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Just so you know there are entities that can help liberate us all from the samsara. I've found a way how to make them to notice us: psi-spam or generating a huge wave of signals that would call for destruction of this plane(physical reality). Just repeat in your head "Destroy all material planes"(no need to vocalize it). The more people repeat it the stronger the signal is.

material planes contain physical or etheric worlds which are inherently corruptive and starved of energy,i.e. shitty samsara existence unlike upper planes which are filled with energy and harmony. If the material planes are destroyed their corrupting influence ends and you can't reincarnate into them again.


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O mighty 8 ball

Should I do Psi-signal call, is it for the good of my magical development?



of course, you need "magical development" and training, because in this plane its very hard and energy is scarce.

Have you thought:what if you could do magic effortlessly?

Have you thought that in this plane your magic is limited and corrupted by material world around you?


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is magic is limited and corrupted by material world around me?

>file name 4

Is there a wisdom in creating the material plane?

>file name 11

is it for the refinement and purification of human race?

>file name 1


O based Eris poster will I be lead astray by dividing my time between spiritual pursuits and the physical pursuits of defying the Jew?


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O might eight ball of great wisdom, Answer the question of this Pagan

>will I be lead astray by dividing my time between spiritual pursuits and the physical pursuits of defying the Jew?



Follow up question Eris poster should I just say fuck it and fade out of all the bullshit of this world?



>is it for the refinement and purification of human race?

Its wrong and you know it, all souls who get into material planes get corrupted. The select few who can purify themself can easily be corrupted back into mundane ways of this world. The human race on the whole is degenerating and consuming the last resources of this world. The material plane saps all energy and turns souls into mundane monkey's drivers focused on survival and sex. There is no good reason or divine wisdom for continued existence of material planes they are only a source of corruption(and feeding energy for negative entities of course). A giant soul farm.A matrix of control.


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>should I just say fuck it and fade out of all the bullshit of this world?


also I have embed a "card" for you to meditate on(if you want, or jerk off to gain it's energy)

don't forget to read Liber Null where there is part of reincarnating and having the past occult knowledge with you.

Despite the truth of the claim that there is no reality but reality, and that wherever we look we see nothing but God or a manifestation of the universal divine consciousness, often in this weird universe we find ourselves with the unmistakable impression that we are faced with somebody else.

A guru might say, "I am you and you are me," and you might reply, "No, I am here and you are there." But if all pronouns are abolished there is only one god in the bouncing universe.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Its wrong and you know it

no I don't, but whatever you say is true is probably THE ONE TRUTH and there is no other truth then it.

>all souls who get into material planes get corrupted.

why?okay so…?

>The select few who can purify themself can easily be corrupted back into mundane ways of this world.


>The human race on the whole is degenerating and consuming the last resources of this world. The material plane saps all energy and turns souls into mundane monkey's drivers focused on survival and sex. There is no good reason or divine wisdom for continued existence of material planes they are only a source of corruption(and feeding energy for negative entities of course). A giant soul farm.A matrix of control.

Here allow me to quote a good passage that I always refer to

''If it seems as though you are nothing more than an inconsequential meat robot, at the mercy of a cold, uncaring universe,where everything goes wrong and everyone is an

arsehole, that’s because you act like you are nothing more than an inconsequential meat robot, at the mercy of a cold, uncaring

universe, where everything goes wrong and everyone is an arsehole. No outside agency is going to help you; no one will change your experience for you. If you live in a shitty universe, it’s up to you to change it for yourself.Magick is first and foremost about taking responsibility for your existence.Belief shifting doesn’t stop with altering personality traits; the aim of the game is enlightenment. The fact that you can make yourself a well-adjusted happy individual in the process is just one more piece of evidence that the world is truly a wonderful place. So apart from actively working on your personality traits or general outlook on life, adopt as many magical models as possible and act on them.As soon as a significant result manifests, move on to another belief system and repeat.''

Surrounded by the various and sometimes bizarre creatures of nature, I received a message. It said: "You and the earth are one".

But since you're hard-headed and way too emotionally invested into this thread I don't think you would care to look at the situation from another model.



>You will eventually reincarnate here.

care to give me a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of this happening to you, before claiming it will happen to someone?

