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Esoteric Wizardry


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Using Magick to Draw

I thought about this a lot like 2 days ago but I might as well post it here even though I won't be able to go through with my plan until I got everything completely ready with my OS.

I have noticed that after drawing for hours when I go lay down my mind is capable of running algorithms which use the brushes I've used to instantly create complete drawings of anything. This can be done instantaneously, line-by-line, in chunks, and at any speed from slow-motion to regular speed to timelapse/fast. I can rapidly edit the images and I can also create them just as fast in 3-dimensions as 2D (and I have noticed my mind can convert absolutely any 2D brush into a 3D equivalent which can be used to sculpt 3D models). I can instantly picture in very high clarity any scene I want recreated with any brush and drawing techniques I want. If there is some scene from the astral I want to reproduce, I can see the whole thing drawn out using whatever brush I want.

For further development on this I think I should start with:

1. Imposing astral-images onto my screen and then sketching them in.

I could anchor an astral image onto the desktop which can be opaque, or represented as a bunch of dots you have to draw lines in-between, or selectively (like holding a magnifying glass over it) show through parts of it, or shown as an outline, or represented in other ways all meant to guide me through actually drawing it. Then it is only a matter of tracing the lines/dots/whatever I see imposed on my screen much the same way you might put a photo underneath some transparent paper and then trace it with your pencils/markers/etc.

2.A There must be a way to give a "grand command" with my consciousness that then causes my hands to automatically reproduce the whole image.

Instead of willing each stroke, I simply wait in a trance while my hands draw out everything, just like a medium whose hands are drawing whatever the commanding spirit wants (some mediums can even have both hands drawing two different things at once while they hold a conversation and mentally don't focus at all on what either hand is doing). This would be the next step for development and could make the process of physically reproducing astral images so much easier, quicker, more accurate, and efficient.

2.B Additional functions such an estimate time for production clock and other thoughtforms forming an entire interface in this design process could be created.

When the image to be drawn is imposed onto the screen in-front of me the timer will show how long it's going to take me to draw it. I could then edit the image or substitute another image and tweak things around until ready and trying out different filters and brush algorithms. My Astral UI will show me before I give the "grand command" to start drawing how long exactly it will take and possibly other information like how many strokes of the pen will be needed to accomplish it, how many colours used, how many steps period, etc. I can then making a wise decision about how much time I want to use on a given day drawing and deciding what it I want to draw from the astral or from my memories of scenes of the physical plane.


3.A The next step in this development might be to skip using my hand completely. Instead the stylus pen could be psychokinetically controlled, it moving without me even having to touch it physically.

3.B Why move the pen around? All it is doing is sending signals to my computer which are interpreted and turned into the output on the screen.

I have a wireless keyboard and mouse for example; why not create the correct vibrations to send those radio signals directly to the unifying receiver to control them? I could directly interface my consciousness with my machine this way and no longer need a keyboard, mouse, and digitizer to actually draw, type, move the cursor around, and click. My control would be much more precise, direct, fast, and powerful.

4. A further refinement would be to skip sending control signals to the computer entirely and instead directly edit files on the computer with my mind.

An entire PNG or other image could be constructed instantaneously and directly on my computer by psychokinetically changing the memory on the computer to produce the file. This could also be done for writing entire books and messages instantly. Maybe also creating entire programs. Mediums have had blank pieces of paper placed in a room and a spirit writes out a full and detailed message on it with nobody touching it or being close to it. This would be same thing but with computers instead.

5. I could create tulpas that draw for me, producing lots of art and possibly other things too, completely independent of me.

In this case I wouldn't even be deciding on what to draw at all, a thoughtform I created would act completely independently of me to draw lots of stuff, producing perhaps massive amounts of art while I'm off doing other things. Then I can review what it has produced, share it, and even draw collaboratively with it.


To accomplish all of this my plan would be to start with creating a drawing tulpa that helps facilitate the whole thing from start to finish. I would create and empower this thoughtform from the outset for this purpose and working with it to realize each step of this plan. With its help, I would get an estimate of how long it will take me to develop these powers with it, how much loosh I would need to invest in it, etc. I'd start with something simple to see that my thoughtform is able to deliver on its arrangements it will have with me and as my trust grows that it can take me from step to step without screwing up we will keep going and if it fails too much I will dissolve it and create a new drawing assistant thoughtform from scratch.


