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Story time

>Nice girl I know with a shitload of problems

>Her ex-boyfriend killed himself almost a year ago by jumping from a building

>He becomes a lost soul and haunts her because she's sensitive to this shit

>Lost soul is devouring her energies and leading her towards suicide

>She wants to remove him but emotionally she doesn't, so shit is useless

>Finally we make some ritual so she can contact him

>She wants to "know what he felt before he leaves"

>She manages and ends up crying and screaming because now she knows the kind of unbearable feelings that led to her bf suicide

>In the ritual I could easily cut the attachment, but since she doesn't really want to, the leech always comes back.

>Tells her shit on joining in death, which sounds appealing to her because her life is crap and her family are a bunch of bastards.

I've refrained from destroying this spirit because of respect for her, but I'm wondering really. My plan is to call Anubis to lead his soul to be judged and wish him good luck, or maybe lead him directly to Ammyt so his stupid soul is devoured.

What would you do?

tl;dr How would you destroy the astral remains of a person who suicided?


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>tl;dr How would you destroy the astral remains of a person who suicided?

LBRP if that doesn't work

Solar grounding and banishing if that doesn't work

Sage if that doesn't work

Laughter if that doesn't work

Charlie chaplain


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I think that the real problem is not dead bf, but the fact that this girl doesn't want to cut her connection to him.

I wouldn't do anything. I mean, I would try to help her understand and control her emotions, but ultimately I would leave her to herself. Everyone has his own trials in life. Perhaps this situation is crucial to that girl and she's here solely because resolving this matter is the most important learning experience that she'll have in this life. If she fails, she is weak. Reincarnate and try again. If she achieves success she will be stronger, she will grow. Resolving the matter for her would be stealing valuable lesson and would, from a larger perspective, give her nothing. Human spirit is dulled by people resolving life trials for other people.

But I'm just speculating and it's my point of view, based on personal experience. Take it or leave it.

"Be careful of charity and kindness, lest you do more harm with open hands then a clenched fist."



If you're being asked, it's your subconscious trying to teach YOU - also, paradoxically everything you said can be polarized.



Actually that is quite an interesting point of view, thank you. In fact it is quite an important event in her life, quite like hitting bottom. And in a tarot reading I did with her, it was clear that all her suffering is preparing her for stuff that can only happen if she endures.

I guess its just a tad difficult to let her die if she is weak and just because she might be, but this is how business goes and it sounds like the correct idea indeed. Thank you.

For the record on what >>53086 suggested,

LBRP was nowhere enough (even taught her doing it, calms her down, but doesn't solve the problem). From what I've seen lately I'm afraid nothing would work if she doesn't really want to cut the connection, like >>53095 said.



Also, I think that unless the root of the problem isn't dealt with and she hasn't learned the lesson, she would find herself in a similar situation over and over again. Maybe not with ghost suicidal bf, but the mechanism of her not being able to let go of a possibly deadly connection would still be there and that is a very dangerous thing. Banishing his soul would be just prolonging the inevitable.

Anyway, I wish her luck. I hope she finds her strength.



>nice girl I know

>his stupid soul

Be careful not to fall in the same trap. There seem to be some kikes above us preventing spiritual influence on the soul in any way possible. Don't let others' problems become yours, >>53095 had a really nice post.



Unenlightened self interest by a control freak with an unhealthy sense of entitlement, on /fringe/? How can this be?



>Nice girl


She's holding onto this dude, obviously, and you're trying to make it your obligation to help her when she hasn't asked you for help in ending it. You don't know her true personality, and its not up to you to judge whether she is "nice" or not, or whether she deserves to live or not.

Let her drag her self down if she truly wishes it. All you should do is warn her whats going on and then leave. By staying around her you're making yourself toxic. You're trying to force your worldview on her before she's ready to accept it as her own. She'll just get stuck again if all you do is try and baby the shit out of her. She's a conscious entity just like you who has the free will to make her own choices.

Forcing someone to accept something they dont want

Letting other people push shit onto you that you dont want

Stay away from these things as they only harm yourself in the process and give you either "A false sense of entitlement OR the feeling you less than others because they have power over you" Im sure you don't want either


You can't destroy spirits silly. You have to banish him



Man fuck you OP so hard. I would never want to destroy the astral remains of someone that suicided.


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>How would you destroy (or banish) the astral remains of a person who suicided?

you can't in these times because we live in a suicidal society and thus need spiritual reminders of suicide

suicides are actually the most potent hypersigils and christ the most powerful religious symbol in the west for that same reason


This is a matter of male and female social relationships. This is what you do

>ask her what she wants

>ask her why she wants it

>inform her of the consequences

>respect her decision unless the spirit is obviously pulling her without her will

>preferably allow her to rid it herself

>he's just feeding off her as he was when he was alive

>purge the motherfucker regardless

Similar thing happened with my girlfriend

>got her into fringe stuff

>she started seeing a little dead girl pop up randomly around her house scaring the shit out of her

>started becoming depressed from the spirit sapping her energy

>told her she needed to get rid of it

>she didn't want to and let it stay

>shit got worse and told her she has to refuse giving it attention and stay as positive as possible

>told her it was for the best

>she finally agrees

>gets rid of it in a week by staying positive and ignoring it

>way happier and better afterwards

If she doesn't listen to you just get rid of it and let her be mad at you and let her cool off. Or just don't tell her you got rid of it. Do not engage in argument if she yells at you. Just tell her you did what you had to do and that's that. She will come around and thank you.


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wise indian man, tech me yor weys


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nature doesnt destroy, it replaces

fuck her hard enough

and deep enough (soul and shit)


arg. My twin flame had some of this. I don't know if she still does; haven't talked to her recently 'cause I figure the best way to do stuff is to be better on my own.


cool. you know some shit, man.


I dunno, man, it sounds like the guy is causing problems from beyond. Is that any different than killing someone here for doing the same? The only reason we don't do that is jail.


You know… that actually sounds legit.


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>Banishing with your dick

I like it.

Out-vibe that fucker.

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