>This is not a soultion,only a temporary escape.

That's like your opinion. man.



>>all souls who get into material planes get corrupted.

>why?okay so…?

Imagine yourself as a child born. What does the child learn? The need for food, the the need for safety. The scarcity of material belongings, greed.The existence of violence, lack of trust, eventual death and pain.The worlds limited resources and existence of money. The unfair and random events that could ruin your life.

The world filled with people you wou'll never understand or even meet, while people who meet you manipulating and controlling you to fullfill their desires, people who hate you and people who depend on you.

When you develop lust because of your body wanting to reproduce, the insatisfaction with sexual desires, your view is dictated by hormones and physical body.The soul takes a back seat. World is always unsatosfactory and filled with suffering.

The obligations and family ties which drive to become another family unit, perpetuatiing misery on your offspring and future generations.

And in the end you'll find this all perfectly normal existence..because this is all you knew.



> The fact that you can make yourself a well-adjusted happy individual in the process is just one more piece of evidence that the world is truly a wonderful place

Truly deluded. The world isn't a wonderful place, this is an illusion of external appearance. The magician is a mere anomaly in the matrix, and is not immune to it's effects,A "well-adjusted happy individual" who knows the secrets of the world is keeping a mask of sanity and veil of magical thinking("belief shifting") to shield himself from the matrix. Essentialy dreaming yourself out of hell. Very few can maintain the regime and it takes the character level of a Buddha to stay sane between the worlds. Not to mention your existence at such a level is always threatened by astral parasites, predators and spirits who can drain/corrupt/manipulate you for all the energy you have. A world of constant struggle, discipline and temptation, and this is somehow "wonderful"?


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This is a subjective question by saying

what is wrong and what is right?what is good and what is evil?

we are here as a people who try to transcendence duality and one of the most important duality to jump over is


which you clearly stuck on one side

allow me to unrustle your jimmies 4 u

>Have you been to upper astral realms? The existence we lead here has a remarkably low quality of life, but like a child born in Ethiopia we can't imagine anything better.


>The world is pollutted, filled with parasites viruses and predators(psycical and etheric), scarce with resources and energy, filled with strife, conflict and dread of cataclysms,corrupt leaders, corrupt energies and evil entities manipulating everything. The world is not refininf souls into better beings, it corrupts and binds them to material planes forever. All the habits,addictions and behaviours here harm spiritual advancement.

>Who in their sane mind would call this a good world?

here maybe the message didn't reach you

''''If it seems as though you are nothing more than an inconsequential meat robot, at the mercy of a cold, uncaring universe,where everything goes wrong and everyone is an

arsehole, that’s because you act like you are nothing more than an inconsequential meat robot, at the mercy of a cold, uncaring

universe, where everything goes wrong and everyone is an arsehole. No outside agency is going to help you; no one will change your experience for you. If you live in a shitty universe, it’s up to you to change it for yourself.Magick is first and foremost about taking responsibility for your existence''


It doesn't matter whether you or i reincarnate here. Billions of souls will. And you're one of them.

>Do you want this existence for a future you?


>Do you believe in reincarnation?

maybe..maybe not, I belief shift.

>Do you hope you escape material planes,ascend and stay in heavenly planes forever?

no that is like the Christian's heaven and the "IF YOU BELIEVE IN ME AND DO WHAT I TELL YOU, YOU WILL LIVE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD" kind of promises.


>perpetuatiing misery

I thought we perpetuate ideas and stuff?


>Truly deluded.

That is true, because it came from the voice of a true ascended master, of course.(and lets not forget that you are the greatest most powerful magician of all)

>A world of constant struggle, discipline and temptation, and this is somehow "wonderful"?




>This is a subjective question by saying

>what is wrong and what is right?what is good and what is evil?

>we are here as a people who try to transcendence duality and one of the most important duality to jump over is


>which you clearly stuck on one side

>allow me to unrustle your jimmies 4 u

Do you enjoy the suffering of the world? is it right that death. decay and disease nibble away at your soul at any moment? Is it right that ignorance dominates the world?

Does your "transcendence of duality" make you right or wrong? If there is no wrong, duality isn't wrong view.