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On a serious note





I see why someone came over to /ask/ inquiring if I'd purge your shitposting. It's a shame you had to be the first to take a shit in this thread but I hope most people have hidden your posts by now and discussion will go on nicely without your garbage.


The term "trance" can apply to any state of consciousness outside of the normal everyday waking consciousness. There is no "illegitimacy" in using trance to get things done if that is what you are implying. A trance state also does not have to imply a reduced state of awareness.


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>why not just draw?

you honestly seem really lazy

The whole purpose of living in the physical realm is to limit your manipulation of the external environment so it takes more effort and willpower to achieve one's goals. If it was as simple as "I WANT A PICTURE OF A GOAT" and WABAM, you have a goat, then what's the point? You'd delve straight into hedonism and have nothing to grow or strive for.

I suggest you just stick to drawing like a normal person and just imbue your magickal intent into your drawings.

Trying to physically manipulate objects is hardcore-tier shit, I've only had minor success at it, and my energy reserves and willpower are pretty immense compared to other people.

>tldr; Put some more effort into life instead of living inside of your imagination


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Didn't even read loma



How about fuck you? What I am trying to accomplish takes more willpower and effort than merely drawing the mundane way. If it was easy to do what I am trying to do, more people would have done it already. I don't want to waste time on drawing, I have so much higher aspirations and many other things I want to, I just want to be able to produce images extremely fast.

Go back to >>>/mundane/ faggot.


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>Then actually practice drawing so your get good enough that it doesnt take as much time as you do now


Wow, what a concept!

Also, you're not special. You obviously don't have the "willpower and effort" to sit down and draw a picture you want so badly. You lack patience. You lack discipline.




Seriously fag you should be posting with the bluepill flag your entire stance is anti-magick, anti-occult, anti-power, pro-demiurge, pro-inferiority, etc.

Where did you even come into this board from and how long have you been infesting this place?

Merely putting more effort into things is foolish. It's like some retard that refuses to use ramps and pulleys and focal points to build a pyramid. We didn't advance to doing greater and more awesome things by doing everything in a shit and inefficient way.

You can dig at the ground with a fucking stick for days to make your hole or you can use a shovel or you can use a machine or you can use your psychokinetic powers. You should always use the most superior means available to you.

Fucking bluepilled normalfag I don't even want to human, limited, etc. I want to enjoy astral-tier power and control 24/7.



I don't want to draw pictures faggot I'm a magician not an artist. Magick comes first for me. I'm all about dat Mind Power nigga. Now fuck off out of my thread.


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>I have so much higher aspirations and many other things I want to, I just want to be able to produce images extremely fast.

>higher aspirations

>need /tech/ to hand hold him in using linux



Oh and faggot that bird I posted was a drawing I drew myself the traditional way I am perfectly capable of sitting down and working on something for days until it's done but that's not what this thread and this board is about. If I wanted to just draw I could talk about this any place. I am interested in doing magick.

Where is all this cancer coming from and have posters like you dominated this board while I've been afk or what? Are you somehow part of a shitposting team with Omran?



Just take my loosh and be gone already you cancer!


Oh and speaking of Earth btw I have plans to leave this shitty planet behind. Fuck Earth. This shit backwater underdeveloped planet in the galaxy can go fuck itself I'm going to find a better place to inhabit with like-minded beings.


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>implying you know what Im all about

>implying this picture isnt you

If you honestly desire to not be human, you wouldn't be human. You came here to learn some form of discipline and youre just shitting all over yourself. Seriously, take a step back. You feel entitled to get what you want when you want without any effort involved whatsoever.

Also, its hilarious to me that you jump straight to the insult train because you can't handle other people on the internet telling you that the way you're doing things is idiotic. This game is merely childsplay to me now. I can feel the emotions of an entire room simply by walking into it. Communicating with animals is basic. Manifestation of simple things is a cakewalk. Ive actually made objects move with my mind before through sheer willpower. If you actually had as much WILLPOWER as you claim to, or the dreams you wish to achieve, you would already be doing them.


>why dont you just ascend?


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I didn't come here for shit, fuck off newage faggot. Magick never works "without effort" faggot. My fucking god are you ever cancerous. How long have you been around? How many posters have been subjected to your bullshit?


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My fucking god I am so going to have to do something about this cancer if I don't see any good posts in 48 hours.



