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08/30/15 (Sun) 23:28:14 No. 52276
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SAGE! 08/31/15 (Mon) 00:04:59 No. 52279
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SAGE! 08/31/15 (Mon) 00:12:41 No. 52281
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SAGE! 08/31/15 (Mon) 00:22:02 No. 52283
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08/31/15 (Mon) 00:36:49 No. 52288
Just finished reading the whole fucking thing.
08/31/15 (Mon) 01:53:59 No. 52293
>Vegetarianism is Killing You
Lol nope. The amount of stupid in this post is amazing, certainly didn't expect this on /fringe/.
But hey, good luck man.
08/31/15 (Mon) 03:34:38 No. 52301
>Is this thread open a new level of shitastic shitposting?
08/31/15 (Mon) 04:45:35 No. 52332
I took a look at the website instead. I never realized just how serious the Daiichi reactors situation is.'sFukushimaCatastrophe.html
08/31/15 (Mon) 04:47:35 No. 52333
It is probable that vegetarian diets can work for some people. For me personally I shall continue to consume the bones, blood, organs, nnuscles, and everything else of animals.
08/31/15 (Mon) 04:51:47 No. 52334
le ebin redpill: we are living in the post-apocalypse right now and our efforts to improve ourselves now will be the only reason any form of humanity survives the next thousand years
didi 08/31/15 (Mon) 08:05:37 No. 52346
08/31/15 (Mon) 09:53:26 No. 52362
Sadly, we do not live in the times of olde where the soil was rich and fertile and plants would thrive and give a bounty of nutrients to us. Yes, they still do give many nutrients, but the amount and their quality has degraded from all sorts of sources such as the use of pesticides.
What you need to realise is that every great man/woman throughout history has always written about and guided those around them on the understanding and knowledge they received that was applicable to that time period for the world events that took place around them and etc. Yes, at many points in history a vegetarian diet would be strongly recommended. Yes, even for many people today a vegetarian diet can provide some level of health and nourishment (even if just for a temporary amount of time) but I personally disagree that it gives you everything vital for THRIVING in a modern climate such as zinc and a proper source of omega-3 (best being seafood) among many other nutrients which are more rapidly absorbed in flesh-form and are lacking in their current plant forms.
This is not to say that a Standard American Diet is anywhere near correct and even in the event you do choose to consume meat you should only have it in small portions (100g per meal) with proper digestive food combining etc to actually get the nutrients required from it without it putrefying and worsening your digestive health. Gnosis of your own predisposition towards certain food intolerances is also key as the body numbs itself over time of consumption of foods and many of your "health issues" are just your body showing physical reactions to problems caused by certain foods in your diet. Low energy/parasitic meats should also be avoided such as pork.
Also, there seems to be some issue with occultists claiming that a Vegetarian/Vegan diet is superior because you are not killing any living thing (ahimsa) when in reality, the truth is that everything in the physical plane from a speck of sand to a giant Whale are in some form living just not in a way we can easily personify. The plants themselves that we consume are living and even have their own reflexes to the "pain" they endure when being eaten. Living in this material existence is a constant sacrifice of beings around you - be it plant, meat, metal etc. Everything changes, everything vibrates. So, the best course of action is not what someone 100, 1000, 3000 years ago has laid out as the "ideal" plan, but what in this current state of atmosphere (very yin state, radioactive air, polluted waters, polluted foods, soil lacking nutrients etc etc) is necessary for you yourself to THRIVE. A high vegetable diet is a part of this equation - but a diet only centred off of fruit or vegetables is not. For example: We live in a world where yes fasting might clear your body to some extent but because of all the outside forces and pollutants keep attacking you your body with the lessened nutrition might actually incur more problems the longer you fast and yet all the "prophets" advise it for their own times when this wasn't the case.
I'm open to any perception which would truly undermine this though and look forward to your responses.
08/31/15 (Mon) 10:03:36 No. 52363
If you can not source grass-fed, organic meat (preferably local) then do not consume any meat as vegetables are far superior. Any meat that is not raised properly is bad for your body through and through and those in USA have to watch out for the many hormones and antibiotics used.
If you can not source organic vegetables - get a damn job because you're literally killing your body and it's cells just to live a cheap life of cheap "slave"-tier foods (by which I mean the type of plant as well, not just its organic status).
