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So /fringe/ I have been trying to Astral project for a month or two but I have had no luck at all so far. I lay there and try to clear my mind until something happens to my body, but the most that happens is that I might hear a sound, some body parts might vibrate, or I might start dreaming in a way but then I will twitch out of it or fall asleep. Its also hard to keep thoughts out of my head. Many times ill get tired of lying there and ill just quit, turn over and fall asleep.

The reason why I want to astral project is that I read in places that you will learn about yourself and meet spirits. I need to know somethings. I always felt that I never belonged here. I was always a lonely person, I cant even connect with my mother, despite her being such a great person towards me. Most guys dislike me, they might talk to me at first but they will eventually stop completely for no reason. Girls on the other hand will literally ignore me anywhere, I have never had a gf before either. If I try to start a conversation with one they will eventually try to end it. And a few who might ever talk to me will eventually quit completely (after a week or two/three). Im an average looking guy, I dont come of as needy, cocky or anything. And they completely ignore me on dating sites. I cant seem to build a relationship with anyone except my mom for some reason. Im 21 and Im still undecided on what to do for a career. I cant enjoy anime or video games or any other escapisms anymore. Truth be told I dont want to be on Earth and I dont think I belong here. I have been looking at the moon many nights and I think that that is where I want to go. The moon is like a cute girl loving goddess with long silver hair to me, thats how I see it for some reason. I love staring at the stars too and wondering if my true family, friends, even lover could be there. But someone told me on /fringe/ a while ago that Im bad and I deserved all of this loneliness. I dont think I deserve this at all. But I want to learn of my purpose, why am I here? Why the fuck does everyone seem to ignore me? Anyways I believe that If I can go to the astral realm, I might be able to find out about myself.

Thats all I want to do but apparently its ridiculously hard. I thought that it was 100% real but today im doubting astral projecting is even an actual thing. This reality feels like an emotional torture simulator.

Anyways, sorry for writing a fucking novel, but I just want to know, does anyone have a complete how-to-astral-project-for-morons guide or something? Also, do you believe I can learn of my purpose and get all of my answers in the astral?

Thank you for reading and responding if you can.

Oh and pic related because Shinji is the only person who I feel I can even remotely relate too.


Take DMT


Use Robert Bruces Mastering Astral Projection in 90 days. It's supposedly an idiot proof guide. You should stop thinking so badly about yourself and surrounding yourself in negative emotions. Read the first three books in the FAQ at least and understand the distinction between your personality and your ego. Good luck.



I read the first one and I was in the middle of the second until i got a new phone. Thanks for the book reccomendation, I'll look into it right now.



>until I got a new phone

Could you elaborate? I don't see the connection between having a new phone and not finishing a book. But I'm not a fucking mundane.



He might have had the pdf saved in the old phone and was too lazy to copy it over to the new one.


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>Astral projection to get a gf



Yep this


Having a qt sylph/fairy tinkerbell like gf doesn't sound bad, but that's not why I am astral projecting. It's for self discovery.



>It's for self discovery.

Is that why you posted all your mundane gf bullshit problems in the OP?



That was only to give an example of how women do ignore me completely as well. Did you read my entire post?



>That was only to give an example of how women do ignore me completely as well.

How is this connected to astral travels or /fringe/ at all?



Why do you care about women? They steal your loosh and make you dependent.



I just wanted to have a romantic connection with someone. But right now all I care about is learning who I am. I'm down to fuck a succubus though.



>romantic connection

>fuck a succubus


If you git gud at Mental Alchemy you will not want it, unless you will to want it.

Fulfilling basic desires instead of transcending them is detrimental in my opinion.



>I just wanted to have a romantic connection with someone.

>fuck a succubus though

You're just a mundane piece of crap. Better fix that before attempting astral travels.




Is there something wrong with that? He'll I thought Hermes was married and had kids.



You're 2mundane4magick. Your whole OP has the mundane mindset stench.



I don't care whether it does or doesnt. I only care about astral projecting and learning my origins.



Hell, I thought that we don't have any facts about supposed life of Hermes.


You lack understanding of basic principles, you can't into astral anon. I strongly advise against any experiments with astral proj in your case. You can get hurt, and even if you achieve success by some miracle, it will be only another means to escape, not to work on yourself as you stated in OP.