By your logic being inside duality is not wrong and all evil and suffering is okay "because it builds character"( another excuse for soul draining corruption of a world).

If those believing in duality are wrong, and you're right, congratulations you invented another duality.

You don't see that duality is reality of material existence?

When all material planes destroyed there is no suffering, no pain, no decay, no corruption. You goal of "transcendence of duality" is a personal delusion which won't help you when it ends, when you face the evil and suffering first hand, when you will feel wrong, see wrong and hear wrong. Ignorance doesn't save or shield. It dulls and robs you of awareness, making yourself pawn of forces who control the matrix.


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Is this the same OP from the "summon death" thread? Its similar feels on loosh farming and trynna fuck with low level magicians. Pulling in energy like that by yourself isn't good for you.

This world is not "corrupt" so to speak, and the physical plane will never stop existing. It is a tool, a school of thought. We all(mostly) chose to come here on our own free will to learn something new. To learn about being human. Were not STARVED of energy. We in fact have a shitton at our command. Its just so condensed and slow vibrating that it takes WAY more willpower to create than it does in higher realms.

BUT WHY WOULD I DO THAT TO MYSELF DEAR SIGMASHAMAN? Well the answer is simple faggots and shills, because you wanted to refine yourself, so you could know what it is you want out of existence instead of just being. For God is the great "I Am __". That is the sound of the vibration God makes in the universe. You get to fill in that empty space with your own sound.

Stop being a depressed faggot who hates physical reality. You chose to be here, you're stuck here till you absolve all your addictions and come to terms with your own identity. Only at the point you start expressing your own inner god will you move forward. All other roads lead back to here.

As above so below. You seriously think you can just destroy an entire level of reality simply through willing it away? Destroy one level, what happens to the rest?




whatever man, you will filter and twist whatever I say anyway.


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I sacrifice this trip for our lord and savior

YHVH V2 and Crasher of the planes



>perpetuatiing misery

I thought we perpetuate ideas and stuff?

No, you perpetuate the material existence by allowing children to be born which allows host for souls, which are drawn into the misery of the world, getting bound and corrupted in the matrix of control.

Just to consider, the death of human race, wouldn't save the souls from corruption of material planes as long as there are living beings and material planes where it could reincarnate.

Our existence, "life and death" is the collective of decaying and corrupted souls in a material plane. The Life which perpetuate its just misery, decay and corruption of limited material existence.

You yourself protect, birth and nourish the future existence of this state and cling to it until the decay overpowers you in death. The corruption binds with you into lower astral, where your meterial habits and addictions drain you of energy and perpeatuate the misery and replicate material desires, a corrupted echo of physical worlds you left and cling to. Drawn to this physical existence like moths to a flame, you get reborn in it and "the cycle of life" begins again.

Do you like perpetuating the samsaric loops of life and death?



>Do you like perpetuating the samsaric loops of life and death?




This is how you program your body's cells to product cancer / degenerate

As above so bellow - anything you desire onto the universe is done onto your body.

>upper planes filled with energy and harmony

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

>material planes are destroyed

if you're in any kind of plane, once you have the faculty to perceive which defines depth which defines singularization of matter into constructs… you are in a material physical plane, as it simply defines depth. Even when you take dMT or massive shrooms or do crazy rituals… you still SEE or FEEL or SENSE something… that's tactility, which is female, feminine, the matter, mother, matrix. Pattern is paternal, fatherly, masculine, shapes, molds.



This is how you program your body's cells to product cancer / degenerate

As above so bellow - anything you desire onto the universe is done onto your body.

the universe doesn't revolve around material planes. I don't wish harm on the rest of the universe, i want the universe's cancer healed, the material planes excised and destroyed.

>rest of nonsense

Drugs are not enlightment, its working on your brain and operate by material laws. Once the drugs wear off, welcome to material world. Your soul is still bound with the body and you can't change the world by huffing DMT.

The corrupted expirience you remember is product of your brain, not what you expirienced originally and not its ultimate reality. A monkey on DMT can't grasp the universe.



>niggah cant even do drugs properly

>implying that you can interact with the physical realm without your body producing a chemical reaction

>learn to psychonaut

Real is relative


>This world is not "corrupt" so to speak,

You're blind to the corruption of the world/

>and the physical plane will never stop existing.

