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Luke, I am your father, is now, No, I am your father.


Mirror Mirror on the wall, is now, Magic Mirror on the wall


Fruit Loops, are now, Froot Loops

Bernstein Bears, is now, Bernstain Bears


Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood, is now, Its a beautiful day in this neighborhood


I think something has been tampering with our reality.


I already answered this in a /pol/ thread. The things that were "changed" were the common ways of saying things or popular mishearings. Fruit Loops has always been Froot Loops, you just remembered it as Fruit because nobody says Froot otherwise. Same with Berenstain. The others are just mishearings spread through media/internet.

Surely if history was being tampered with, they'd do it with something much more important than a couple words in childrens media.





Ugh, so we really have shills on /fringe/ now.. Unfortunate for you we can spot them easier than the rest of the site.



The first one I've always known to be "NO, I am your father"


And Fruit Loops, Im honestly confused between rebranding or time shenanigans…

>BerenSTAIN, just like our timeline


What the hell is going on? Maybe someone's going back in time to change all of our pop media so we notice something is up?




Interview with a vampire


Interview with the vampire.

Sex in the city


Sex and the city

Personally I recall the former in my cited examples, and also in the cases of

>Mirror Mirror on the wall

>Fruit Loops


Anything important will have them until we are further from the Piscean age.


I remember it always being "No, I am your father."

I remember it used to be Mirror Mirror and Bernstein Bears though, so I don't know what the fuck



How am I a shill because I can offer an explanation that isn't "CERN is merging realities"?

I understand that the last part sounds shill-like, and I was wondering if I should include that, but you really don't think that you could just be misremembering things?


I remember it was "sex and the city". I also remember "froot loops" and "Luke, I am your father" as well. Why would this "reality altering" only apply to some people for some effects?


>Maybe someone's going back in time to change all of our pop media so we notice something is up?

If there is something going on, this sounds most likely.



Clearly not every one is from the same timeline.

Also I do not think this is CERNs doing alone. They may be (even, a major) contributing factor, but I do not believe they are the sole one.




I remember reading when I was young that this was misremembered and then the incorrect version flooded into the mainstream

>Mirror Mirror

I remember watching some movie recently (maybe maleficent?) where it said this and I was triggered. Pretty sure everyone I know and have ever known remembered this as "mirror, mirror"

>Froot Loops

Questionable because the change seems reasonable enough and I don't remember paying strict attention to the boxes, just sweeping glances

>Stein bears

Feel most strongly about this being Stein and not Stain

>Mr Rogers

Don't remember the old bastard well enough




>How am I a shill because I can offer an explanation that isn't "CERN is merging realities"?

who said anything about CERN, shill? :^)

what year were you born? probably after 2000.


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>this thread


You people are so freaking retarded.



Do the words "friggin" and "frikkin" come from "freaking"



Do the Word come from God?


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>does cum frum penis?


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>Does your penis differnate between a goat,horse,human, and a cow's vagina?


I've always been quite certain that Indonesia is no. 3 in population. I guess I'm wrong.


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>You people are so freaking retarded.

millennial detected



THIS!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF THESE!!!!!!!!



Interview with a vampire

Interview with the vampire


get out you shillhole



Sex in the city


Sex and the city

THIS exactly. I hate this show so I remember it being sex in the city.



I sense great damage control in the rythm of your hearth


I remember it being Mirror Mirror on the wall…

>Luke I am your father

They claim it's a mislead quote. But I vividly remember Darth Vader saying "no Luke, I AM your father"… Weird shit.


Yeah I don't remember these well. But I would have called it "stein" not "stain" because Stein is more of a realistic name. idk.

>fruit loops not "froot" loops.

I remember it being "fruit loops". Actually, that said. I don't really remember the cereal at all (britfag here).

Along with the ability to at times have dreams that see into the future, I think something is up. Unless I've been misunderstood greatly.


/x/ tier thread



this dimension blows. Send me back to the mirror mirror one


The whole "No, I am your father." thing? That really blows my mind - especially because that video got blocked now.

I realize that doesn't have to mean anything but I still think it's funny.



Both dimensions suck

Lets make our own


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Do you guys remember "Looney Toons" or do you remember "Looney Tunes"

Its supposedly "tunes" now.



I remember Looney Toons. I just realized it.



Yeah. Tunes doesn't even make sense. It's not music… It's cartoons



That's the joke. It's always been tunes.


For the sake of argument let's assume that things really have been changed. What could be the purpose?

