Hey I'm going through the fringe sticky and main books. Came across this, and it's over a year ago. Trying to learn about the elements right now, which goes with what, and was wondering if anyones been through this before in what they found the most important attributes of each element were.
Aka the best stuff to do for each one.
I suggest at this point you get a poster or get a big board or something and draw on it the five elements and put it in your bedroom or workspace or wherever your magical study is / place that you spend a lot of time. Then draw the 5 tattvas on there.
The 5 tattvas (according to Franz Bardon) are:
Akasha - Principle of Ether - (Spirit tattva) – symbolized by a black oval
Tejas - Principle of Fire - (Fire tattva) – symbolized by a red triangle
Vayu - Principle of Air - (Air tattva) – symbolized by a blue circle
Apas - Principle of Water - (Water tattva) – symbolized by a white moon
Prithivi - Principle of Earth - (Earth tattva) – symbolized by a yellow square
Many different symbols and correspondences between symbols are used for representing these 5 elements. I would personally draw a pentagram and put Akasha at the top point of the pentagram, then go clockwise with placing the other elements (fire, air, water, earth). I would use the traditional symbols and colourations but also put them within my own symbols at each point (symbol within a symbol).
Akasha is a black oval, Vayu is a blue circle, Tejas is a red triangle, Apas is a white moon, and Prithvi is a yellow square. I'd draw Apas on a blue water drop, prithvi on a brown representation of dirt, tejas in an orange flame, vayu a grey cloud, and akasha I would surround with purple-indigo sparks because that's how I like to think of the elements and that way I can both memorize the traditional use of them same way the Golden Dawn and the Hindus use it. To my knowledge Franz Bardon doesn't even bother to mention the shapes associated with each element so whatever that part I got off of wikipedia.
With your poster complete you may add notes to it, as many as you like, as you learn from Bardon's books about the elements. You can create additional posters for different things to put in your room and help you remember too such as poster of the chakras or the tree of life or whatever else you like. I'll take a picture of my own elements poster when it's more complete and upload it here.