yeah, it's the yeshua, YEHHHHH is the sound you inhale deeply, SHUUU is the sound you make when you exhale deeply, lucifer and jesus are the breath of air the cycling of atoms within your construct constantly refreshing your constitution.

you're correct when you say truthiracy is redpill as fuck, shame he's a curtain's pull away from the greenpill.



Problem I have with Truthiracy is that he has found all this information out and knows about so much, but can't take the final step into becoming a master of his own mind and body.

If he spent half as much time making videos and instead spent them on meditation, astral projection and energy work he'd be halfway to heaven by now.



You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


File: 1440733952188-0.png (155.09 KB, 400x292, 100:73, image.png)

File: 1440733952192-1.jpg (11.21 KB, 297x98, 297:98, noobs.jpg)

File: 1440733952192-2.jpg (52.82 KB, 519x772, 519:772, Darren Mason Wilson.jpg)



M+J = 13+10 = 23


Michael Jordan = 113

Signed record setting $33-million dollar contract just prior to unexpected retirement January 13, 1999.

1/13 = 113

1/13/1999 = 1+1+3+1+9+9+9 = 33

1/13/99 = 1+13+99 = 113

(weeks before SuperBowl 33)


And take it a step furthur:

Michael = 4938153 = 33

Jordan = 169415 = 26

Michael+Jordan = 59

(NIGGER = 59 77 59 = 42

Slave = 19+12+1+22+5 = 59

Negro = 14+5+7+18+15 = 59

Blues = 2+12+21+5+19 = 59

Five = 6+9+22+5 = 42

Nine = 14+9+14+5 = 42

Rodney King = 9+6+4+5+5+7 + 2+9+5+7 = 59

Rachel Dolezal = 9+1+3+8+5+3 + 4+6+3+5+8+1+3 = 59)

I've attached an image "they" da juz put out recently…its officer darren wilson, the man who "killed" Michael Brown in Ferguson and sparked all this BlackLivesMatter

Notice the number on the shirt #42…as well as the team name Blues = 59

M,B = 13,2 = 4,2

Ferguson = 6+5+9+7+3+1+6+5 = 42

theres a lot more numbers on all these stories too ;)



should've included

Darren = 33

Michael = 33

Darren Wilson = 419955 593165 = 62

Mason = 13+1+19+15+14 =



should've included

Darren = 33

Michael = 33

Darren Wilson = 419955 593165 = 62

Mason = 13+1+19+15+14 = 62



Another place Ferguson appears in connection with blacks is the sup court case Plessy Vs Ferguson (separate but equal)


Plessy = 7+3+5+1+1+7 = 24 (reflection of 42)

"Plessy vs Ferguson" = 242


imo the video was pretty good overall accurate for the first ~half but the second had a couple things that were bullshit/dis/misinfo



JOOS love their number magick.


why does he speak that way? i cannot possibly even try to take this seriously because of that voice



alright, that's enough smoking weed before i go on /fringe/

especially when this and geocentriscism start making sense.



tell people the world is a globe and they believe you, tell people that the paint is wet and they have to touch it to be sure…



People are pretty stupid



He speaks that way because his ego has taken control of him. He has to be right where everyone else is wrong and he needs to feel superior in doing so.

Secondly: He lives in Hawaii, probably smokes a lot of weed and I've been subscribed to his channel for over a year. When he started picking on flat earthers I unsubscribed. He didn't produce any solid proof of the earth being spherical just as flat earthers don't produce much proof. Using the same method as the opponents isn't ideal.

He had it going, but he falls short of not realizing the big secret.



its so true its painful


File: 1447034150228.jpg (170.07 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 143416713197.jpg)

Don,t watch.

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