Its will. What was created can be destroyed.

>It is a tool, a school of thought. We all(mostly) chose to come here on our own free will to learn something new.

"material planes as school" delusion.

Souls can be safely and effectively schooled(the idea of reeducation and control is of this matrix) in controlled dream scenarios. You don't remember any lessons from previous life? Do you think the school is effective with 99% of population? Such a poor school isn't it?

More like a prison of mind? Do you feel okay for suffering to "build chacracter" ? You don't oppose evil?

Why would you want yourself to suffer decades of "character building" and get corrupted into material life forever? Why would anyone on their own free will choose a form of hell for themself? I don't think billions of souls volutarily chose spiritually shallow existence revolving around survival and sex within a crippled hellworld. Its obviously not a sane decision.

> To learn about being human.

being human is one of the lowest tiers of existence.

>Were not STARVED of energy. We in fact have a shitton at our command. Its just so condensed and slow

Excuses, why do you have to sleep? Why you need food to exist? Why you feel hunger and thirst?

>vibrating that it takes WAY more willpower to create than it does in higher realms.

So you admit your will is limited and lack even capacitiy to use energy? Wonderful world isn't?



Why you think external drugs are required?

because your material body is limited,corrupted and

needs a drug to expirience it?

And when the monkey gets its tool it can't even describe in its limited monkey mind what it expirienced, but its okay: other monkeys wouldn't understand anyway.

Another piece of evidence of this wonderful world isn't?



You're just a fag who can't suck astral dick correctly. Your human fallacies cause you to believe that because you experience stagnation and discomfort here it must not exist in other realms.

It exists in other realms.

Also, I dont actually NEED to sleep or eat. I figured that out a while ago. I just actually like sleeping and eating. I like the world of the physical.

And my will is not limited. The energy of this realm was created to be more dense on purpose. In higher realms it is more free flowing and easier to control. Here its SUPPOSED to be a challenge so you learn what really matters to you.

Honestly, I don't feel the need to even type anymore as you're just gonna shill your way out of it with more HURR DURR LETS DESTROY WHERE WE LIVE comments. Theyre useless and it just shows the rest of us how far you haven't moved since you stepped foot in reality.

You're here, your delusions are caused by your ego and your desire to be FREE and POWERFUL. You probably came here to take a swift foot up the ass and learn that life ain't all about you. Get that through your thick skull first, then post.


>did I say drugs are required?

>so much faggot in this response my god

>uses word monkey

>hasnt transcended monkey genetics

>some form of monkey magician perhaps?

>go trip on some drugs and get back to me


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Anon and SigmaShaman



Bahahahahaha xD



>You're just a fag who can't suck astral dick correctly. Your human fallacies cause you to believe that because you experience stagnation and discomfort here it must not exist in other realms.

>It exists in other realms.

A discomfort of dying of cancer painfully compared with discomfort of a slight breeze created by passing butterfly. However the gap is even greater, there is no harm in stagnation in upper planes and the existence is not revolving around survival or limited resources. Its far more refined and less corrupted. The quality of life is trillions of times greater and discomfort is trillions of times less.

>Also, I dont actually NEED to sleep or eat. I figured that out a while ago. I just actually like sleeping and eating. I like the world of the physical.

You are deluded, try not drinking and eating anything for month and you'll die from starvation and dehydration. Liking the corrupted, limited existence of this hellworld and claiming enlightenment at same breath, wonderful isn't it? Do you not even require air to exist? How many days you didn't breathe?

>And my will is not limited. The energy of this realm was created to be more dense on purpose. In higher realms it is more free flowing and easier to control. Here its SUPPOSED to be a challenge so you learn what really matters to you.

Oh its challenges for billions of souls, so the default condition in this world is misery and lack of energy,

And the purpose to starve others of energy isn't benign, its built into world foundations: all material existence is without satisfaction, limited, corrupt and filled with suffering. You delusions of grander will will not override it, since you have no power to control the world being a simple monkey in the cogs of the matrix.

>Honestly, I don't feel the need to even type anymore as you're just gonna shill your way out of it with more HURR DURR LETS DESTROY WHERE WE LIVE comments. Theyre useless and it just shows the rest of us how far you haven't moved since you stepped foot in reality.