Watch out for over consuming fruits as the plant specifically makes them to attract you. I liken this to Coca Cola wanting to "spread their seed" (advertise) because the plant tries to make the fruit smell, look and taste attractive to grow its species so that animals eat its fruit and then poop or spit out the seed for regrowth just like Coca Cola advertises and shapes its bottles in provocative ways and uses other advertising techniques to "grow its species" and make you talk about their product.
didi 08/31/15 (Mon) 12:09:25 No. 52365
consuming flesh activates the survival mechanism / reaction from adrenaline + hormones, the idea is the blood type diet - some folk need fish of a quality from the calmer waters - why are we talking about food on a board where we've mathematically and logically proven already that food is a means of control and domination - gods made of energy and light don't need a fucking burger or a wing.
requiring food of a specific type is sign you are still working out karma - because you have an aversion to the other - i can go back to eating any of the mundane shit, i chose not to since i now know i feel optimal and powerful as a vegan with my current lifestyle, mostly raw, some cooked natural rices and quinoa, taking b12 in methyl and getting sun. Proper water and good breathing - so far so good after 2 years.
book aibi
sunfire jericho
dr sebi
loren lockman
^ read up.
08/31/15 (Mon) 19:41:28 No. 52381
And yet I feel less "in survival mode" than I did when I was Vegan/Raw vegan/fruitarian.
I don't disagree that food is a means of control and domination - I do find however that you have targeted the wrong areas of food which are used for such manipulation and like I've said: Although in the past meat was highly unnecessary, in the modern day it is needed in small amounts for the lacking nutrition. I constantly say only to eat high quality meats, not any fast-food and no poor food combination like a low-health tier Burger. IF you combine, combine only with green non-starchy vegetables for maximum digestion and use meat which is fresher and properly grown from a source which is organic. Tell me, though, which indigenous people did not consume meat? The Indian people stopped on large, yes, and have suffered health conditions throughout it - All I see in India is the Brahmans telling the "inferior people" not to eat meat so that they are more subdued.
There's also the idea of balanced energies which is well known in things such as TCM. My body went into a very yin state after eating a highly unprocessed Vegan diet and although I felt clear on the inside I really was not. The reason I felt clear was because of all the sugar that is required on such a diet. Fruit, fruit, high starches, beans, grains, corn etc all these things contain high quantities of sugars that make your body have to swing from "high" to "high" instead of giving lasting energy.
It's funny to see "occultists" however who set themselves to something and do not even question if they are wrong because of their mundane attachments. You have given me 5 sources of link and yet the strongest source is within and if you cleared this mind gunk away you might better understand all the intolerances your body has numbed itself to. Also, you linking to "nutrition facts" is hilarious. The guy behind that is more jew than jew and has a strong bias. In all those videos where he states "better than a omnivore diet" etc he is basically saying "better than a standard American Diet" which no one here in their right mind would ever say was a good diet. You've been duped, however, into thinking that applies to all meat diets through his careful manipulations! So easily fooled and you're saying that meat eaters are under control and domination? Maybe you should do a bit more research on grain and seeds - including nuts and beans and how recently they were introduced to the human diet. Protip: Humans did not consume nearly as much before agriculture and it's mostly always been used to feed people for cheap on mass for the slaves and laymen who couldn't manage to sustain a healthy diet of vegetables, fruits and animal fats. I feel sympathy for any vegan lacking in omega-3 which is very important to brain development and inner peace without using an expensive and highly concentrated micro algae supplement which still won't give you as much DHA & EPA as a can of sardines.
Meat and junk food are seperate. One is an addition. What is the most used ingredient within junk food? Grain. What's fed to prisoners in Japanese and Chinese prisons? Brown rice and grain. What is one of the reasons that pushed humans rapid brain development and evolution? Cooking food to get warmer yang energy.
08/31/15 (Mon) 19:53:54 No. 52382
Assuming you have a good source of clean vegetables, vegetarianism works for the vast majority of people. But then again assuming you have a good source of clean meat that would also work. The thing is, it is way easier to get clean vegetables than it is to get clean meat.
However, it is harder to get all the necessary nutrients eating only vegetables (meaning you have to study more and do more testing in order to be healthy).
