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ITT: discuss spiritual exercises for the body and mind especially those related to visualisation + the mechanism of opening each chakra.

things like kechari mudra, trataka, ways to strengthen each chakra in general just habits that are beneficial to spiritual progress.


when i was young i could visualise things very easily as if it were projected in front of my eyes but now because of life i usually only see like a reflection of the image, like i see it only for a spit second and im just left with the memory of the image.

this is probably related to dream recall as well


anyone lives around university of montreal

doing calisthenics at the park in the morning before sunrise.

cia agents and illuminatis invited - let's boogy.


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Please don't spread pictures like that, it's actually very irresponsible and highly dangerous to learn yoga like this.

For example the posture in number seven needs to to arch your back inwards, however after viewing that picture people will think you need to push your body up with your arms - Resulting in highly dangerous energy movement; Your arms should simply hanging there with only the lower back muscles being used. Who knows what other mistakes people could make without proper initiation into yoga.

As a general rule try to learn yoga from Indians or someone who has undergone intensive training. The science of yoga has been so badly twisted by new agers and fitness people and the west in general that it has lost its full depth and dimensionality. It is like a stillborn baby, the form is there but the life is not.

Google Isha Foundation and look for them. They have to go through extremely intense training for 6 whole months 12 hours a day 7 days a week to be even be able to teach just Hatha yoga.


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>cia agents and illuminatis invited - let's boogy.



i understand what you are saying and i want to find a true guru so much but it isnt always possible.

my body causes me enough trouble, and it wasnt always like this and i know if i dont do something about it it will just get worse.

i know if i just spend all my time waiting for the right person to come and teach me then ill have to wait a long time by which my innate flexibility, visualisation ability,confidence, intelligence, eloquence is just going to keep eroding.

i want to learn true yoga so badly, but all i see is psuedoyoga and group things id be terrible at.


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There are any number of people who have done irreparable damage to themselves by doing improper yoga. For example I was told of a boy who saw someone doing a headstand as part of yoga and did it all the time and thought he was doing yoga. Over the months he slowly but surely became madder and madder until he roamed about naked and unable to speak and became extremely violent - Kinda like Nebuchadnezzar.

There are also 83 year olds who take up yoga and after some time find their bodies as limber as they were when they were 20. Yoga is a complete science by itself, apart from the western physical sciences which is over 2,000 years old if you ask westerns and over 15000 years old if you ask Indians. The age of your body has little to do with it, if you do the asanas your energies will be realigned.

As for looking for a true guru simply ask for one and keep an open mind when you see a youtube video or someone offers a book suggestion or something. Hell I've never met my guru in real life but he meets me in my dreams and has completely changed my life.

Another common thing people do is mistake yoga for meaning physical postures. Yoga literally means union. Union with the male and female aspects, union with the divine, union with all. Many things can be done without moving the body.


If you are interested participate in the above. It's called Upa-yoga. Or sub-yoga, which is like yoga but slightly less. It's still powerful though. I do it every day despite knowing other yoga. You can even pick and choose which ones you like if you are short on time, unlike other yoga.




thank you based sadhguru anon



>stillborn baby

lol reminded me i was on the chans



I don't fully understand this.

So you're implying that if someone is doing nothing but pranayama exercises without any prerequisite work, they're fucking themselves over?

I understand what you're saying about doing shit improperly, but there is a fine line between doing things "right" and being OCD perfectionist about your spirituality.



>pranayama exercises without any prerequisite work, they're fucking themselves over?

Pranayama is the pre-requisite work. That's why the fool has a flute in the tarot.



>going in a fit of rage because of headstands

>bboy dancers are chill as fuck

>bodies limber from 80 to 20

yeah, you reduced inflammation and promoted oxygenation of areas who prolly are atrophied, also basic physical exercise stimulates hormones to be produced for muscle tearing.

It's mostly because they bother breathing with all their lung capacity and not just shallow breathing.

It's also been scientifically proven that a good healthy active lifestyle with proper oxygen intake helps telomerase and telomere creation when cells reproduce.

yoga is just qi gong and qi gong is yoga, it all comes from south africa anyways and there's only 10 poses who do anything the rest are just things invented in the 1800s to woo tourists to give money to the yogis.

Go and find yourself a guru/yogi today, 90% of them will eventually want to fuck your wife and eat the food out of your fridge.

Smoke some weed in offering to shiva and let your body guide your movements. When you make movements cycle in and out energy with the breath.



>Smoke some weed in offering to shiva and let your body guide your movements.

Don't be so unreasonable.

Letting your moving center do the work results in poor thinking and feeling centers. You must combine all 3 and guide them under will.

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