We originally lived in upper realms of reality, not this place and our souls will be released from suffering of this world forever, preventing others from reincarnating here and removing corruption from the universe. Clinging to material monkey existence, like the obedient pawn of the demiurge, is as far from enlightenment as possible: you're only few steps away from death and sensual desires will never satisfy you anyway.

>You're here, your delusions are caused by your ego and your desire to be FREE and POWERFUL. You probably came here to take a swift foot up the ass and learn that life ain't all about you. Get that through your thick skull first, then post.

Maybe if you haven't been listening, i want to make everyone FREE and POWERFUL by releasing our souls from this corrupt plane of existence and prevent future suffering and decay. Such egoistic, deluded thought isn't it?



>fucked up awakening process

>niggah literally thinks he knows how to save everyone

Can I call you White Jesus?



>niggah literally thinks he knows how to save everyone

Our existence here is beyond saving. I want it to be destroyed forever, all material planes gone and severed from the universe. All i ask i simple cooperation, so that we coudl create a strong psi-signal which will break through the matrix of material planes and reach the entities who have the power to destroy the material planes.

The process could be painful,incomfortable and destructive, but it would need to be happen only once.

Its like distress signal, a psychic beacon to the universe.

We have the energy to create it and broadcast it daily, this isn't a complex ritual or magical process, a simple repetetive thought pattern, which can be maintained by anyone.

And i don't claim the entities involved are benign/good/evil, i just claim they exist and listen sometimes.

Even if you think its all a tulpa/egregore generation, this acitivity will eventually catch their focus and they'll consider our request. I won't stop broadcasting it until the material planes are destroyed, so eventually they'll do it. I just like to accelerate it with more people.



Your actions are futile.


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If you honestly think the people on this planet who have been asking for destruction of the physical plane havent received their prayer and that you know the magical secret.

Go home, seriously. You don't even know what youre talking about.

You just said you wanted everyone to be free and powerful, then you claim our existence is beyond saving. You have no idea the words you even speak and yet you still open your mouth.

Im seriously recommending you go out and indulge in your physical ego a little bit. You seem to have nothing to latch onto in this life. With nothing to ground yourself upon you're just going to fizzle out, and find yourself right back here, hating it, trying to escape.

Here, have some tips niggah. Drew it myself a couple days ago.



>Your actions are futile.

I have only started it yesterday. Don't worry about the futility, its actually the only thing you can do to "change the world for better" as personal development won't help everyone else( Craving positions of power and comfort within the matrix). All the magic and enlightment is such a rare sight, just because of oppression of everyday matrix control. Its the most anti-matrix thing you could do in your life, provided you can't destroy the planes from within.



Why not try to reprogram the system? Smiley had an idea a good while ago to reprogram Demiurge with love thoughtforms.

Anyways, you won't succeed on your endeavors.



>implying you aren't your own demiurge



My own? Sure I am. The whole Material Plane? Nope.




>If you honestly think the people on this planet who have been asking for destruction of the physical plane havent received their prayer and that you know the magical secret.

>Go home, seriously. You don't even know what youre talking about.

>You just said you wanted everyone to be free and powerful, then you claim our existence is beyond saving. You have no idea the words you even speak and yet you still open your mouth.

The claim that existence in material planes are beyond saving and that we will be free and powerful in upper realms of reality, don't contradict each other.

>Im seriously recommending you go out and indulge in your physical ego a little bit. You seem to have nothing to latch onto in this life. With nothing to ground yourself upon you're just going to fizzle out, and find yourself right back here, hating it, trying to escape.

>Here, have some tips niggah. Drew it myself a couple days ago.

latching into another circuit of the matrix? Why?

The samsaric existence is temporary and these desires can't be fully satisfied.I bring my energy towards the ultimate cause, the destruction of material planes, liberating the matrix from within. Its not about hating life, i have no desire to fight the world, i'm not wanting to kill everyone, i find material existence disgusting to the extreme, i'm tired fo existing physically. Its on a much deeper level, when we discover all material existence is unsatisfactory, corrupted and limited by design, we could suicide and leave everyone here or bring the end of the world. This is the ultimate end of the world scenario which would stop the entire chain of samsaric existence, the filth, corruption and decay of the world brought to its final moment. I live for this moment.