Still I prefer eating clean vegetables. I rarely find meat without stress hormones and other bullshit in it, but when I do find it I eat it.
didi 08/31/15 (Mon) 20:21:23 No. 52386
All that shitposting to defend carnism.
08/31/15 (Mon) 21:40:15 No. 52399
"Shitposting" is in the eye of the beholder and it seems you have not matured far enough to accept your flaws and bias. I too have been a delusional, devout and openly attacking Vegetarian/Vegan until I realised the flaws with it in the modern atmosphere.
Just because it doesn't agree with your confirmation bias doesn't make it shitposting. Maybe you've developed a subconscious reaction to anything that hits a little too close to home against your ideals and so cover it up with "that must be a shitpost".
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 08/31/15 (Mon) 23:36:24 No. 52405
I think you're just too lazy to invest time and money into a balanced vegan diet
>muh freedoms
>muh precious meats
>it's easier
It's easier, and gives you dense nutrients yes, but if you listened to your body you'd find meat weighs down your energy and your digestion system. Are you not that energy sensitive? Everyone I know on the advanced path feels the negative shot when eating meat. Hell, I get a meat hangover anytime I eat it now because I just don't get around to eating it anymore. Just because it's organic doesn't mean it's healthy either. That's just a standard for food products. The organic label doesn't mean shit unless you know exactly what you're putting into your body.
Also, really? Labeling and judging someone you don't know? Sick bro, how's being reactive as fuck feel?
09/01/15 (Tue) 00:19:36 No. 52411
I invested most of my time and money as well as studying into making a "balanced vegan diet". I'm not advocating for high meat consumption but for some consumption, mostly supplementary and yes am aware of the negative effect it has on the digestive system. It's also to do with portion sizes, at 100g or 4oz you get the best nutrition during digestion without it taxing your body as much as someone who has >100g. My diet is plant based and the vast majority of my meals are vegetable-centric but I really view grains as being less healthy than meat and far more taxing on the digestive system in all regards and sadly it's hard to build a long term vegan diet without foods such as nuts, seeds, and grains which all contain chemicals which actually leech nutrients from your body during digestion (phytic acid). Would you then just be eating starch and sugar with some leafy greens? I've tried that as well and felt less than optimal - but could understand feeling "energised" from the buzz of it all. What is your "perfect" vegan diet?
Thankfully I live in a country where meat is raised properly and when you get organic, pasture-fed meat it is true to its name through and through without any antibiotics and hormones which is why I say people should avoid those that are not. If anything, the main meat you should be consuming is fish but sadly fish is somewhat compromised these days with Mercury but if you were to only eat meat every now and then a can of sardines would probably suffice for your needs.
I do agree that my last post came across as a bit more confrontational than I'd intended though and apologise to didi.
didi 09/01/15 (Tue) 03:18:50 No. 52417
What are you exactly crying about missing from meat?
B12 ? the source of b12 is methylcobalamin - buy some edible supplements or move to a warmer climate
>can't move to a warmer climate
we aren't made or built to be in cold climates, even the folk who say they are comfortable in the cold are actually just feeling numbness from their nerves freezing due to slow molecule movement.
It's fucking physics.
>vitamin D
lets murder something because i can't sit my ass for 15mins-1 hour in the sun
Drink some fortified almond milk
>animal fats
omega's aren't properly balanced in animal levels, you require a healthy level of 3/6/9 in order to have quality cardiac function.
Chia seeds and avocados.
Notice how absolutely every nutritional need is covered once one lives in the tropical area of the planet?
Must be some kind of super magickal spell.
Blood, puss, starches = disease.
If your blood type seriously requires you to eat flesh due to your lineage, yeah sure fish from time to time, but then again… why do you need to destroy another's vehicle for you to get photons in your vehicle, when photons from the sun are the most efficient?
And what exactly is your blood needing from another which you lack? Why do you lack it?
Here's a science book:
09/01/15 (Tue) 05:40:13 No. 52422
I'm more interested in the lack of Zinc, possibly Iron and other problems such as the overconsumption of Copper.
I'd like to hear how methylcobalamin is somehow increased in warmer climates. In fact, increased sweat seems to correlate with decreased B12 levels.