Im just telling you, you're in a physical body right now that has A LOT of limitations. Id learn what those limitations are and learn to push past those boundaries. Its a process, its not the lottery where you spin n win. Its taken me a while to get where I am today, with lots of experimentation and effort on my own part. And in my short time on this earth I've learned you don't just jump from Human to Godform simply because you want it. You have to earn it.

If you could stop insulting me for 5 minutes and stop acting like a child you might see I'm actually trying to help you.


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Just fuck off already I have studied the occult for years and know that it takes a massive fucking effort the only one here who thinks magick is effortless is YOU when you discouraged me from trying to use magick to create drawings or enhance the drawing process and FYI faggot every act of consciousness involves mental processes and magick is mental so drawing things the mundane way is just being a shitty magician you enormous cunt. I am acutely aware of all manner of limitations and working to overcome them, this thread being just another example of such, but you're being a faggot and telling me to embrace limitation and do things the mundane way. I don't want you making another post in my thread PLEASE FUCK OFF!!



Kill yourself.


SigmaShaman you're a fucking cunt and I am not lazy and magick is not the easy way it is the longest and hardest path and my plans to increase my drawing power with magick are noble and should be applauded not discouraged. I am not here to live a mundane life, I am not here for a reason at all, other than to do my will. I will not listen to your garbage that I choose to come to Earth, I reject that notion completely, or else if such an insane choice was made as to make a choice like that and then forget making that choice then I consider the mind which created that choice previously to have been severely defective and I will not honour that choice made previously I will burn my own path to the heavens not be weighed down by the mundane and experiencing a mundane life. I have no desire to suffer and live an inferior mode of existence here I am breaking free. I am sick of the inferiority of the physical plane and I have been for years steadily increasing my powers, refining my consciousness, like an athlete of the mind. I will not be discouraged from developing and perfecting the higher powers, unfolding my astral senses, doing the "miraculous".


In thinking that I desire merely to draw and to create an image you are as wrong as the man who laughs at someone for using psychokinesis to move a pen across his desk when he could have just picked it up with his hand and put it in the new location. It's not about moving that pen. It's something so much more. A new understanding awakens in the man who has used and witnessed his own psychokinetic power and new possibilities are opened to him. Like a man who has been freed from the labours of the field or the hunt, he finds himself now able to refine himself in new ways and explore new possibilities as well, leading to all manner of professions and new experiences and achievements. In massively increasing my efficiency to perform the mundane tasks and surpass them I too can move onto greater things. Again, there is the man who is forced to etch symbols into clay tablets, then the man who uses the quill and ink, and the man who uses a typewriter, and finally a computer. Each step of the way he becomes faster and is able to write more, edit more, perform more, and have more time than ever for other things. In learning to consciously interface myself with a machine I am again taking things another step further for humanity and opening new doors.


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How do you not understand that even the most menial of tasks is a spiritual endeavor? You're resorting to swearing and name calling and having a temper tantrum.

It just seems to me like you're stuck living in the world of fantasy and trying to deny the fact that drawing takes a hand and a pencil. The greatest artists of our time practiced hard to be able to paint the way they did. To be able to create the masterpiece they envisioned within their head. If musicians could just create the resonance within their vocal chords and create music out of thin air through will there would be no need for other musicians to exist. It would be a select elite creating music for the masses.

I'm not saying its impossible, but it looks like you just do not appreciate the oppurtunity you have given yourself by choosing to live here on earth.

The reason why shit is so hard here

Imagine a light shining by itself, no obstacles. Its just there. Now submerge it in darkness and it must learn to shine brighter than it ever has before just to continue its own existence. And once it shine bright enough it reaches a new level of brilliance never once thought to be possible. It is through hard work and discipline that we find what we truly desire in life.

I guarantee that you're not going to be able to manipulate matter on the level you dream of any time soon. Im guessing most of the people on this board wont be able to either. Unless theyre in hiding or "the happening" actually happens.

Im suggesting you take it one step at a time instead of trying to polevault over an abyss you do not comprehend the size of. Everything comes when you're ready.

If you honestly want to achieve your goals the way you do. Research the human body and practice diet/breathing/excercise like its your fucking religion. Make energy manipulation your life. Stay conscious of it even in mundane tasks like eating and exercise. Practice manipulating your own energy to move matter. Try your hand at imbueing ink with your energy so you can move it around a piece of paper with ease and just have your work done for you.

