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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1441245076325.jpg (47.74 KB, 471x600, 157:200, ohgodwhatisthat.jpg)


A few months back, I posted for the very first time hre, questions whether or not I myself or something was awakening my psyche to the idea of possessing psychic energy, even though I did not believe in it. One of you told me to follow my intuition while dreaming.

Here's what's been happening.

There is a great mansion at the foot of red mountain. In the mansion are many rooms, each with a set of rules or furniture or something that you need to accomplish to walk back out from. There is a person there who keeps asking me "Do you know how to unlock the Aeronexus? You're here so you must know. You must teach me."

In many dreams, in many places, this person interrupts randomly in conversation and asks this.

Is this real?

Am I doing it to myself?

Has anyone heard of an aeronexus? Is it a book?

Has anyone ever been to the mansion?

So confused… :\


Imagination accesses Astral Projection, but Astral Projection is not entirely Imagination.

If you imagine something, someone else can also imagine it. If you tell the other person to imagine the same thing, you might project together to the same place. You can also use a sigil to connect the place with the symbol as to access it faster or allow other people to access it that don't know the place.

About your aeronexus however, I do not know. Perhaps it's something personal.


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>Is this real?

>image file name 15

>Am I doing it to myself?

>image file name 9

>Has anyone heard of an aeronexus?

>image file name 13

>Is it a book?

>image file name 5

>Has anyone ever been to the mansion?

>better not tell you now.

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