Yes, we may not be built to cold climates but we've adapted to live in cold climates through things such as consuming meat. Before the start of the Ice Age (a period we are still in) there were more plentiful and nutritious fruits and vegetables that could easily sustain our life and also give us proper fats -Coconuts are similar to the ancient foods, of which there were many, so eating them by themselves all the time is unhealthy. Yes, humans have artificially created all sorts of fruits and vegetables now with all sorts of nutritional benefits but no they will not give the same nutrition as the ancient fruits and vegetables (especially as we continue to deplete the soil) but I agree that the ones from hotter climates are more effective at their jobs. If you live in a hot climate then great! Your need for animal fat has decreased because of the fact you do not need to keep your body as warm in a colder winter!
Vitamin D is not as simply received as sitting in the sun for 15mins-1 hour, in fact it can take 3 days for the skin to absorb the D3 because of the fact the skins oil needs to sublimate the D into your skin which isn't a fast task so that means not only sitting in the sun for 15mins-1hour but then also not washing your body with any oil removing substance (such as soap) within the next 72 hours. Also, >using fortified milk of a seed, using a processed food with added chemicals and sugars.
>Omegas aren't properly balanced in animal levels,
Omega 6:3 ratio within seeds/nuts is far more variable than within meat. Tuna, canned in oil is the highest unbalanced ratio of the fish with 13.8:1, Pumpkin seeds for example are 107.8:1… Also, take into consideration that 1 part of omega 3 in the pumpkin seed is not actually readily absorbed because it is ALA and can't be fully utilised so it's even less than 1 part Omega 3. If you're saying we should eat chia seeds and avocados why is it that we have to eat 2 different plants from remotely different native areas to get a lesser nutritional source than we do with meat? Also, there is debate that avocados themselves could be toxic. Seeds in general are bad for the digestive system because of anti-nutrients…
>Notice how every nutritional need is covered once one lives in the tropical area of the planet?
Well yes, the islanders do love hunting wild boar and fishing after all.
>Blood, puss, starches = disease
That's great didi. Maybe we should go Kosher :^)
>Why do you need to destroy another's vehicle for you to get photons in your vehicle
That's a great thought, how's the consumption of plants going? It's the same principle especially with how efficient plants are at absorbing and storing sunlight and energy. Unless you are breatharianism in which case congratulations.
09/01/15 (Tue) 05:45:35 No. 52426
Also, as a side note, comparing the human anatomy to any other animal is a failed design because of how we are different to every animal in the fact we have consumed cooked foods for an extended period of time. This probably is less the case from those who have evolved closer to the Equator, however, who may have eaten a lesser percentage of cooked foods.
didi 09/01/15 (Tue) 09:17:55 No. 52440
not arguing with you, arguing implies both parties have incomplete information, everything you said is debunked if you view the content from folk who have shown results for 10-30 years.
all this bullshit to just defend your tunnel of seth. - enjoy your blood, don't cry when you get the consequences.
Go eat your food raw, including your starches and your meats, good luck with that tho.
Of course I don't deny the fact you are probably consuming only a little amount of meats as supplementation but that little amount comes from a big process. One i doubt you would be willing to partake in daily.
Blood rituals.
09/01/15 (Tue) 15:52:55 No. 52467
>what works for my body works for every body
09/01/15 (Tue) 21:27:37 No. 52521
i'm a fucking muggle and i can feel that eating meat slows me down, tires me, and makes me feel heavy.
also if you don't eat meat your gas doesn't have an odour. listen to your body.
09/01/15 (Tue) 22:19:51 No. 52526
I've noticed that when I eat more meat my shit smells really bad
Not that it doesn't smell bad when I eat mostly veggies but I can definitely notice a change when I eat meat. Just because the smell is different it doesn't mean is bad, but in general I tend to avoid meat.
09/01/15 (Tue) 23:58:04 No. 52542
Omnivores are degenerate subhumans.
09/02/15 (Wed) 01:08:21 No. 52555
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>52275
How exactly are animal fats different form other fats? can you please be specific?
also are you fitter than this guy?
09/02/15 (Wed) 15:04:31 No. 52609
if you don't eat meat you're gonna have a bad time with emotional instability due to the lack of iron
source: I tried a meatless diet for about 1-1.5 months
didi 09/02/15 (Wed) 15:22:31 No. 52612
Please avoid wording your bullshit as if you had done extensive scientific analysis.
Go through all the content posted already.