The tools are right in front of you. If you're so high and mighty why do you come to a place like /fringe/ for help?


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>How do you not understand that even the most menial of tasks is a spiritual endeavor?

Stopped reading right there. Every single fucking thing you say in this thread is based on wrongful assumptions and stupid reasoning. Yes, extremely simplistic fucking tasks can take on a spiritual quality depending on why and for what reason they are being done. Like painting characters onto stone slabs with water and watching them evaporate, it can develop some aspect of the self.




Okay so?


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>hostile weakness

I gave you a lot of good info and you're just ignoring it like a spoiled brat. Have fun with your temper tantrum. I bet all the wizards here are gonna want to help you after seeing the way you react


You are an effect my friend, while I am a cause.




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Good job O thou.



Both of you are being colossal faggots. OP why the fuck do you care so much about what Sigma says? Magick is done a lot through imagination and drawing is a great way to interact with your imagination. To become more effective at it through astral techniques and tulpas might be great help on your spiritual path. If you feel like what Sigma says is bullshit just ignore him. Look at you throwing a tantrum. Your faith in your own path, whatever it might be, is surely stronger then what you have shown in this thread.

And Sigma, in this thread you stuck with this one idea of "I want to help this guy realize that limitations mean growth" so much that you completely ignored the perspective of the person you want to "help". Playing the "I have been on a spiritual path so long"-card is NOT going to make the other person want to help you. When you want to help people you don't start the conversation with "you are lazy and just live inside your imagination". Who the fuck would want help from a stranger like that - those were just almost baseless assumtions? From the very beginning you have been unfriendly and arrogant towards him, I find it hard to believe that you wanted to help - being humble is a very, very important part of helping others. I strongly believe that if you would have brought across your message in a different way, this would have not ended in such a pathethic war of butthurtness. I've seen you in other threads, you have a good heart but in this one you have been a cunt and it kinda feels to me you were just looking for making OP feel bad instead of helping him. Maybe you just had a bad day.


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but it could be just Eris playin with these two fools.


I once used Chaos Magick in order to try to become a good artist, can't say whether it worked or not since, even if i was to be considered good, i practice almost every day to some extent. Can't hurt to try though.



I haven't read the thread entirely, its a bit of a shitshow, by anyway I admire your lofty goals in terms of servitor guided artistic pursuits.

Not sure if it is exactly what you are after but Austin Osman Spare found art and writing to be integral to his great work.

While not as advanced as what you mention, he did rely a lot on automatic writing and drawing, to reveal things, divination, gnosis and the creation and activation of sigils. A paranormal spin on the surrealist interest of supressing concious thought to unlock what is going on underneath.

If keen on exploring art and the occult I recommend reading up on Austin Osman Spare.




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>the thread reeked of "I wanna ascend already, this place sucks, how do I stop being the thing I came here to learn how to be"

I responded accordingly. Things like trance art I can understand, but to jump straight to "How do I make the art practically make itself" is just not being grounded enough. Its in people like this you eventually find mental instability. I should know, I went through it already. I had my schizo/bipolar phase because I wanted NOTHING to do with Earth, and I was trying to ignore the fact that I was human and stuck here. I lived in a fantasy world and it tore me a new one.

Sometimes the truth is fucking harsh. That was my entire point in this thread.

What OP basically wants is to completely dissolve the physical barriers around him. That takes a lot of hard work and ascension. He wouldn't even necessarily exist in our dimension anymore. And he disrespects the ground on which he stands. This place is beautiful and offers many lessons, but those lessons are null if you completely ignore the fact that you gotta deal with a body until you solve the riddles. He's not even trying to solve the riddles. He just wants the answers handed to him so he can "escape" already. The /cringe/ was real when I read this thread.


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His development plan IS, of course, a little bit much he is asking for.

Does he need to adjust his perspective a little? Clearly. But instead of being a dick and just telling him your judgement unfiltered you could try to help him reach a more grounded goal on his path of creating art. His first idea of simply drawing over an astral image is actually very possible - you don't have to be "ascended" for that.



What youre basically describing is called using your imagination, and overlaying your imagination over your physical vision. Its basic technique. Even I can do that, my physical artistic skill is just not as on par with my ability to visualize. What you visualize in your head is actually just creations within the astral.