Why? I just started reading an idiot proof astral proj. Book. So I should give up astral proj. Just because I wanted to feel romance? If you want to live an aescetic life then go ahead but that shit is not for me.



That book isn't mundane-proof though.

Also, astral isn't some fairyland to live romantic dreams in. You can get hurt. You can get really fucked up by entities there if you don't know how to protect yourself.

Why not change yourself and feel romance in this plane instead of astral one? You don't need AP to reforge your personality and body. Do some meditations. Or don't, whatever.

You have been warned.



>and learning my origins

What do you mean with that?



Did you read my post at all? I have nearly given up on humans, and I'm not going there to experience romance, if it happens fine. But my sole purpose is to find out who I am, and why I don't feel I belong here. I want to learn of my true purpose and origins. Maybe I'm not human.



I want to know whether I'm even human or if I belong here. If read some crazy shut before like about wanderers and stuff. I wonder if I am one of those.



Stop making me cringe.

>I have nearly given up on humans

I remember how you cried about romances.

>and why I don't feel I belong here. I want to learn of my true purpose and origins. Maybe I'm not human.

Let's face it: you're just a little bitch who can't cope with his life. Astral projection won't change anything because you are unable to do efforts.

I advise you to meditate and getting your shit together, mundanes call it "to man up".

There you go, now get back to work.



Everyone was a teenager once OP. It will be better, just give it some time.



Why do you keep mentioning the romance aspect? And if I do meditate and man up, then what? I want to know my myself to the literal point of origin. Is that too much for you to take? Why?


21 here. I feel way too old though


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I would say take it slowly and build up "purity" and a good personality before going to astral(the astral will reflect what your psyche's mood is), I would recommend reading these two books(they are pretty small considering the other books presented online)

~Occult Exercise by Gareth Knight.

~J.H,Brennan, - Experimental Magic.

I would say to focus on the exercises on occult Exercise and the one I am going to present here

~Spiritual exercise of loyola

Bestow the removal of many external and internal influence in your daily life, and they are both conscious and sub-conscious.

~Deaythu-th exercise(outlined in Occult exercise )

The name gives The ability to tune in to the three aspects of perfection necessary to perfect manifestation in the world, namely Equilibrium, Receptivity and Transmission. These .It is easy to align with the three Pillars of Qablaistic teachings

The Name Exercise has other uses. In another form it can be used as a help and protection for others, or

over houses, trains, boats, cars, airplanes, etc. It can be used to resolve differences and disharmonies between friends, relatives, neighbors or others, or for the smooth functioning of committees and conferences. Or in a wider sense it may be used for the help of the

world generally.

~There is a hara line aligning you with your true purpose/True Will/Will in the Book Of Knowledge(you can find it in the /fringe/ MEGA)

~Take up a usual meditation,personal magnetism building, and the usual to be "functional" in the real world

LASTLY I WANTED TO REMAINED about the astral plane (you can read the full post here >>47156 )

you can easily fall in self-deception

'' The Magician may go on for a long time being fooled and flattered by the Astrals that he has himself modified or manufactured. Their natural subservience to himself will please him, poor ape!

They will pretend to show him marvellous mysteries, pageants of beauty and wonder unspeakably splendid; he will incline to accept them as true, for the very reason that they are images of himself idealized by the imagination.

But his real progress will stop dead. These phantasms will prevent him from coming into contact with independent intelligences, from whom alone he can learn anything new.

He will become increasingly interested in himself, imagine himself to be attaining one initiation after another. His Ego will expand unchecked, till he seem to himself to have heaven at his feet. Yet all this will be nothing but his fool's face of Narcissus smirking up from the pool that will drown him.'' ~Crowley,Notes for an Astral Atlas

Also solar grounding and banishing every morning and night





>Why do you keep mentioning the romance aspect?

Because you put too much emphasis on it.

>And if I do meditate and man up, then what?

You will stop being a little bitch and your ability to to excel in your life will prevent and escapist behaviour into the astral.

>I want to know my myself to the literal point of origin.

Then meditate, you faggot.



Thank you , I will look into these. But I don't think I have a bad personality at all.


What? I only put like 4 sentences about my girl problems. And how the fuck is astral escapism?



>4 sentences about my girl problems


4 sentences out of 5?

Go fuck yourself, kiddo. Grow up some more before posting here.