So, why bother with the simple pleasures of the matrix when you have the (potential) power to end all suffering?



Demiurge doesn't care about its food, the matrix is built to extract our energies to feed its demons and archons.

The world is filled with parasites and predators from the etheric-material planes. The whole system is built to exploit us as food. Its like a cow trying to convince its master to not slaughter it by being cute.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>This thread

OP:Guise I haz super master plan for beating le demiugre, hear me out.

*OP start to fall in dogmatic thinking*

SigmaShaman:I will save you

*Sigma hold unto OP*


*OP is trapped in a clam under the sea of B.S. and rigid belief-system*

*song start*



Sounds like something of this sort is already described in Buddhism.


The Saṃvartakalpa begins when beings cease to be born in Naraka. This cessation of birth then proceeds in reverse order up the vertical cosmology, i.e., pretas then cease to be born, then animals, then humans, and so on up to the realms of the deities.

When these worlds as far as the Brahmaloka are devoid of inhabitants, a great fire consumes the entire physical structure of the world. It burns all the worlds below the Ābhāsvara worlds. When they are destroyed, the Saṃvartasthāyikalpa begins.



and the way you're contributing to the uplifting of the condition overall is?

>thinks people are knocking off his bullshit for him and him only, how arrogant.

we're checking you down because some neophytes may view your bullshit and out of edgelord residue programming decided to yolo something that get's them something they really could of just avoided and overcome much better with more knowledge.

>I suggest you listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNTfrLXGHkI



You can't uplift material bodies without them ceasing to exist. All material existence is corrupted and filled with suffering. The moments of respite don't balance out the negative parts.

Imagine a bowl of water. You want to purify it, but there is poisonous rain everywhere.

You're attached to the bowl of water as its your property and always want to purify it, shiled from the rain, in the hope that one day you could drink it , but it always gets poisoned by the raindrops.

The desire to drink from the bowl is so strong you don't consider to spill it and walk way, its against your way of life, and the precious bowl is too important to give up. You sit the and cling to it wishing the rain would go away or trying to ignore the rain and drink it anyway. This is material existence.



you're redundant, just say everything eventually decays.

you forget to factor in WILL.

go read more and watch the video.



According to Dr. Pookrum, nothing in our world has the power to make us weak, sad or diseased if we adopt the proper attitude, diet and commitment to wellness.

Oh its easy to disprove, can magical thinking stop a bullet? Can it heal the fatal wounds? prevent death? I don't think so, all you can do is lessen the suffering with mental gymanstics. It still exists.

In the future Dr. Pookrum will slowly decay and die, she wouldn't be able to live forever or be immune to disease.

Her will of enforcing the view of "you create your own reality" does not help anyone, its a form of spiritual escapism.A denial of reality.



Maybe you're just too much of a newb to figure out how to ascend properly?

Yeah, seems about right. This thread is pretty dead anyways. Just a bunch of people telling you how stupid you're being, and then you continue being stupid. It's like arguing with a christian. You can't checkmate someone who's king isn't even on the playing field :P

Go ahead, flip the chessboard, see what happens. We'll just build another one and continue playing the physical game. ;D



>making the mistake of thinking material =/= spiritual.

Everything perceivable is perceived via light.

photons irritating your cones and rods.

Even out of body you have a body.

i suggest you read the manga Qualia the Purple.



Do you claim spirit cannot exist without material body?

If yes, its not a a spirit, but inherent component of the body.

if not, its separate from a material.



You're literally retarded, you know that? Your being exists throughout all dimensions, and this is like a collective dream. You would have to stop everyone from dreaming or role playing and convince them to all exist in the higher realms together.

You're leaning towards the path of the demon. You don't care what others think, you simply try and force your will upon the world around you because "hey fuck it I'm right and I know better than you". And you perceive yourself as an angel trying to liberate other souls. We chose to be here.

Also, this threads reeks, the energy around your posts is honestly nauseating. So I'm not even gonna bother responding in this thread anymorw. Have fun surrounding yourself with plague and death. There's plenty of spiritual hobos around my city that did the same thing you're doing. Now they walk around in hatred of the world trying to steal energy from other beings because they have nothing else to do. You're gonna be that loosh leech who coughs while smoking a cigarette as people walk by. Congrats!

