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File: 1441099508414.jpg (33.62 KB, 340x450, 34:45, rb.jpg)


The mega link in the sticky titled "Huge Occult Library" is down. I wanted to read Carl Jung's Red Book.

Anyone have a .pdf of it, or could someone re-up the link?



just google it and you will have two free copies








Thank you, I appreciate this


File: 1441134770757.png (72.77 KB, 216x324, 2:3, Bobdobbs.png)

I am looking for all Subgenius literature.

>Book of the SubGenius

>High Weirdness by Mail

>Three-fisted tales of "Bob": Short Stories in the SubGenius Mythos

>Revelation X: the "Bob" Apocryphon

>The SubGenius Psychlopaedia of Slack



I have a bunch of subgenius videos on the mega but it is dead for now.







whats the deal with this guys, just plain mockery? never really undestood them




It is the quest for slack, rejecting the life of that the conspiracy wants to to enslave us in, doctrine brought to us by J.R. Bob Dobbs.



>It is the quest for slack

slack is yo jsut shill out, get high? I dont get it



When you are slack you don't know it, and when you know it, you aren't slack.



Read the pdf in here >>52547



The pdf is broken



Fuckin buy it then you monster philistine.




Check dis shit out yo, it's from the fucking Bronx, broken down, pure as fuck mayn.


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>In 1910, Sadler went to Europe and studied psychiatry for a year under Sigmund Freud. Sometime between 1906 and 1911, Sadler attempted to treat a patient with an unusual sleep condition. While the patient was sleeping he spoke to Sadler and claimed to be an extraterrestrial. Sadler spent years observing the sleeping man in an effort to explain the phenomenon, and eventually decided the man had no mental illness and that his words were genuine. The man's identity was never publicized, but speculation has focused on Sadler's brother-in-law, Wilfred Kellogg. Over the course of several years, Sadler and his assistants visited the man while he slept, conversing with him about spirituality, history, and cosmology, and asking him questions. A larger number of interested people met at Sadler's home to discuss the man's responses and to suggest additional questions. The man's words were eventually published in The Urantia Book, and the Urantia Foundation was created to assist Sadler in spreading the book's message. It is not known who wrote and edited the book, but several commentators have speculated that Sadler played a guiding role in its publication. Although it never became the basis of an organized religion, the book attracted followers who devoted themselves to its study, and the movement continued after Sadler's death.

I don't know, this might have all been a way to make money off of religion, but who knows, the book is interesting. Though, the book is different from the recorded conversations, in that what was said was confusing, so they interpreted it. I want to see those uninterpreted documents, do they exist, were they burned because they never actually existed?


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