First off you are a faggot using simplistic memes like the two cited in your last sentence. Those throw out any type of credibility you had. Your thread could use some serious improvement, I don't even know why I'm here. Perhaps to improve it.
The Human race could be the culmination of as many of 12 different ET races. This world is a cornucopia of life and that is why many are drawn here. Genetics are the top resource in the universe, bar none.
There have been many 'root races' on Earth. The latest big change seems to be the Nordic Annuanaki who are pretty good caretakers, yet have internal strife like that of a split family clan.
Certain races do have certain traits, whites are more prone to the canine aspect while asians could be more reptoid prone and indians use feathers like birds.
Bird races are highly advanced in this universe, it is said. There is talk of an ancient series of wars, the Orion Wars, which involved Canine Kings and Reptilian Queens pitted against each other.
You will always hear reptilians denigrate people as 'dogs' and such as a term of hate or servitude. They were a very powerful empire, but it is said the bird tribes made them sterile. That's why they are fucking with our genetics.
The term Starseeds is usually a term to denote someone who has incarnated from 'the stars' implying that they are advanced and here to stir the evolution process.
We could all be starseeds. It is like special snowflake. The term gets thrown around a lot. Usually the people have advanced metaphysical abilities.
Distinguish this from walk-ins who are ET personalities who have incarnated into Human form, like Tesla could be an example of.
One malefic aspect is that of the Human hybridization program, who such people could also show advanced metaphysical power. This is the program of making partially synthetic or grey humanoids and assimilating them into the population.
The Human hybrid program is not your friend and has been underway for a while with abductions and many offspring hybrid children. It is said that they are being integrated into the population and some of the proponents of this are self proclaimed starseed types. Fuck that, it is all out invasion/warfare and the work of the reptilians.
Many alien races have a hand in the pie here on this planet and there are different levels of hierarchy, so gl figuring it all out.