I just dont get why the OP comes here to ask on such basic things when he claims to be "oh so powerful". It seems like he has his ideas already figured out and he just wants approval.


>yeah, stroke that bitch harder

>look at all my ideas I HAVENT put into practice yet

I thought fringe was more about putting ideas into practice and bringing in methods that work instead of just hocus pocus theorizing all day long. In fact, its theorizing threads like these that derail the fastest because they have no proven substance. People get bored by ideas and want results.


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>How I feel about this whole thread.


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Actually now that I thinj about it this whole thread belongs in the questions thread. Its just questions.

Please refrain from creating threads of questions. Lets keep fringe nice and tidy plz

(This isn't a questions thread retard.)


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The only one in need of help here is you.


>drawing takes a hand and a pencil

>what is toes and a marker




A decent album.



>Im suggesting you take it one step at a time instead of trying to polevault over an abyss you do not comprehend the size of. Everything comes when you're ready.

You're totally ignoring that the OP post is broken down into sequential steps. Also you're just assuming out of your ass he hasn't been practising already for a very long time to reach the visualization power he is already at and that he has never done any psychokinesis or anything else.

>If you honestly want to achieve your goals the way you do. Research the human body and practice diet/breathing/excercise like its your fucking religion. Make energy manipulation your life. Stay conscious of it even in mundane tasks like eating and exercise. Practice manipulating your own energy to move matter. Try your hand at imbueing ink with your energy so you can move it around a piece of paper with ease and just have your work done for you.

You are assuming he hasn't already been doing all that for years for no good reason.

>The tools are right in front of you. If you're so high and mighty why do you come to a place like /fringe/ for help?

He never asked for your help he posted and shared his plans then had you shit on them. Ctrl + f "?" and there's only two rhetorical questions in the whole opening post.

t. OP talking about himself in third person


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"drawing takes a hand and a pencil" –SigmaShaman 09/08/15

Drawing a Horse with Both Feet at the same time


SigmaShaman status: confirmed BTFO


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Picture also very related.


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>third person

>Holier than thou style

>clearly butthurt

Sigma sure loosh'd you well,spergtron.



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You wouldn't try to use the psychological posting unless you're of course



When did /fringe/ turn into this?



When the fire nation attacked.



when it moved to 8chan and got on top 25 boards for a while



I am not trying to become a good artist most of my inspiration behind making this thread was from a mediumship book I've been reading. My real intent is to practise mediumship. One of the noted powers of mediums is that a pen and some paper may be placed inside of a room with nobody coming anywhere near it and through the power of the medium an entire message may be produced on the paper and then read out. I just want to do it with computers now instead of paper like it was traditionally done in the 19th century.

Also I've read Magical Use of Thoughtforms which has lots of stuff written in it about magick and art and how all the great artists were essentially magicians.

I don't need help and I do not doubt my plans at all. I believe my plans will succeed I just wanted to share them as I thought others here might want to do the same as me or to know "what I'm up to". The whole thread has become a shitfest of random faggots assuming I am a know nothing neophyte asking for help when I don't want any so called "help" from them and seriously just want them to delete their posts and leave my thread but they won't respect my wishes at all and just want to keep aggravating me for my loosh.


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btw smiley question thread is almost at bump limit so get ready to make a new one



4th law of sphinx.



I've already read some of his stuff 2 years ago and probably a few more times since. A lot of his art is very morbid. I've read a lot of other related stuff too on the matter already.


>implying I do not work very hard at what I do

>implying I think magick is easy

>how many fucking times do I have to explain to you this just for you to go on making more posts pretending I'm looking for a "cheat" in life

>implying you aren't a huge failure for getting labelled schizophrenic and mindfucked by materialist psychiatrists


I say fuck limitations. I created a plan step-by-step that could take me from the realm of mortal possibility to god-like skill. Assuming limitations prevents you from ever achieving what you are truly capable of. Also I've personally witnessed two different people already manipulating computers with their consciousness alone, if they can do it, so can I. It is not really that absurd to think that the human organism can produce control signals in the same wavelength that machines respond to.


>What youre basically describing is called using your imagination

*materialist assumption detected, FYI all is Mind, The Universe is Mental, imagination is part of the magical triangle of causation*

>visualize in your head

*materialist detected*

>ask on such basic things

I'm only asking one thing of you which is that you delete all of your posts and leave my thread.

