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I just had a terrifying experience. The lights in my room were shut off, and I was just pacing fiddling around with random things, cleaning, etc. And the I walked over to my open door and stared at myself in the mirror (my face was ~3 inches away from the mirror) and after a few moments all of my facial features completely dissolved and its like my face was a blank canvas. It terrified me.


My mirror is mounted on my door similarly to the picture I posted



some types of brain traumas induced via diets or environmental influences or even physical accidents can mess with the portion of the brain which defines the facial expressions of others.

Your Occipital Lobe may have something up or you may be accessing spectrums of perception.

When is the last time you had proper access to pure darkness?

do you consume canned foods? foods from containers?

are you working energy frequently? how far into this are you, sometimes if i goto the mirror in the dark to look at myself - i see the devil and divine and then trip-like visions occur and my eyes are portals to infinity and my akasha.


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dont worry about it man.

i dont know what its called but if you stare at something for long enough then its like all the colours merge into one like when you space out.

its easier if ur bored or stoned or looking in the mirror.

i think it works as a technique to open the third eye (like trataka)

just remember if ur third eye is open and ur other chakras arent in balance you become an instant easy target (like why when people have sleep paralysis they usually find it scary; wraiths findin holes in ur muladhara and take advantage to absorb ur loosh)



> wraiths findin holes in ur muladhara and take advantage to absorb ur loosh)

don't try to spread viral programming like that, further more things will not affect you if you simply embody and vibrate your energy at = omnipresent omega level.

stay based as fuck, also just pull chi 15-20 mins before doing anything astal/sleep/seer shit, you where in darkness and peered in a mirror while your doors of occult wisdom are opened? you may have scryer experience looking at an allegory - you may have been able to summon any face you desire to speak to - their subconscious - use a darker piece of reflective material.



Scryer experience?


I'm on my computer quite a lot and I usually shut my lights off and any windows, and anything else that could potentially provide light. I guess that wouldn't be considered 'pure' darkness though because of my computer screen.




>just remember if ur third eye is open and ur other chakras arent in balance you become an instant easy target

Can someone elaborate on this please? What does this mean? What would happen to someone who just opened their third eye without doing absolutely nothing?

I wanted to open the third eye first and then start on everything else second. Is that a bad idea?



yes it's a bad idea and probably pointless. start at the root and work your way up.



the reason most people cant access their higher chakras is because they dont know how to control their lower chakras.

like a house needs a strong foundation to stand.

each chakra has a specific emotional quality to it so say your base chakra is fear/safety, your second chakra is guilt/pleasure, shame/strength etc

if your pineal gland is open but say your second chakra is unbalanced then your going to get voices and images constantly reminding you of your guilt, likewise with the base youll start getting delusions of the things you fear etc that kind of thing



in the dreamworld (that everyone is always in; usually subconciously) there exist beings that feed on emotional energy called thoughtforms. they are shapeless but can take on forms in order to 'farm' the emotions from us

this relationship can be symbiotic or parasitic.

over the course of their existence they develop a 'taste' for a certain kind of emotion and by manipulating the dreamworld they encourage people to feel certain emotions and because most people are subconscious of the mental planes they dont notice.



Computer monitor light (and any artificial light in general) is pretty bad for you.





Okay I get what you guys are saying, but won't knowledge and awareness neutralize all these side effects?

These entities eat energies, so as long as you don't give into those energies (at least fully), won't you able to navigate through those issues?

I think opening the third eye before doing anything could give us better intuition and information from the spiritual planes on what is going on with you and what to do next and so on.

People seem to underestimate Knowledge and awareness.

But I'm still doing research on this so I might be wrong.

Can someone explain to me the difference between the root chakra and kundalini energy? I'm still confused. Is working on the root chakra the same thing as raising kundalini?


how often do you do drugs?


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yes definitely the most important thing is to keep awareness.

the root chakra is another name for the base chakra where kundalini lays dormant most of the time (i dont really like the name because if you thought of a plant it wouldnt be the root but the point where root becomes stem).

to my knowledge, kundalini is the energy that flows when you are aroused.

the thing thats hard to explain is that arousal is not just a sexual thing.

like notice when you laugh, it feels like an orgasm; but the energy flows higher.

people watch funny things, watch porn, learn new things, seek out new experiences all for the same reason.

it is excitement,

sex is just one facet of it, it is the source of all desire and will.

im not an expert and you should definitely study this yourself and go with your intuition but that was the eureka moment for me when i realised all these different things are all expressions of the same thing like

society has such an anxiety about thees things such as sex because anxiety and excitement are the same thing really.


Its called the blind spot. A small area of your retina where nerves are attached to your eyeball has no sensors. Your brain interpolates that area and creates a blank canvas with the colors surrounding it.

Or maybe it was a spooky demon soul and you are possesed by a butt ghost.


This happened to me before. Staring at my reflection until it disappears and disolved. But after I kept staring and a new image appeared in the mirror. I cloaked smiling figure. Was very scared.





This happens to all the humans, there was a research about it last month, look it up.

You're normal



are there any good books in the mega on opening the chakras? This thread has me interested :)



Weird, I've literally never once in my whole life had any paranormal/strange experiences with mirrors, and I have no fears concerning mirrors ever showing me anything other than reflected light.

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