To test the perception of the masses to detect the media machine's ability to rewrite history? Practice runs for information control prior to the propaganda of faked shootings, bombings, and demolitions for social manipulation.

To geographically tag humans via something like A:B testing by exposing them to subtle variations, each one being a "bit" of their media geotag? In the age of the Internet a singular combination now must be maintained.

The Many Worlds theory of quantum physics manifesting? Anything that can happen did, but it is only now that we have the ability to instantaneously "observe" world wide that the waveform has collapsed into this reality. In the past our realities were more isolated, but now they have merged and we some retain memories of a quantum probability matrix that no longer exists.

Our trans-dimensional genetic evolution program needs to defrag occasionally to save space on all these disparate human simulations as they get branch out? Entities from similar universes with "trivial" or non consequential deltas are combined as an optimization. (Also a solution to the Fermi Paradox)

Some grand spell requiring the caster to delude the entire world. They figured it would be easiest to do with simple things first? Perhaps the first rite in a series to manifest Chaos in this reality via slowly decreasing the world's sanity level and increasing distrust of reality itself?

Be careful not to fall into the little mental death that is Occam's Razor. You can not discern which explanation is truly simplest if you only consider a few explanations and can't access all of the pertinent information.



I guess you could say they are like glitches, when comes massive reality change some hiccups are inevitable. The matrix constantly experiences these glitches. Merges between timelines are not a impossible concept either. Think of the development process of any name brand or movie script. It's possible that a change in timeline or glitch in the matrix could make someone choose a different way of spelling a name or saying a line in a film.




holy shit I didnt even know about that one…



I think these are all just clues, but you gotta take in the original one as well. Ive always felt the stein stain change was to point out how jews have been a "stain" on our history. And Im not on board the whole anti-semitism thing. Theyre probably a race from an alternate dimension/timeline that fused with ours and fucked it up.

Mirror mirror and magic mirror could deal with magic being the outer reflection of the inner self.

The others are weirder though. More just changing pop culture to things that make less sense or are just blatant offenses of the original


>Mirror Mirror on the wall, is now, Magic Mirror on the wall

Are you serious? I've doubted the Bearenstein bears thing, never taken it seriously, but I am absolutely 100% convinced and have an extremely clear memory that MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL is the correct term. It wasn't "magic mirror on the wall". I explicitly remember that the word "mirror" was repeated twice and thinking in the past as a young child about how they say "mirror" twice.


So most of these are from things we read when kids. When we still hadn't fully developed a sense of language. So it shouldn't be surprising we remembered it wrong.



On the contrary. I was able to speak in full, understandable sentences at 2 years of age, and could read English proficiently at age 3. And I clearly remember "Mirror Mirror" and "Berenstein".



Welcome to Dimension C-137!


The most sanest explanation for this phenomena is a mistranslation of the quote to local languages.

>Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

Miroir, miroir sur le mur, qui est la plus belle dans tout le pays ?

Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, Wer ist die Schönste im ganzen Land?

Зеркало. Зеркало на стене. Кто в мире самый справедливый?

Spegel, Spegel på väggen där, säg mig vem som vackrast i världen är?

But if I had to guess, like a long shot guess, USA and some countries have bled into this reality taking some of their culture with them. You can still find references online to versions saying "Mirror, Mirror", but other websites claim it's a misquote.



Even this top 13 list puts the "Mirror Mirror" version as the correct version while claiming that the "Luke"-quote is wrong: http://www.surreymirror.co.uk/13-famous-film-quotes-wrong/story-26181210-detail/story.html

>March 16, 2015

If you check revision history on the Wikipedia article, you'll see that it's been solid since 2013 when the article was created:


And finally the kicker:


>search for mirror

The quote has been misquoted in Disney's work after the film was released, but the translations to other languages has also gotten the mistranslation.

So is the original film an impostor? Did the shift happen for some things and forgot to change the rest? Could they only change things at certain dates and not anything closer to our date?

I didn't grow up with US culture, so I don't know about Fruit Loops or Looney Tunes because the first wasn't popular here and the second was translated to "Buggs Bunny and his friends".



Old person here. It's always been Tunes.



I jumped timelines again when I decided to practice some mindful eating instead of watching youtube videos. Everyone in this timeline seems more retarded unfortunately, I also seem to have discovered some new ego problems.


Friendly reminder that it's now


and not


Seriously, if you want proof it used to be Chic-fil-A just google for

"dic-fil-a" compared to "dick-fil-a" and watch how many results there are. "dic-fil-a" doesn't even make sense as a joke if it was always with a ck. Explain this.


