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Hey, sir edge, What the fuck did you want me to post here for? You know who you are faggot.


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No need to be harsh. This board is just more topical for the conversation.

The idea that attachment to reality causes suffering is a pretty common idea, yes? Buddhists think it, Christians think it, most religions and spiritualities have the idea of reality being a construct to be escaped. There's a new word for the concept that gets used here on /fringe/ specifically; demiurge. Some being that wants to keep humanity trapped here in a cycle of agony and rebirth.

The only question I have is "why aren't we just worshiping that instead"? If you come to enjoy and appreciate what it does, why would you seek to change anything? Escape to new unique kinds of torment is interesting, but not necessary and there's certainly no time pressure.

tldr; Life sucks, learn to enjoy how it sucks instead of bitching and trying to change the whole world.


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And on the concept of sorcery, blood sacrifice and ritual torture are common concepts for a reason. If your goal was power, why would you go out sabotaging your own desire through asceticism when you could stick to what works and is enforced by the current reality?

tldr; Go with the flow and things work better. The flow just happens to be painful and horrible.



An interesting idea, that reality exists for suffering, and we are kept here for suffering's sake, or some other matter.

The question for me, in that case, is.

Does suffering exist, so that we may experience joy?

Or does joy exist, so that we may experience suffering?

Which is more prevalent? It's hard to say, we've caused alot of our own torment as human beings.

As for learning to enjoy torment, that's just masochism. Sadism if you mean the torment of others.


I'm not sure how exactly the flow seems to be painful and horrible, or how the concept of sorcery, blood sacrifice, and ritual torture (Which have yielded no significant results as far as I'm aware) are important.


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O mighty 8 ball

Is this thread bad for /fringe/?



Then again, isn't the idea that you can embrace and enjoy the "torment" itself contradictory?


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It's not unfair at all to say that there is more suffering in the world than joy as of today. Most may be directly or indirectly from humanity itself, but that doesn't mean humanity isn't being influenced towards that, or that the world didn't have a leaning towards despair to begin with.

They are opposing feelings and one cannot be known without the other, yes, but if you were to decide on one to farm and utilize exclusively you would almost certainly choose despair; it's just much easier to come across.

Sadomasochism. You aren't just inverting the graph, though. You stay more in touch with one of the most powerful forces affecting the human race, and even learn to utilize it. Sadomasochism just helps.

I would even say the reason you haven't had success with blood sacrifice and ritual torture is that you haven't had that same connection.


Think of it less like turning suffering into joy and rather like making the best of a bad situation.



Nobody has had meaningful success with any sort of magic, ritual, or sacrificial occult shit.

So basically, a fetish for receiving and inflicting torment.

On the other hand, I'd argue that the world does not lean towards despair. It leans towards a cycle. It continually grows, and diminishes, back and forth. Some day, our entire universe may collapse in on itself, or become a void of nothingness due to Heat Death. And afterwards, it may just repeat itself again. Much like human life, we flourish, we fall, we die, we are born, and the cycle continues. Things change, how things done change, but generally people, and life, don't change their rhythm or tone. Like right now, we're in an economic downturn, and this has happened before, but things bounce back. Life gets worse, and then it gets better, maybe not for the same generation, but eh, life isn't all that fast when it comes to change.

To say that there's some sort of external influence, however, would require more proof, And the idea that suffering is more prevalent is only true if you focus on Today, where the world isin a recession.


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>the idea that you can embrace and enjoy the "torment" itself contradictory?



If you enjoy torment, it's not really torment.


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The world leans towards what human beings would consider despair. It is through the considerable effort of human beings that anything in the world is more than survival of the fittest and desperate survival at all. Without hard work and sweat from people around the globe, the world would sink into savagery and insanity.

That's not to belittle their efforts. It's noble, to elevate mankind, but if we must put in effort to fight off despair, clearly there is a natural leaning.

Humanity is the one that goes in cycles, sometimes making it all the way to 50% happiness vs. despair, and eventually falling behind like we are right now, slipping back into 15-20%.



>The world leans towards what human beings would consider despair.

At the moment, in first world societies where tensions have become high, economies are failing, and shit sux.

