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I am an adult who still sleeps with his light on because if I try to go to sleep in the dark without somebody in the bed with me (and this is only if I'm on vacation with family and we have a cheap motel or something cuz no gf) and I also usually have some type of background noise whether it is music or the radio.

I've been trying to lucid dream using the wake up and back to bed method and by doing reality checks but I haven't gotten further than having very vivid dreams/remembering my dreams better. I've been trying for about four weeks now and feel like my sleep habits are inhibiting my progress due to the light weakening my melatonin production or something like that.

TL; DR is it possible for me to lucid dream if I'm an anxiety ridden pussy who still has to sleep with the light on


I'm in the same boat, hoping someone has some advice.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I used to be scared of the dark until I was like 13-14, not to the point of having to sleep with my light on though. Despite having a slight anxiety I found darkness quite fascinating. One night I decided to resolve the issue once and for all, and what better method of overcoming fear than directly facing it?

At the time I was living near a small forest with a graveyard behind it. That night I went out to the forest at like 11-12 PM. I was alone on a moonless night, with no phone or source of light and it was very dark. In the beginning I was paralyzed. I went to the edge of the forest, waited there for like 10 minutes until I calmed myself down and I entered. My heart was racing and every sound seemed like inevitable doom was coming, adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I won't bore you with details, long story short: I was gradually becoming less scared as I walked through the dark forest, from being overcome with terror to slight anxiety and finally I felt calm and at peace. I sat in the forest for a while feeling as if the night was my cloak, covering me and protecting. After that I visited the cemetery, sat there for a while just letting the atmosphere soak into me and returned home.

I was never again afraid of darkness, I even feel a lot more comfortable when it's dark. Before I had the feeling as if darkness was hiding something from me, something that may put me in danger. Now I feel that I am being hid by it so that nobody can find me and harm me.

Actually after that I developed quite a habit for walking around at night, sitting at the cemetery or just gazing at the moon if there was a moon in the sky.

Do with this story what you wish, but there is no strength in avoiding your fears, there is in facing them.


what the actual fuck



/fringe/, powerful wizards



Questions go in the questions thread. Seriously, read rule 2.

Also, you make yourself afraid. Stop being such a pussy and man up. It isn't that hard.


Well stop the occult things and pray to jesus christ and ask him to help you believe me he will help you.

The entities which are around you are demons they are real



Psychological projection


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>pray to jesus christ and ask him to help you

Every time.


File: 1441723200022.pdf (1.56 MB, Exploring-The-World-Of-Luc….pdf)


Lights on should cause no issue, in fact I find sleeping during the day (late morning) with a bit of natural light increases the chance of lucid dreaming or OBEs.

You could add some subtle changes in the background noises set at certain times (not too loud to wake you) to trigger lucidity, or lights.

Light has been used as a successful trigger.

Keep up the work, results can take a while to manifest. Aside from habitual reality testing, ensure you keeping a dream journal, afirmations are useful too. It is also worth reading about other peoples lucid dreaming anecdotes so the idea of it occuring is so mundane it will not be a stretch for you to do so.

Try the pdf attached for instruction as well as how to best use the experience once it occurs.

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