I do have unopened copies of the original, non-altered Star Wars trilogy. Sometime this week I'll watch them and do some digital copying (need to back up to DVD anyway, it's all on VHS) and see if I can find which one.

The Fruit Loops one though? Partial bullshit. I remember in the late 90s or early 00s they rebranded so they could use the cereal itself as letters in both words.



How about another possibility:

We all are stupid monkeys and our brains fail sometimes. We remember things that didn't happen and forget others that did.



what happens to your body when you leave one timeline, do your family just finds you naked in the middle of a pentagram or what



GTFO mundane.



No, it's more like when you make a choice that then changes your path. You get a deja vu which indicates that the timeline changed.



No, we have entered another universe where (maybe) the only difference is some spelling errors.

So you already existed in the other universe, precisely as you are now, so you just merged/replaced the other you.


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Ok guys.

I've been working at Volvo for 15 years. I started as a maintenance guy and now im a test engineer.

I've driven tons of Volvo cars, I've fixed all of Volvo cars. I know everything about Volvo.

And the fucking logo suddenly changed.


I've also researched about it a bit, there's questions by other people about the logo change but apparently the logo never changed for 80 years


Mundane here. You want to know what's pushing me over right now? Breaking bad. Mother fucking Breaking bad, when Walt is about to kill Gus, Mike calls him and says " Go home, Walter ", it's memorable because Mike never uses his whole name. Except now it's not Mike, it's the black guy on the phone. I'm definitely not the only one who thinks this, and there is no fucking way you could confuse the two voices.

DoI have to start wizard training now? Can I fix this?


I was watching Danger 5 recently on netflix and the entire plot of the show changed after a few episodes while keeping some of the original content. The entire show after episode 2 just felt odd and rewritten.



I can confirm this.



I vividly remember it being Chik-fil-A and so do other people.



That's weird.

Okay so what does this all imply? Is it just highlighting the flaws in human perception? The fact that our imaginations are more influential than reality?



I remember Chic

Timeline merging intensifies



>Sex in the city


Sex and the city

wait wait wait wait wait, this is getting pretty scary, I remember exactly that shit, and it was always Sex in the city!



go away with this shitty gaslighting attempt please. It was never luke, I am your father, it's just something a retard spread and everyone believed it is how it was. Fruit loops have ALWAYS been froot loops and I remember that very well.

the berenstein bears name got changed to stain because some jews felt triggered because of it


Life IS like a box of chocolates or Life WAS like a box of chocolates? The answer in this reality may surprise you.

I personally remember Forest Gump directly quoting his mother's saying to the lady sitting on the bench with him, but now he merely tells her his mother's view on life past-tense after she died. Last time I checked all the titles of the clip on YouTube they all were named: Life is like a box of chocolates. Haven't checked again since a few days ago, so who knows if they've changed them to reflect what he says in this reality. But the strangest thing is, Forest even SAYS it with a different feeling behind it, previously he said it happily, as if reminiscing on his mother's effect on his life, but now he states it almost in a sad, depressing, and I'd say, off and creepy way.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


" Mama always SAID ,life WAS like a box of chocolates. you never KNOW what your gonna get"

>past tense is used 2x followed by using present tense. That would never have made it past the editing room of a major Hollywood disgrace such as Gump. It makes his mother sound as if her life had changed so drastically, her life no longer had any variety..

the original quote as I remember from the novel and movie:

"Mama always SAID, life IS like a box of chocolates. You never KNOW what your gonna get."


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who remembers "Field of Dreams"?

The deal as I remember it was:

>If you build it, THEY will come

well, THEY is plural. Apparently it was only for one baseball player….

because now HE will come


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Did you just make me change timelines again?


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Funny you post that Volkswagen logo. I remember it as NOT being a separation where the letter 'v' and 'w' meet. But look at the 1st pic related.

I searched the company's logo history and it shows that there was always that separation as you can see the in the 2nd pic related.




>not realizing that reality can be changed through willpower

>he doesn't know that humanity is being turned into obedient unthinking cattle so that they can change everything about human history and assume direct control



>If you build it, THEY will come

The mandela effect strikes again.

And I mean come on, he will come HE? A team is not one guy… This is just getting rather absurdly obvious now.

I even remember "If you build it they will come" as a minor meme.


The past is as unwritten as the future. We just collectively agree on it.


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