09/02/15 (Wed) 23:05:27 No. 52650
You can always supplement exclusive diets with vitamins, and minerals.
09/09/15 (Wed) 23:46:50 No. 53426
Blood…? Did someone say blood?
You can live off urine indefinitely, also known as plasma ultrafiltrate, synonymous with blood or at least the main component of it… Once the weakness fades and the body is purged of toxins it will begin synthesizing all the proper chemical reactions. Hue hue hue…
I was thinking about eating some meat the other day. I'd have to order all the utensils… Frying up some semi-cooked french toast on sprouted grain bread sounded good. Eating some steak tartar or whatever else I could fix up with cold raw meat sounds absolutely delicious, at times.
I was also looking up animal supplements online the other day. Glandular supplements like orchic (testicle) or raw kidney, I'm now seeing that there are plenty others, like pituatary… Hmmm… All sourced from cows, or something.
I've been living off colostrum (more blood than milk) and honey, gorging on it, and it's getting too expensive. I find that to be the food of the gods, it is pure excellence and akin to steroids in it's effects. Too much sugar might have burned me out, though.
Ultimately, you will come to appreciate the blood. And the glands. Haven't you heard that some aliens exist only off glandular secretions and have been harvesting humans for theirs?
09/10/15 (Thu) 10:24:13 No. 53489
ITT: Degenerates trying to justify their lust for carcass.
didi 09/10/15 (Thu) 12:02:37 No. 53494
Or ingesting foreign chemicals designed for other animals.
^ literally retarded.
09/10/15 (Thu) 16:07:25 No. 53528
tripfags are kikes
09/11/15 (Fri) 07:55:52 No. 53599
also do you have a rebuttal for these trips? or are you too busy killing animals? oh thats right, you don't do the killing yourself. you've outsourced it walmart.
09/12/15 (Sat) 01:20:59 No. 53653
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I guess joos love meat because those reptilian genes.
Can you spot the jew?
09/12/15 (Sat) 09:56:20 No. 53694
>tfw future meat will be vat-grown and won't retain any of the fear energy from the time of slaughter
Guess I'll have to go kill animals myself.
!!Pl17JKGhvc SAGE! 09/12/15 (Sat) 19:19:19 No. 53754
this whole thread is shit
09/13/15 (Sun) 13:56:29 No. 53829
>being vegetarian
>pretending to be /fringe/
Vegetarianism is just an inferior form of fasting. It confers no benefit to the wizard who regularly fasts (recommended).
09/13/15 (Sun) 14:01:43 No. 53830
You would feel like you are in "survival mode" eating fruit because there is fuck all in fruit. That feeling is your body consuming itself for energy because you were only eating water and fructose like a fucking retard. Good job dropping the moralism (moralism has no place for wizards) and eating real food.
didi 09/13/15 (Sun) 14:13:30 No. 53832
every fruitarian in the world displays signs of the complete opposite of your fallacious comment.
☺ 09/13/15 (Sun) 14:24:32 No. 53833
>using text on PowerPoint
09/14/15 (Mon) 04:38:39 No. 53887
They're less likely to oxidize into immune-suppressing anti-metabolic substances. The only vegetable oils anyone should be consuming are coconut oil and perhaps palm oils. The average vegan diet is loaded with some of the worst things you could possibly eat, including polyunsaturated fats, high grain consumption, estrogenic soy, legumes, nuts and seeds loaded with phytic acid which blocks mineral absorption, etc. Some 'spiritual' people refer to the fact that vegetarianism was promoted in Eastern schools of thought like Hinduism. However they completely ignore the fact that Hindus view dairy foods like milk, butter and ghee as sacred and valuable. A lactovegetarian or ovolactovegetarian diet is far superior to a vegan diet, and a diet with occasional high vitamin grasfed ruminant meats like liver, mineral rich seafood, and bone broths is even better.
09/14/15 (Mon) 04:52:52 No. 53889
What's wrong with canola oil and olive oil?
09/14/15 (Mon) 05:04:34 No. 53890
Canola oil, like all polyunsaturated oils, gets rancid when it's exposed to air, that's called oxidation. This creates free radicals. Cancer cannot occur unless there are unsaturated oils in the body. Vegetable oils weaken the immune system. They are specifically used for this purpose in the medical community. They give IV injections with vegetable oil and water to organ transplant patients to suppress their immune systems so they don't expel the organs.