>It is through the considerable effort of human beings that anything in the world is more than survival of the fittest and desperate survival at all.

Not really. The idea that the world, at all times, is in a state of desperate survival is ridiculous, and that it's bad, more so. It's frantic, but not desperate. Fragile, but not weak.

>Without hard work and sweat from people around the globe, the world would sink into savagery and insanity.

If only you knew.

>That's not to belittle their efforts. It's noble, to elevate mankind, but if we must put in effort to fight off despair, clearly there is a natural leaning.

Hierarchy of needs. Our intelligence and ability to advance has a very unfortunate affect on our actual happiness.

>Humanity is the one that goes in cycles, sometimes making it all the way to 50% happiness vs. despair, and eventually falling behind like we are right now, slipping back into 15-20%.

Numbers out of your ass m8. There are times when people are happier than they are sad, and sadder than they are happy, but it comes and goes as the world itself naturally progresses and regresses, never really moving forward, under the guise that it is. Every advancement we make costs us a little more.

And no, the entire universe as far as we're aware, is probably cyclic.


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Things definitely suck a bit more than they often do.

>The idea that the world, at all times, is in a state of desperate survival is ridiculous

You misunderstand; I am not saying that the world is like that, but that the world requires constant work and diligence to avoid this state. If we were to simply not care for significant enough time, the world would turn to this for most people.

>If only you knew.

Knew what? That maintaining order and feeding people takes work? I'm confused.

>Hierarchy of needs. Our intelligence and ability to advance has a very unfortunate affect on our actual happiness.

It does. It's almost as if we were designed that way.

>And no, the entire universe as far as we're aware, is probably cyclic.

Yes, generally speaking anything that has last long enough in comparison to the universe or even the lifetime of a planet is a cycle, because cycles are stable.

However, it can be an offset cycle. The numbers are just picked at random, but a cycle can be going between 33% and 66%, or between 10% and 50%, either way remains stable as long as it rebounds in the same way it fell.

The fact there are cycles of it being better or worse compared to an average doesn't mean it is necessarily less bad than it is good at any time. When taking this in perspective of a natural lean towards despair and a very lazy human race solely responsible for what happiness there is, it is pretty logical to come up with an overall leaning.


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>Things definitely suck a bit more than they often do.

For you, today. Maybe because you're in a recession of, well, everything.

>You misunderstand; I am not saying that the world is like that, but that the world requires constant work and diligence to avoid this state.

Into what state, where people are desperately trying to survive? That's already a large, large part of the world. Anyplace that isn't 1st world is probably in that state. Yet these people are actually happier than those in the 1st world, funnily enough.

Regardless, even in a world where there's no civilization, or society, and humans lacked intelligence, we'd be fine. Right now shitsux because we want more, I mean, seriously, there is absolutely no logical reason for anyone on here (the internet) to feel bad.

>Knew what?

That the world is already full of savagery and insanity, and is sinking towards it now. Like said, we're in a huge recession, in almost everything.

>It does. It's almost as if we were designed that way.

We are. With the first 3 of our needs completely solved and of zero worry, we're left with 4 and 5, and reaching either is difficult. By the time we're past this recession and we've bounced back, I'd guarantee that most people would reach fullfilling their fifth need. Or we'll find a way to escape it (VR).

>Yes, generally speaking anything that has last long enough in comparison to the universe or even the lifetime of a planet is a cycle, because cycles are stable.

Yes, although from observation, one could say that the cycle can be a larger change than before. Like now, for example.

>However, it can be an offset cycle. The numbers are just picked at random, but a cycle can be going between 33% and 66%, or between 10% and 50%, either way remains stable as long as it rebounds in the same way it fell.

If I understand you correctly, then yes, that's what we're in essentially, or rather, what the entire universe is in.

>The fact there are cycles of it being better or worse compared to an average doesn't mean it is necessarily less bad than it is good at any time.

Yet we can only compare due to our limited understanding.

>When taking this in perspective of a natural lean towards despair and a very lazy human race solely responsible for what happiness there is

We're our own tormentors more often than not, and there isn't a natural lean to despair, it's just that life is almost unnatural.

>it is pretty logical to come up with an overall leaning.

When you don't pull numbers from nowhere, it could be.

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