First I draw a sigil on the page that represents me. This sigil is my essential being. Next I draw sigils that represent concepts, people, places, objects, and situations within my life. I link these sigils to the primary sigil with lines. I write these sigils down and do the lines in one color, the pen that I'm using. I look these sigils over, meditate on them for a bit, think about what they represent within my life, how important they are etc. Then I decide which sigils I want to strengthen my connection with. I also decide which sigils I want to cut the connection to.
I sometimes end up drawing additional sigils around the sigils I want to keep. The additional sigils can be used to flesh out the sigil (and the influence) I'm keeping, as well as modifying the influence, determining, for instance if there are aspects of the influence that need to be cut, while retaining the overall influence in your life. I draw these additional sigils to the primary influence that they are focused on. I recommend using whatever you need to also strengthen the connections between the tertiary sigils and the primary influence sigil. The idea is that these tertiary sigils will not merely strengthen the influence in your life, but also strengthen the manifestation of the influence into your life, as well as acting as parameters that define the nature of how that influence manifests in your life.
For the sigils I want to keep I get creative. I may draw other symbols and/or use colors to represent the nature of the relationship, it's importance to me and in what ways I seek for the connections to be strengthened between my sigil and the other sigils. I put a lot of effort into this work because I want to accurately represent my needs and desires. I am also putting energy into the sigils by doing this work, so in a real sense I'm charging the sigils by doing the labor of love that I do. After I've cut the sigils out that I don't intend to keep I either use masturbation or some other way of shedding bodily fluid to fire the sigil. Or I simply tack it on the wall and will the sigils to manifest. Whatever way you use to fire your sigils should be effective with this technique.
The other thing I do is look at the sigils I don't want in my life. I think on why I don't want these sigils and what they represent in my life. I make sure my reasoning is very clear and to the point. I take out a pair of scissors and cut the sigils. Then I burn them. The act of cutting is the means by which I charge the sigils up with an energy that takes a person or situation out of my life. The act of burning is the firing mechanism for the sigil, the ashes dissipating away and with them the negative influence that effected me.
At this point I put the web away in a safe place. I will occasionally charge it with energy if I feel I need to. Occasionally I'll destroy a web and start a new one. Life changes and so my needs change. Using the sigil web is an effective way to do magick. It's easy to do as well material wise. It only requires paper, pen, some crayons, paints, etc, and a pair of scissors. So it's good on your budget. Also provided you have the right kind of concentration and ability to focus energy you should have no problem charging the sigils or cutting them for that matter.
A few words of warning though. This form of magick is extremely effective, especially when you use it to cut something or someone out of your life. When you choose to cut something or someone be absolutely certain you want to do it because once it's done, it's done. That person, situation, or object never comes back into your life. For instance I cut a musician friend of mine out of my life. I did this about five years ago and to this day I have never heard from him and have not a word from people who know him. And the effect of cutting him out of my life was almost instantaneous. I stopped hearing from him very soon after I did the ritual. Also if you're cutting a person out of your life be careful and be sure as to how you want that person out of your life. If you don't specify how you want the person out of your life you could end up killing him or her. So be careful and be specific. As you cut the sigil away from the web you are charging it with your intent.
The other caution is this. It can be hard to cut sigils from the web. A person who experimented with this technique used the technique to get rid of a bad habit. He told me it was very painful and very hard to cut the sigil away and burn it. He did note that all desire to indulge in the habit stopped soon after the sigil had been burned. Just remember that this can be painful and can be hard. This makes sense as you are literally and deliberately cutting a connection to your life.
By Taylor Ellwood