Olive oil is not so bad, and can be safely used in moderation (like a teaspoon a day), but it is inferior to saturated fats like coconut oil.
09/14/15 (Mon) 07:41:53 No. 53893
>fruits contain no fiber, vitamins or minerals
another product of the us education system…
09/14/15 (Mon) 08:57:27 No. 53895
Fruit is very nutritious but an all-fruit diet is probably not ideal, as it may be deficient in calcium, B12, vitamin A, and protein. You should at least supplement the fruit with some dairy.
didi 09/14/15 (Mon) 19:46:14 No. 53939
>cow puss from another animal who has been force-impregnated to produce milk.
carnism is what the jewish you all hate want ou to indulge in, more blood, more animal products, more loosh for them.
09/15/15 (Tue) 13:28:41 No. 53993
That makes no sense. Jews themselves drink milk, so why would they want to push it on other people? Obviously they don't think it's bad or they wouldn't consume it themselves. They only prohibit taking dairy at the same time as meat.
09/15/15 (Tue) 13:31:01 No. 53994
he is disinfo dindu, he shouldn't make any sense.
09/16/15 (Wed) 11:20:10 No. 54085
>Also, there seems to be some issue with occultists claiming that a Vegetarian/Vegan diet is superior because you are not killing any living thing (ahimsa) when in reality, the truth is that everything in the physical plane from a speck of sand to a giant Whale are in some form living just not in a way we can easily personify. The plants themselves that we consume are living and even have their own reflexes to the "pain" they endure when being eaten. Living in this material existence is a constant sacrifice of beings around you - be it plant, meat, metal etc.
Very good.
didi 09/16/15 (Wed) 15:52:15 No. 54103
fruitarians eat the placenta and spit out the seeds, nothing is harmed that can feel .
Also, food is to be transcended.
09/16/15 (Wed) 23:54:35 No. 54151
But the fruit in and of itself is a live being, not just its seeds. That's like saying as long as you preserve the baby in the mother, you can kill the mother.
I don't think we should point to meat eating as bad, but we should point to the methods humans use to acquire meat in these modern times. The torture and suffering that the animals are being put through is horrendous and nobody can deny it.
If if was illegal to supply meat the way the billion dollar corporations do, and if the only way to eat meat was to hunt it yourself, we would:
1: Have a better understanding about the gender roles.
2: The ones who eat meat are the ones who deserve to eat meat and their families.
09/17/15 (Thu) 01:29:33 No. 54153
>being addicted to corpses
09/17/15 (Thu) 07:01:33 No. 54162
>a live being
Life aint worth shit; what matters is sentience. Plants have no nervous system or capacity for suffering. Fruit is designed to be eaten. If it is not consumed it goes to waste.
09/17/15 (Thu) 08:20:43 No. 54165
We'll see who lives longer and has more yin. Good luck to you.
didi 09/17/15 (Thu) 13:26:46 No. 54197
the fruit is not live it's placenta…
the mother is the plant, the fruit detaches from the plant on itself eventually…. why am i explaining first grade plant biology to you on an occult board…
it drops with the fruit to the ground in order to maximize the nutrients the seed can absorb, the fruit always falls off and then rots away, the plant is always still there.
Now what you gota worry about is seedless fruit..
>meat isn't bad it's the way we do it today.
So if i was to put you infront of a reptoid and he cradled you and put on some soft barry white music, dimmed the room and rubbed you down with almond oil - you would be totally down for him to slit your throat and drink your blood while chewing on your limbs right after? amirite? As long as your ass can't SPEAK COHESIVELY to an animal, you can't fucking imply or assume animals want to be eaten or it's cool to murder something with a nervous system since your ass is too lazy to climb the tree ( don't give me geographic bullshit, we're supposed to thrive in tropical equatorial-proximity climates and this is fucking factual science, the neanderthals in the caves in europe where science projects that got kicked out after they where un-redeemable socially )
didi 09/17/15 (Thu) 13:33:13 No. 54198
in my early years i worked at a supermarket, in a area with predominant jewish families.
Almost all of their purchases where cocacola pepsi or bullshit drinks, the most unhealthiest crap ever, garbage frozen meals and fastfood shit - all of them unhealthy, potbellied, losing hair, skin ruined, BMW was shiny AF tho.
