M+J = 13+10 = 23
Michael Jordan = 113
Signed record setting $33-million dollar contract just prior to unexpected retirement January 13, 1999.
1/13 = 113
1/13/1999 = 1+1+3+1+9+9+9 = 33
1/13/99 = 1+13+99 = 113
(weeks before SuperBowl 33)
And take it a step furthur:
Michael = 4938153 = 33
Jordan = 169415 = 26
Michael+Jordan = 59
(NIGGER = 59 77 59 = 42
Slave = 19+12+1+22+5 = 59
Negro = 14+5+7+18+15 = 59
Blues = 2+12+21+5+19 = 59
Five = 6+9+22+5 = 42
Nine = 14+9+14+5 = 42
Rodney King = 9+6+4+5+5+7 + 2+9+5+7 = 59
Rachel Dolezal = 9+1+3+8+5+3 + 4+6+3+5+8+1+3 = 59)
I've attached an image "they" da juz put out recently…its officer darren wilson, the man who "killed" Michael Brown in Ferguson and sparked all this BlackLivesMatter
Notice the number on the shirt #42…as well as the team name Blues = 59
M,B = 13,2 = 4,2
Ferguson = 6+5+9+7+3+1+6+5 = 42
theres a lot more numbers on all these stories too ;)