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Esoteric Wizardry


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RIP freedomboard.kirara.ca.
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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Go beyond the "rulecuck" vs "freeaboo" paradygm and realise that true freedom of speech happens in a community that's antagonistic to its moderation.

The true dichotomy is one of harmony vs chaos. 8chan by its principle goes against everything chaotic, whenever a community is trheatened by something it doesn't understand, it leaves for its own board.

Then, on the individual level, you have hotwheels intervening to shut down any kind of conflict and competition, trying to take the reins.

On micro and macro, 8chan stamps out anything unique, sometimes something is about to be born, but it's aborted rapidly. Either by the userbase, by the moderation or by the administration.

chaos, conflict, competition, confusion.

these 4 things make for an amazing atmosphere of OC and creativity.

4chan is deeply chaotic, moreso than anything 8cuck can ever try:

It has a fast posting speed, lots of more posts allow for more randomness in results, the high number of posts is something that the moderation team simply can't stamp out, by their nature, it's too hard to delete and ban everything you see. Never the less, the moderation deletes any posts it finds disagreeable, like on 8gag, but the differenec is that the userbase isn't taking it up the ass: only a small minority of 4channers truly agree with the moderation's actions, most of them see it as a nuisance. The complete opposite of what you have on 8dud.

This transforms the imageboard itno a game of cat and mouse, with posters expressing themselves' outside of the limit of the moderation, and invoking rules only when they fit them. It's a crazy game of chance and ability, that creates for quirky situations.

order, rule-worship, equality, assburger

These 4 ruin the OC atmosphere, and only allow serious discussions.

Serious discussions aren't bad per se, but they're stifling when it's the only thing on a board. You need a high number of positive shitposting, and a low percentage of serious discussions, the more a post breaks estabilished conventions, the higher quality it is.

In short: diversity makes us great, cultural enrichment can only happen in a chaotic space, the vagina of harmony must be fertilized by the cock of chaos else cucks are born, the less you understand something, the better it gets.

Take the golden apple, kid.


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I read the Principia Discordia a few years ago. Funny shit, and eye-opening at the same time. But here's where you're wrong, OP:

>implying Chaos is inherently good

>implying Order is inherently bad

The whole point of Discordianism is that Order/Chaos are balancing forces that complement each other, like Yin and Yang. It's natural for humans to desire structure and order at some times, and freedom and disorder at other times.

Structured systems like Qabbalah, Hermeticism, Yoga, etc. give the magician some goal to work toward, and a means to measure their self-improvement. Chaos Magic is basically a sandbox where you can do whatever the heck you want. Both are valuable for different reasons.



its good for imageboards

makes them fun


>implying there is chaos

>implying there is order

>not reading the /fringe/ FAQ books

OP please fuck off and suck some cocks. You clearly can't get into magick. You just settle for some fake esotericism and act like "ITS DA TRUTH!". Read some books and get yourself back on track to enlightenment.



>The whole point of Discordianism is that…

There is no point. It's a meme-religion with borrowed elements from Indian and Chinese philosophy, with some stoner humor thrown in. I have no idea what people see in this thing.


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>I have no idea what people see in this thing.

It is a noob hook that makes people think chaos magick is fun.

You can tell a chaos magician that's been less than 5 years in the trade in that he thinks Eris is cool.

Some chaotes don't ever grow from that phase, though.



Can you tell me the best books to go get started on the Golden Apple? Besides Pricipia Discordia ofc



Well… chaos magick IS fun. Is there any reason it shouldn't be? It can be fun and serious, same as any art form.


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>All this gay molarchy about chaos and order.

It's simple… moderators are felons. They think they are above the law, not too different from churches before them. Nobody else finds it odd the go-too saying "mods=gods?" Just as the church thinks it's somehow immune to basic shit like child abuse laws, taxes, etc… moderators have become the same way only on a much larger scale being outright bolsterous about their felonies.

People justify moderators in the same way as religion as some sort of metaphysical right to be oppressed. It's disturbing and frankly I'm not putting up with it. I've said it and I mean it; If I see a moderator, I'm killing them. Legally I can, morally I'm supposed too.



hey jimbo nice to see you post here again, i've watched some of your youtube vids and enjoyed them






Uhhhh….why are you taking my shitposts seriously? What's next, you're going to write an essay?


Idk what tht crap is lol. I'm just referencing the legend of troy and shit you know?




Helen is a slut btw



>What's next, you're going to write an essay?

lol, your original post is bigger than all four of those replies put together. Maybe you're the one who's taking yourself too seriously.



>hehe i'm just screwing around guiz

c'mon bro that's weak as fuck



>the amount of dogma in this comment

>dis thread

Finally more people accepting that chaos is necessary for growth

Order is simply the desired internal state while chaos is the desired external state.

One must become like a mountain, unshakable

One must surround oneself with fire, constant transmutation of the external illusory barrier and beyond

The light submerges itself in darkness to shine brighter than it did before. For what light is at full output when it has nothing to compete with?



>Order is simply the desired internal state while chaos is the desired external state.

Eye of the hurricane, eh?


Is imbibi just a cover for didi ?

>didi dindu nuthin' but imbibi diddo shit.



not me, idk how to make those weird code things and i've been using the chans for a long time.

im just putting didi in the name for the reference, some random can just put didi in his name and shitpost or counterpost - but he won't have my eloquently brash way of typing and my overstanding. Simply the utterance of my vernacular is suffice to convulse many a wombs.



lol yeah thanks for the loosh guys



type "#" with letters after it in the name field

bam baby you got yourslef a tripcode






In the end, we are all didi.



A wild didi appeared!




I actually like it that didi and Omran post here. The butthurt from the /pol/cucks alone is worth it.


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thanks for the loosh


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When all you have is your shitty mobile screencap cuz you deleted the pic, but not this for some reason D:


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm loooosh :P


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I haven't forgotten






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disgusting loosh slut.


This is a good thread.



for you


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Praiseth he who beith thy apple.



Take my loosh you whore



>tips fedora

Go back to /intl/ fag

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