A degenerate will always rather you join them than elevate them, as it's easier to delude yourself and defend your self-destructive habits when you aren't the only one doing it.
I really could give a shit if you're ingesting toxic foods personally, as I'm here to contribute to the elevation of those who want it - if your ass loves to smell like shit and have acne all over your face and ruin your gut ( which also has psychological effects on you as the stomach is related to mental poise ) So be it. Just don't come near me with your filthy pheromones, at this level my olfactive abilities have doubled and it's a gift and an annoyance at the same time.
09/17/15 (Thu) 14:05:58 No. 54201
>seedless fruit
but didi navel oranges are delicious and god's gift to man
09/18/15 (Fri) 21:41:36 No. 54438
People don't stop replying to you because you're right, but because they realise how pointless it is trying to argue with someone so deluded and spouting mundane viewpoints as if they were something divine. "New Agey"
"A degenerate will always rather you join them than elevate them, as it's easier to delude yourself and defend your self-destructive habits when you aren't the only one doing it." So you post videos to all the "body builders" and you tubers who prove to you "you aren't the only one doing it". In turn, everyone just gives up arguing.
09/19/15 (Sat) 05:27:20 No. 54471
>They're less likely to oxidize into immune-suppressing anti-metabolic substances.
09/19/15 (Sat) 06:05:48 No. 54474
Don't forget that both didi and Sigma were once friend of Jordan(Creator of Spirit Science) so they should sound as if they were something divine. "New Agey"
Sage 09/19/15 (Sat) 07:41:23 No. 54476
DIDI where can one go to begin the overhaul of achieving a healthy body and mind?
09/19/15 (Sat) 08:14:35 No. 54478
Facts that conflict with your theories:
-Europeans are genetically adapted to drink milk and eat dairy products, because they've been doing it for millennia.
-Lactose intolerance is mostly a non-white thing.
-The Viking diet included a lot of dairy
-The Aryan invaders who brought the Hindu scriptures considered dairy to be a sacred food
-Doug Graham, the major promoter of the fruitarian diet today, is Jewish
-If your ancestors were in Europe they would have spent long periods of time without fruit (winters)
09/19/15 (Sat) 10:40:10 No. 54484
>Implying Didi, as he presents himself on here, is a "healthy mind" and not just bullshitting everyone as a projection of the bullshit he feeds himself.
09/19/15 (Sat) 10:42:17 No. 54485
Dude he was with Jordan/Spirit Science.
he is new-agey wishy-washy.
didi 09/19/15 (Sat) 17:00:34 No. 54517
Sage 09/19/15 (Sat) 17:13:00 No. 54518
look im not gonna defend the guy since I have no relation to him, but he is actually contributing to this board with information and sources to this information while you are spouting unfounded rumors that are just character attacks.
If you want anyone to take you seriously, post a source for this rumor of yours.
09/19/15 (Sat) 20:35:02 No. 54530
Serious question for all murderers of the innocent:
If i can get what my body needs without killing why do you care? Are you accusing the likes of tim shieff of malnutrition? because thats what I read when I see you shit on plant life.
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 09/19/15 (Sat) 21:00:55 No. 54531
Never even knew Jordan. Dude was a bitch anyways. I found the videos, got sick of it, and joined random skype groups on the forums until i was closer to a mature exploration of things instead of just reveling in them.
Ive known didi for a while, but dropped contact till recently when I had my awakening. Dude is based as fuck albeit a little stubborn but he's always throwing good content I dont always have the oppurtunity to watch.
Most of the slamming on him just seems like trolling to me. People dont like the way he comes off so they try and poke at him. With "le dank memes" like "didi dindu nuffin" n shit. Gets boring tho. I wish trolls would be more creative in this age or at least form a structure of trolling instead of random jabs here and there.
09/21/15 (Mon) 00:49:06 No. 54642
I'm not trying to stop anyone from being a vegan, I'm disagreeing that it is the ideal diet. If you want to live a less healthy lifestyle because of some liberal concern for a cow's feelings, be my guest.
Pointing to one vegan athlete as an example because he looks better or is more fit than the majority of people is fallacious, it's comparing apples and oranges. Compare the top vegan athletes to the top meat-eating athletes.
