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I want to get into astral projection. I tried every night for the past month or two and cant get into the sleep paralysis stage despite getting into sleep paralysis in the past by accident. However, lately I stopped giving a shit about everything, and just started playing video games at night because I could not AP at all. But just a few days ago some weird shit happened. I was asleep, my mom came barging into my room to wake me up for something. I did not get up or anything I just stayed there and then the spoopiest shit happened. I felt very warm in the middle, a very "mechanic" feeling. I literally thought that there was a machine of some sort inside of me, like an engine or device or something. The rest of my body was vibrating. I was scared. I kept thinking that aliens were after me, and for some reason I was afraid that they would come and rape and/or kill me later in the day. I picture greys in my head. I eventually just fell asleep. I thought about this and I realized that I could have been abducted by aliens, but I dont think that is the case. Simply because I dont think that there is any reason an alien would want anything to do with me. My life is so damn boring and uneventful that having aliens come to my life would not fit in. Thats why I believe this was the first time I came close to APing. And in the ultimate irony it happened when I was not ready at all. But atleast now I know how the beginning proccess feels so I can atleast be ready if it ever happens again. I tried it again a few times after. But I dont have as much motivation anymore, but another part of me wants to try and visit the moon and stars.

So does anyone know any idiot proof guide on APing? I tried the 90 day book for a few pages but I did not want to go through that weird program thing. Is there something else? Anytips would be appreciated. Also any theories on what was happening to me would be appreciated as well. It was a weird experience that just happened.


Are you that fag from >>48438 ?


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Learn to meditate, every night when you go to bed do a 10 - 20 min meditation. This will set you on the path to lucid dreaming which can easily be turned into astral projection.

>1. Sit in comfortable position where you have your back straight and your legs in a comfortable position ( I usually do the Burmese Stance when meditating because my legs fall asleep easily.)

>2. Begin by closing your eyes and breathing normally for about 1 to 2 minutes.

>3. After your body begins to calm down from doing whatever it was doing before this, start breathing in through your nose (Hold 3 secs) them breath out through your mouth (Hold for 3 secs) this is a very important step to attaining the Trance state. (The more you do this, the more your body will adapt to this state and you will feel your body naturally enter this trance)

>4 . After you are done doing trance breathing, you will notice how heavy your body is and how your are in a void of darkness. This is good, the next step is to count 0 to 100 in a very slow and steady pace. Remember, it is not a race. With this you can reach the state of gnosiss very easily. This whole step is very basic, a more advanced technique would be to visualize each number with your mind will counting up instead of just saying them in your head. This also helps with later steps with visualization.

>5. if you did all the steps correctly you should now be in a very blissful state where you do not feel your body and you are only conscious in your mind. At this point you can either stay in the void and enjoy it OR you can visualize yourself in different scenarios.

>6. Visualizing is very fun, I usually almost always end up in a huge forest with great landscape that I explore. This skill takes practice to get to, but once you do get to the point of visualizing there is no limit to what you cant do.

After you do this go to sleep right after, youll fall asleep in a quicker rate since you are already in REM. Doing this every day will induce very lucid dreams the more you do it.

Now to Astral, after you gotten experienced with meditation(done it for a couple weeks) right after you are done, just lay down on your bed and sit there focusing on the darkness behind your eyes. DO NOT FALL ASLEEP. you have to be as conscious as you possibly can. After about 5 mins you should feel vibrations thru your body(These will go away once your body has adapted to the energy's) Also its okay to get scared, your body is not adapted to any of these energy's/feelings you are gonna feel, so that be surprised if you get the heart racing effect, its your body not you. the more you do it, the less fear and more knowing how these energy's feel. So after you feel the vibrations you'll just pop out of your body, its a weird scenario, it happens almost instantly. you'll prob be floating or standing depending on you.



Thanks for this. Last night I retried it after writing this post. I just layed there on my back and let the thoughts come to me. I believe I got to step 4 on your list. My body began getting very heavy. Breathing got harder as well. I started the rope technique. I felt like there was a point where something strange started to happen. Like all of the wheight was shifting towards the middle. Anyways I did that for about 20 seconds than opened my eyes and it went away. Ill try again tonight but Ill try your way and see what happens. THanks again.



Yea, just keep trying and practicing sooner or later you're gonna get it. Good stuff with combining the rope technique. you can pretty much change anything to your liking.

Keep trying you will get there eventually.



Thanks I will. Iv been trying for a while now and it's strange seeing so many people get it so quickly. maybe it's because I can't silence my mind/thoughts. But I have nothing to lose so I'll keep going at it.



>start breathing in through your nose (Hold 3 secs) them breath out through your mouth (Hold for 3 secs)

Elaborate a bit more on this step, do I breath in through my nose and hold it for 3 secs or I breath for 3 secs and then I exhale right away?



Doesn't have to be exactly 3. Breathe in for a while, hold for an amount of time, exhale, hold.

More on this in Science of Breath.

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