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Future Magical Daemon/Self

This method is mainly focused on long-term goals and retroactive magic(means it take time to manifest and dedication for it to work).First to get started the Future magical daemon is future you or what you aspire to become, and this is a really good technique for developing yourself both magically and materially , almost forget to note that this daemon/tulpa/spirit/entity will be a partner for a long time so you better start with him/her good.Lets dive into it shall we?

First Get some paper and actually take a considerable time frame for your wishes to manifest(3 years is good for ANYTHING[within the laws of the objective universe of course]).Write every physical thing you think you will like in your life and every mental thing, and magical one, ALL THE THINGS YOU WANT and associate them with that character/entity.Make it look like you, improve weight and all physical feature to how you want it.

Now to feed the entity, you can use the method outlined here


I prefer you use Solar grounding to get energy instead of using your normal energy(solar grounding can be found here >>25313 ).Solar energy seem to let the entity touched by it's light change with it, and keep feeding it every once in a while(3 time each week,month) and so on.I like to emphasis here to actually take the opportunities that are offered on your life which will help you toward reaching the "future self".

Lastly the method might seem simple and easy but it is really a good one to get whatever you want in life(I am currently through it and actually contacting the future self).On a note you might also use the magical future daemon as a divination method and to tell you what will happen in time to come.


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Gentle bump


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Hga/Valis stuff is interesting.

There is a danger that if you work on this entity during a time of poor judgement, lack of discernment or general edginess you many sadly end up with just what you wished for (some hellish thing coming to cannibalize all that is good in you or a narcissus which will bring your development to a halt).

General work with meditation and reading up on spiritual materialism are recommended before partaking of such an endeavour.

Moonchild depiction is a qt btw.

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