Sigma Out~



Ah another "reality is a dream" excuse.

1.You can't control it

2.You can't wake up

3.Your whole existence revolves around this dream.

4.Your "dream" has other dreamers who are not figments of imaginations but similar to yourself.

5.All dream content is mostly nightmares.

6.You didn't choose to dream it, you have zero control besides suicide.

7.The dream will continue without you uninterrupted.

Do you think this is a dream?



go watch every video in my thread



Articulate your points with words.


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I've mediated on it last night and have contemplated it all today while working. I'll recite my conclusion, feel free to read or not read I just want to put it into writing.

My question was somewhat ill asked and childish, more of a reaction to your prediction rather than a fully fledged thought. I spend a lot of time delving into /pol/ material, I experience the usual depression associated with the constant stream of full lies and half truths designed to shock me into some ridiculous action, It's a territorial tribal feeling, very low on the hierarchy of thoughts. To sum it up I care about the survival of the collective white race, a future for our spirituality and world view on this physical plane.

I understand this spirituality exists outside of this plane but I feel a certain obligation to my peers to try and destroy what I see as kikes dragging people down in mundane desires and keeping them from spiritual realization. It's like realizing the battle of good vs. evil, freedom vs. slavery, but at the same time realizing how black and white these pursuits are and utterly meaningless.

Your card: "There are no others" it depicts a serpent, in the norse myths a serpent defines the edges of the world and during Ragnarok Thor fights this serpent killing it and dying in the process but allowing the world to be reborn. It brings to mind the kybalion's teaching on the ALL being inside the ALL and vice versa.

Your two quotations mean to myself that the ALL is all matter, everything in my life expanded from the central point of the universe that is the ALL but nonetheless the ALL itself. Myself, the divine European thoughts, the malignant Jewish hate cult are all aspects of the ALL, they are placed here to reach a sort of end, that end doesn't really matter regardless of who wins, it is still the ALL and will not be lasting in the grand scheme of things.

You mentioned past knowledge and I have much use if learning how to preserve what I know but If I fall tomorrow and the ALL works in a way to which I am spat back out no wiser than I was babe before it truly would not matter, I am in constant struggle to ascend and experience. It's just what I do. There is nothing beyond the ALL but everything within it.


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The Akashic Records contain the entire cosmic drama in all its dimensions, including the future and the past. The records are available to the psyche of the reader and various portions of them can be tapped. For further information, please consult the head librarian located somewhere in the main library.

here a method to access it:-

I have created an astral world of my own, where I can go to whenever I want when meditating. In this World, I have a mountain, and one of my Spirit Guides are present there to guard the place and make sure it is always kept free from others than myself and those whom I permit to enter. He also guards a portal which leads to my Astral Sanctum, which basically is a room I have created, where I have various objects and things placed that I can use to gain various information. For example, in this room I have a big screen covering the whole of one wall, and in front of the screen I have two chairs with various controls on them. These chairs are for me and my Guardian Angel or any Spirit Guide or other entity I want to have with me. The chairs themselves function to activate the screen, so that I can ask a question, for example about a past life, and it will be shown on the screen visually. Then I can simply fly into the screen, and I will BE in that previous life and experience and see it just as if I am there. I can do the same thing with other entities, for example if I want to call on an ascended master, I ask him to appear on my screen if he is available and want to be in contact with me, and then when he appears I can either just communicate with him on the screen, or make him come out of the screen and manifest in the room I am in, or I can go into the screen on various journeys with him.

This place is extremely useful to say the least as I can get the answer to virtually any question I may have, and find out anything I need. The way it works is that the place itself is directly connected with the Superconscious, and through what is called the Akashic Records to the Source of All Existence itself, and thus it has access to everything that ever has happened, is happening, or will happen. Things that will happen are always only possible outcomes, and can of course be changed, so the future is not something set in stone and when trying to view the future you have to have that in mind, and also be aware of the fact that many different future timelines exist. You can even create your own future timelines, where you for example have the exact life you want, a great and positive future, and then "grab" this future timeline with you back to your present and implant it in yourself as a seed that will grow to make your future become the way you want it to be, as long you follow and do the things that needs to be done for that specific future to properly unfold for you.