4 out of 19. Hang yourself.



thanks for the link bro, this is great



That's 21.05 % of your shitty post dedicated to pussy. Think about it.



Well it's pussy so…



that anon is looking out for your best interests. gain some control over your emotions, the whole emotional torture simulator thing is something you'll have to deal with.

Think of it this way: if you skip past building up your mental and spiritual fortitude in order to jump straight into astral projection, what then? Even if you go straight into a plane full of everything that sets the world right for you, you'll still have to spend time in the mundane world. You'll still have zero ability to cope with these feelings, only now while knowing that there's something better waiting for you the moment you can leave your body again.

Find a balance, OP. Right now you're just trying to run away.



I feel a lot better now than when I wrote this. But I still want to AP. If been failing at it lately


This mindset of "If I just meditate enough my problems will vanish" etc. is very counterproductive.

The pursuit of awakening is a lifestyle. Indeed, it's a lifelong process for most people. You can't just expect that simply achieving astral projection will suddenly answer all your questions, assuming you could even do it without having first changed some other things in your life.

Just lurk more and read. Look up some gurus—not the super-popular, Oprah types. The more down-to-earth ones. The internet has made all kinds of teachers available, even ones who live in remote areas.



> Robert Bruces Mastering Astral Projection in 90 days

Got a pdf? I don't see it in the mega link in the sticky.


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Just kidding, I found it.






I honestly don't like this book. Do you know a better one?


All I want is alittle self discovery and to feel an adventure. Is this too much to ask? Why am I being scrutinized for wanting a little escapism?



go buy 5g dried psylocibin, get some organic tobacco, fast for 6 hours and eat the shrooms, if you got cannabis get high first, do this at night, use the tobacco to have full lucidity during the trip, lots of ppl can't remember the trip because they don't do it spiritually or properly or aren't taking shit back with them because they don't know what to take back…

have you read the books recommended on everything in general to know what the you're stepping into?

if you don't want le shrooms, follow mantak+breathing stuff in pure darkness and shed some layers of the illusion you got on yourself to unlock more content.


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I HAET HOOMANS!!!!!111 >n<



I don't want to do it with drugs. Could you elaborate more on the breathing stuff?


Humans are aight.


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to Astral one must get his body adapted to the frequent energy's that engulf your body while meditating. Once you get more experienced with meditation from there you can dig deeper within yourself with all the focus you have built up from meditating. The vibrations are the energy's coming from other planes to make sure you can dismount your astral body from the physical body.

But with actual projecting comes many blocks that you can expierence.

Try not to astral when you have severe emotional problems. This can cause energys to become unbalance.

Also believing that the astral exist is another obstacle that beginners face. DO NOT have any doubts at all. Doubt will cause a very bad block that you, yourself will have to get over.


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I dont think you are looking into AP for the right reasons OP, furthermore I dont think APing will give you the results you are looking for which reading between the lines of your post seems to be a social life and the ability to connect with people.

I think you need to look for help elsewhere and that you are overcomplicating your problems. These are normal "mundane" issues and youre looking for an esoteric solution to it.

You should definitely break out of your shell and make some friends first. (you need to do this before you find a gf)

I would reccomend watching some RSD videos. They are a company on PUA techniques but they release LOADS of content on how you can heighten your lifestyle as a man, and they talk a lot about people in your situation (a lot of the speakers were in your exact situation)



these should be a good start for you.

good luck my friend.



MCO breathing ( micro-cosmic orbit )

1 tongue pressed to roof of mouth

2 head tilted slightly down to be comfortable in a non-muscular straining way on the shoulders/back

3 inhale 4 sec while you inhale pull the anus/kegel muscles and hold, hold breath for 4 seconds, then release muscles at the root and exhale. Repeat 7 times, then do 6/3/6 then 7/4/7 then move to 10/10 then 15/15 then 20/20 - the goal is to read 30/30, 1 breath a minute.

all this in pure darkness, fasted.



>also to visualize energy moving though the whole process… read mantak chia's books plz.



>You can get hurt. You can get really fucked up by entities there if you don't know how to protect yourself.

Everyone who talks about the Astral always parrots this. How in hell can you get hurt in the Astral?


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Strong negative entities can drain all your energy and you will be disconnected and wake up feeling Emotionless/Drained



Will this help with ap or something?

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