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Does anyone here have information or experiences regarding alternate universes / the multiverse? A few things have been happening to me over the last year which I believe to be related.

>Several months ago


>Start to hear static outside my bedroom window

>Think nothing of it

>Static grows louder

>Continue to ignore it

>Grows louder still

>Finally look outside my window. Nothing there. Go back to meditating.

>Static starts again, louder still

>For some reason I think "Translate" in my mind

>Immedately I begin to see Earth and galaxies zoom past

>I'm seeing the universe being pulled away at tremendous speed

>Eventually the universe is so far away I can see it all right infront of me

>A giant hand that looks like a nebula formation appears out of the center of the universe

>Hear the static say that "You must pull from other universes"

>Spend most of the night awake thinking about it.

It definitely wasn't a dream either, I was wide awake.

Then last night


>Go to sleep and start dreaming

>I'm in my house, everything looks exactly as it normally does

>Turn into my hallway to get to my bedroom to go to sleep

>The hallway is filled with giant static from floor to ceiling

>Begin to approach it slowly

>Walk past my house mates room and through the static

>Suddenly it is day time and I'm confused as fuck because it was just night time and I was ready to go to bed

>Ask my room mate what time it is and where am I because I'm so confused

>She tells me it's the morning after and that I'm just getting out of my bedroom after waking up

>Tell her no, I never went to sleep

>Go to my bedroom and my bed was exactly the way it was like I had never laid in it that night

>Think this is odd but go about my day and go to work

>My work is completely different. Different job, different co workers, different office.

>Everyone knows me though like we're best friends

>Wake up

It's something to do with this static, I'm sure of it. I feel like the static is actually supposed to be something else but for whatever reason I can't see it properly so it is showing itself to me as static.

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