>hating on ego


>I thought fringe was more about putting ideas into practice and bringing in methods that work instead of just hocus pocus theorizing all day long.

I haven't even made a single post on /fringe/ in months and have actually been working on my magick when I had the great idea that I should update /fringe/ on what I am doing by sharing my plans I'm working on, just to be met with your retardation.

>People get bored by ideas and want results.

Massive psychological projection there buddy, go back to practising magick and leave my thread.


I've been silent as fuck and keep regretting breaking silence every time. It shouldn't have been a problem here of all places though as this is supposed to be a place of wizards not mundane faggots talking about being grounded, disparaging the imagination, saying one is living in fantasy as if that wasn't an assumption about maya, and generally spewing their materialist programming all over the place.


Also before anyone posts this I will post it myself and my response to it.

"Keep your mind ever on the Star, but let your eyes watch over your footsteps, lest you fall into the mire by reason of your upward gaze."

That's why I breakdown my plans into steps so I know where I'm taking my next step. Everything starts with basics and gradually builds up to the final manifestation.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>implying you aren't a huge failure for getting labelled schizophrenic and mindfucked by materialist psychiatrists

>I'm only asking one thing of you which is that you delete all of your posts and leave my thread.



So you basically made a thread to uldate your progress(wizard progress thread) ask questions(question thread) and stroke your own ego? Sick bruh





freedom of speech, freewill, murrikah

And the All isnt mind, but im not revealing the truth on that one as you idiots keep quoting that garbage as your own dogma. As a void being, one of the few birthed from the pure unconscious void out of spontaneous will, i have deeper access to the Akasha than most. While your loosh(most of you in fact) may be easy enough to steal I do not actually accept it as my power source exists outside of the entire imaginable reality we perceive. I got more energy than a bunny on meth yo. Divining information out my ass for shits n giggles. And i mainly come on here to push the reactionary beings and watch them recycle their own loosh in frustration when they choose to react instead of act.

~Your Friendly Neighborhood SigmaShaman

(User Does Not Understand The Rules of /fringe/ & Has Been Corrected)



>the All isnt mind








sigma for worst tripfag 2015



>implying mind isnt just one aspect of the all

>confirmed for pleb



GTFO this board


>ask questions(question thread

There are no fucking questions being asked by me you retard. You're "hallucinating" questions.



>Rhetorically asks questions by being vague to gather responses in hope of new techniques

>not leaving this board

(A rhetorical question is not a question and you are an idiot.)


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If you think you have some kind of point about the rules you do not. We are not that strict about asking questions, it's only a thread that is purely a question and little more that breaks the rules, anything else can have a question in it as long as it is more than merely a question.

"Hey guys how do I use magick to draw?" or "Hey guys how do I use magick to draw? I would like to draw using magick." both break the rules but something that contains more substantial input than that doesn't.

In general, if there's any doubt that the thread is more than a question, it's to be left alone. Only the most blatant question threads are to have moderator actions taken against them and it's supposed to be as gentle as possible in order to guide the anon into correct behavior rather than punish them. The only time we have to crackdown hard on someone is they've been corrected multiple times and are really ardent about explicitly breaking the rules and spamming the board.

Also all of the rules of /fringe/ only apply to the first post of a thread. Anyone can post whatever they want in the replies.

>The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

Edit: I have just fixed the link to the rules and FAQ and other pages so they are 8ch.net instead of 8chan.co. Take a look at the rules page of /fringe/ for more information. Moderators are also allowed to spoiler shocking/pornographic material at their leisure but are not required to do so and are not allowed to go any further than spoilering it: /fringe/rules.html

The greatest virtue of a /fringe/ mod is that he be as laid back as possible and light-handed when taking action.

Post last edited at



make a new question thread smh



I still say this thread is a duplicate of wizard progress update thread mixed with ego masterbation, because thats totally what it is



Also, the fact that you gave me a ban because you were so buttfrustrated proves my point enough. There wasnt even a legit reason in that ban. Excercising your "power" to masterbate your own ego feels good doesnt it? How does one of "wizard" status get that mad in the first place? Lololol, such a neophyte.