09/22/15 (Tue) 22:41:50 No. 54791
Are you a top athlete?
The main reason you should not be eating meat or eating less of it, if you are on /fringe/, is because by doing so you are participating in ritualized black magik sacrifice. Millions of innocent souls are tortured and slaughtered on killing floors world wide. The flesh is then seared or burned by fire. This contribute to more fear and pain world wide and gives the archons the energy they need to grow. All so you can be a "top level athlete" though i'm skeptical that you even lift.
09/22/15 (Tue) 22:49:43 No. 54792
Furthermore I would add that whatever you put into your gut effects the bacterial culture. This inturn alters your central nervous system. You think with not only your mind but with your heart and your gut. So know that what you choose to eat alters your mind.
09/23/15 (Wed) 05:48:43 No. 54807
animals get killed by predators all the time, a slaughter house is less pain and fear than getting killed by a bear or lion
(unless it's a muslim slaughter house where slow death is preferred)
09/23/15 (Wed) 12:03:43 No. 54823
my red hair and pale skin clearly state that I am build for a "colder" climate.
not everyone is a nigger
04/06/16 (Wed) 03:49:52 No. 74101
>feeding on suffering
choose one
04/06/16 (Wed) 05:35:18 No. 74105
And all of those slaughter houses can be closed by simply changing your mind. Stop with the fear tactics.
04/06/16 (Wed) 06:43:26 No. 74110
Humans are OMNIVORE, limiting your diet to only meat or only plants is, in practice, equally degenerate.
04/06/16 (Wed) 11:53:38 No. 74118
So it is exactly the same as a chicken egg?
By your logic it is… and is therefore expectable to eat, as long as the chicken is cared for in a proper environment.
However, the "cared for in a proper environment" argument can easily be applicable to fruit, with pesticides, fertilizers and chlorinated, fluoridated water.
I love eggs almost as much as I love mango, if you can't already tell.
04/06/16 (Wed) 12:32:14 No. 74119
I don't feel guilty for having won the race to the top of the food chain. Of course no creature should be expected to just lie down an accept death. If pigs could successfully organise, and fight us off, I wouldn't hold it against them for trying.
04/26/16 (Tue) 02:39:50 No. 74846
>proper source of omega-3
chia and flax seeds. keep eating those meats which create acidic conditions in the intestines where diseases love to grow.
MySomik 04/26/16 (Tue) 06:11:33 No. 74849
04/26/16 (Tue) 15:35:02 No. 74862
What the fuck is this
04/26/16 (Tue) 20:25:40 No. 74870
There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating dog meat and having a pet as a cow. Now you got me thinking: how does dog milk tastes like? I guess my little Nigger is no longer just a cum dumpster, I 'll milk her.
Sorry for shitposting, now seriously:
We are all destined to suffer by the will of the demiurge. Nature is not going to be any nicer to them, bovines are prey in the animal kingdom.
some spammer.
04/27/16 (Wed) 01:47:42 No. 74881
>We are all destined to suffer by the will of the demiurge.
Couldn't you use this dumb argument to justify anything? A natural death by a hunter is much less painful than the factories. No matter how brutal the predator is, its still better than spending a whole life like those factory animals do.
04/27/16 (Wed) 20:53:33 No. 74916
Getting the recommended daily value of everything is impossible without supplements
04/29/16 (Fri) 22:51:48 No. 75006
> Watch out for over consuming fruits as the plant specifically makes them to attract you. I liken this to Coca Cola wanting to "spread their seed"
Do you hear yourself? You're literally comparing an evolutionary trait of FRUIT (something harmless and nutritious) to dissemination of a man-made junk food (potentially harmful.)
There's no danger in eating too much fruit except for a) excessive sugar consumption or b) diarrhea.
04/29/16 (Fri) 23:18:15 No. 75007
This is bullshit. Nobody has nastier gas/dumps than vegetarians. Just look at all the complaints people had about Hitler.
04/29/16 (Fri) 23:47:18 No. 75009
Hitler also had IBS, and considering he ran an empire the whole world was fighting against, it makes sense that he would have a terrible digestive system
05/01/16 (Sun) 16:32:24 No. 75068
Consider, if you will, the myriad implications of the phrase:
>You are what you eat.