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The Eight Ball and Morgan's Tarot

I hope in this topic I explain the reason why I was giving the 8 ball answer or the morgan tarot cards.First I want to say that I didn't want to cause annoyance to anyone and this was just an experiment to see.As a redemption I will give my results here(I know they aren't worth it but I could understand things from my own perspective/reality-tunnel and not follow dogmatically people without thinking about it.)

The Eight Ball

I have found 4 forms of results that get out of the ball, and there might be more than those results but I haven't had enough time to experiment to see more complicated form of answers.(it is a yes/no ball after all)

[All answer were checked by three time rolls to make sure that the ball is actually saying what it is trying to say]

1.The Serious:The Ball give a serious answer without caring for my side or the "other" side of the question.

2.The Honest:The Ball give a serious answer but there is a vibe or a feel that "Hey friend, this is what you need to do" in a friendly way I think.

3.The Joking:The Ball just give an inconstant answers and doesn't care about the question

4.fugg off:The Ball doesn't answer and just say "concentrate again" and that kind of stuff.

I think there is a chance of 1/12(since 5 positive 5 negative 5 neutral and shaken 3 time)

Of course I then tried with

the Morgan Tarot.

It isnt a strictly a tarot, it is just an 80 cards with different phrases/insights.Now there are three thing I found with morgan tarot is:-

1.When I ask it directly for my question it give me a direct answer/clear cut.

2.When I try to give an insight to a certain group of people I have found that the insight begin direct to the whole group of people

3.when I try to do it for someone the answer seem little cryptic and vauge, kinda like the deck is telling me to direct people to it so they can ask it by themselves.

Alright finishing with both of them I think I have found something with divination tools:-

1.just looking at the future with divination tool can be a form of minor enchantment and can affect and lead you to a future you didn't choose, which bring us to..

2.Limiting the possibilities, think of the 8 ball just yes/no.Who else use yes/no?politician and religious people, you are either with or against them.Even if you use I Ching or Tarot, remember that all these models are still model, they can't fill all the possibilities that are their for you.

3.enchant then divine is better than divine then enchanting, but remember if your enchantment/spell/magic is weak then diving might affect your enchantment and pull you to unexpected future.

That's it for now.

Hope I didn't annoy you all.

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