And dont tell me "giving wrong perceptions" is a reason. Youre just angry i called you out on your shitposting/duplicate wizard progress update thread. Just because you cant see your own faulta doesnt mean they dont exist




Are you the king or something? Or a dictator? Whats your preferred title?



he "banned" you for a minute just so he could write in red letters in your post smh


that's "Resident Hotpocket Muncher" to you shitlord



This thread gives a whole new meaning to /cringe/ wizard




It's different enough from the wizard progress thread to be considered a separate thread. Its focus is magick & art. Thank goodness you're not a mod because you'd ruin the entire board in a short while if you were.



This post reeks of the most concentrated butthurt of any post on this thread, throwing a major temper tantrum over a notification, which is what your one minute ban essentially was you know.



I was actually laughing my ass off because im posting all of this in my spare time at work. I even showed my mundane friends and they laughed at the level of autism in the thread/ban too. Entitled faggots need trolling so they see what theyre actually coming across as. Plus ive been having the best kick ass day at work kickin it with my friends who work here.


>different my ass

Its progress, with a plan. I dont think a "self progress update" thread would be allowed by a mod whp actually cared. A thread like Nobody's Twilight being thread, now thats something i can get behind. A thread like this that only says "this is what i can do and this is what i plan to do". Does anyone really care? *chirping in distance*

Plus the level of OP samefagging in this thread is hilarious too



>having the best kick ass day at work kickin it with my friends who work here

yeah keep telling yourself that wageslave



>implying i work for the money



yeah keep telling yourself that wageslave


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Keep stroking your own ego with your autism. It makes me moist to see your lack of shadow integration ;3



you think just cause you took some drugs and got fucked around by a few entities you're alll knowing

s m h



>doesn't even appreciate drugs

>thinks I can't sense entities in my own surroundings

Your shitty attempts to farm my loosh are meaningless. I doubt you even understand the true inner workings of loosh. You probably think just getting me to respond is enough.

>nearly infinite reserves

>I could run every astral marathon in existence and still have energy to fuck all dem astral bitches


>implying you know anything about the Self-Shamanic Initiation

You wish you were a shaman, its some pretty sick shit. Master of the elements and the spirit world yooooo.

Plus Im barely paying attention to this thread. I've got better things to do, like my girlfriend ;)



>get called schizophrenic and mindfucked by materialist

>doesn't know how to keep a border or cover his magical identity



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not loosh farming tbh, just plain trolling for my own self amusement and to let you succeed in making yourself look like a pretentious fool


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>CWC's magic edition

What are you going to call the money you get? MONTHLY TUGBOATS

>video related it is your lost twin.



>>CWC's magic edition

My dear Omran, what's "CWC"?



Youre literally sitting at a computer laughing to yourself about an internet arguement. What are you, 5? Go back to 4chan and circle jerk with the rest of your kind. We all know you hate your life Smiley, and we all know youre just stroking your own ego because you can't find much to live for.

>muh escapism

>hurr durr you look like an idiot

>imma samefag dis thread like craycray

>hahah mom do you see how Im winning?

You honestly sound like a brat. A stuck up brat who can't see that he's the dumbass.

When you think everyone else in the world is a dumbass, maybe you're just the dumbass all along? I haven't even been taking this thread seriously. In my spare few minutes of free time at work I hop online to watch your butthurt grow. You can pretend like your "trolling" me all you want, but we both know its a shitty attempt to try and make up for how you feel about yourself and the world you live in.



>that retarded

do you just use internet to whine about your OS problem and JENNNNNNNNYYYYY(also that just sound like CWC's JULLLLAAAAAAY)

CWC=Christian Weston Chandler


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>The greatest virtue of a /fringe/ mod is that he be as laid back as possible and light-handed when taking action.

>he be as laid back as possible and light-handed when taking action.

>as laid back as possible




btw the guy named Blue in the chat is Smiley is OP



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>yfw i'm not even Smiley

>yfw it is YOU who has been rused

>yfw the loosh is mine, all mine

you think smiley is samefagging hard because there's another whole person in this conversation lol

i don't even have his prose smh, he always capitalizes and uses proper puncation



>he always capitalizes and uses proper puncation


>My dear Omran, what's "CWC"?

then yes, according to your post I was actually talking to smiley, thanks Mr.Troll.


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>still relying on a shitty system like loosh

>not creating one's own energy

>that shitty attempt at bad typing and grammar

>implying I dont knowingly feed all loosh trolls to further their development down the path of self destruction

>implying anyone else is actually watching this thread

>pic related


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>tfw this thread

We need this thread locked and saved for future generations.



save it*


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Why don't you ask Shia?