Well that was a lot of talk about this place itself, so now I will try tell you how you can create it and go there.

(cont 1)


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First of all, do a meditation, enter an altered state, and visualize yourself in a place of your choice - this will be the world you are creating. Personally I visualized a nice valley surrounded by mountains and nature, with great fields around, rivers and lakes. Then I envisioned a portal on top of one of the mountains, and asked my spirit guide to come there and guard it, and thus visualized him there as well. Then I did this meditation several times to properly manifest this reality in the astral planes, meaning that I would daily go and visit this place in my mind in my meditations, and just fly around, explore the scenery and landscapes, and make sure all was the way I wanted.

Then I moved on to the next step, which is to go through the portal, and visualize yourself entering a room or other place of some sort, for example like I described above. I have created a room that have various things that has a personal meaning to me in the room to bring it a sort of familiarity and spiritual strength, among other things I have placed my altar in there which I use in real life for various rituals, and all items that I have on this altar. I also have a couple plants by a window, and the window has a great view out over the valleys and mountains of the previously mentioned world that I entered this room from.

You decide yourself how you want to decorate the room and what to put there, I do however recommend the screen and chairs for making contacts and getting answers to things you wonder about. So, basically do this meditation and these visualizations for some time until you have properly created it as a place you can easily enter in your mind whenever you want, and you can use your pendulum to ask your guides and guardian angel etc to help you make the place strong and protected and in assisting with maintaining it and helping you use it for the purposes you want to use it for.

Then, all you have to do is to finally start going to the next step, which is to enter your World at some time you want to find some answers of something, then enter your Portal to your own special Astral Sanctum room, and sit down in a chair, have your guardian angel with you to make sure all contacts and experiences you have are truthful and real and that you are protected against false prophets and deceivers. Then just turn on the screen in whatever way you have chosen it to be done and ask the questions you want and let the answer appear on the screen.

I guess that should be enough to get you started on such a work, which I personally have found tremendously useful and its great to just enter this world to relax and renew oneself whenever needed. For example in my World all the lakes and rivers have Holy Water that cleanses me and charges me with the Holy Spirit if I pour it over me or take a bath in it.

It is your world and you can make it however you want it, I hope these examples will be of some interest and use.

The important thing to remember is to trust your intuition and what you feel, and listen to yourself, to your inner guide, and try to sense and feel what is your "own" creations, and what is "external input" - in other words, find the difference between your own thoughts and outside communication. With some practice this will become more and more easy until it is as clear as the difference from speaking yourself to listening to someone else talking to you.

(btw we can have one on one chat if you want, I am bored and feel lonely most of the time, if you have a way to contact that would be great)

(cont 2)

P.S:In the astral world create a body for Eris and make a "pineal gland hat", make her wear it then fuck eris.[MmMMMMMMMMM]



Do you see the end of timelines?



yes you can see them but they change and mishmash together, what I learned from it is that this

The further you look into future, stuff become more and more malleable and the newbie practitioner can create a perfected version of hir and manifest in 3 years or 2 years

The world is more cyclic than a string with a start and an end, sure if the end of a timeline/world is tomorrow you can be 90% sure it is going to happen, but you can't really be sure because it isn't yet "set in stone".



which is where the future magical daemon come into play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Thank you my friend. I will try sincerely to develop the skills to do this, I have a tremendous imagination and I often find myself catching glances in my third eye of beautiful things and terrible ones as well. Sometimes natural landscapes, beautiful women, and fragrant smells, others malformed faces, disgusting odors and horrid thoughts. I see what you are saying about differentiating between my thoughts and other outside ones.

I'll include my email for you and show you my current alias as my name, I post around /pol/ and related project boards when an alias is needed. I'm a neophyte still struggling with the pull of mundane things (oh gods lust is hard to manage) but everyday I am more sure of my path. I have been to the astral twice and it is beautiful but I must develop a stronger recognition and body because it is very er choppy when I am there and I seem to jump in time at moments.

I'm really glad you took the time to help me



just sent you an email :P


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