Cutting your wrists is a terrible way to kill yourself. Nice way to fake it for attention, though.


Im done with the trolling though.

I honestly didnt know who Smiley was until today as I had never been around when he would come online to post. And this thread just reeked of potential trolling. Couldn't resist. Its in my nature. I'm gonna go off and be productive now. Gonna ignore this thread too. Chaaoooooooo~~~


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Well, Shia probably knows.


SigmaShaman is a retarded troll and should fuck off so we can have serious discussion about magick instead of powerless wankers claiming they have discovered infinite power and mastered the astral realms and bragging about how they fuck a woman and do drugs.


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Electricity doesn't work that way. All you'd do is fuck your hand.

Only way it would work is if your house has a faulty N wire or something.


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Do you feel in charge?



There is nothing abstract about the basic fundamentals of electricity.

You deserve to be spanked for your shit understanding of energy flow.


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>all isn't mind

Isn't this obvious?, in fact even by following the hermetic axioms to a T you would come to the conclusion that all of them are only half-truths anyway





sigma has something to work on, i can tell because i'm a much better wizard than him therefore he should listen to me and i advice thistles for toiletpaper for a week to remedy his faulty personal traits.


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all is consciousness - lel this was a response to sigma?


>>As a void being

You mean devoid of spirit/soul?

Are you really calling yourself socio/psychopath? Being edgy isn't cool.

>>the All isnt mind

Are you trolling OP or is this a legit opinion of yours?

>>pure unconscious void out of spontaneous will

Lets break this down; made out of MATTER by random chance/occurance (as will is not random)

I want to say that you're a pure human or at least a robot but robots are created deliberately and humans are guided by spirit.

>>Divining information

Faulty assumptions*


Yeah okay I see where you're coming from, there is a duality, the monad, spirit, the matter, the "void" as you call it? (because spirit is conscious) But even this is wrong because matter is guided and follows the laws of spirit making it in essence a computer or a machine.

One could call it void, but not because of the reasons you call it void but because its so spaced compared to more dense energy.

You do magic like modern women make sandwitches.






because neophytes don't have enough gathered information to stay on topic.


tl:dr drawing with magic: unbroken stream of creative energy manifesting in proper rhythm, not to much, making you want to start with something else while a part is not done yet and not to slow leaving you sitting still, pace broken, waiting for ideas to pop; a steady immersion or trance with energies focused on the task at hand to channel your complete essence bestowed upon you by being in the present coupled with the Spirit flowing through you in this state.

Being in the now, doing something effortlessly, mind in unity, creating perfection; reaching Zen through strict mental practice or evoking/invoking and guiding it through a trance is not in any way cheating, rather it is an achievement and the fruits of such a session is representative of your ability to channel your capacity to varying degrees of perfection depending on how synced you are with the now.


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Listen, im an artist as well, and i used to have great anxiety about thinking of new creations.

I used to sit down and mediate all the time and call on the vastness of the universe to send me a vision for a new painting.

This really takes a toll on you.

Then one day i realized, why dont you just paint whats in front of you, the chair you sit in, the shoes on the floor, the unfinished sandwich.

A great artist doesn't wait for inspiration .

All that being said i do sometimes add hidden occult things into my artworks.

Like, i started to really think hard about the kind of body language and poses i did for portraits.

I decided that i would research occult poses, or that i would draw myself doing the poses of ancient god statues or art.

Anyways, on another note, i like this place but the board design is pig disgusting and should be made simpler.



buzzwords "artist" or "great artist" are goddamn memes that suggest you what artist does or doesn't

just fucking wipe out that word from the dictionary so that people can't talk or think about it and they just do things, without preconceived notions about the artists and the things he does

by the way why do you draw chair?

I caught myself trying to do things that artist does for years. it still baffles me how bizzare and funny it was. I thought "artists usually draw poses like this" or "person who has pencil in hand would do thing like that"

just what the fuck are we thinking? we're all so sick, mindless memes swarming in us and it's so hard to escape


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nigga what

So you're saying that the method used to achieve your goal is bad because it makes achieving said goal too easy?

Fuck it, you're not allowed to post anymore until you build a computer from scratch, because fucking buying one with money would be just too easy.

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