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File: 1441815283607-0.jpg (29.32 KB, 300x377, 300:377, Seraph_medieval.jpg)

File: 1441815283608-1.png (156.5 KB, 830x949, 830:949, 1368779798865.png)


>Lucid dreaming scrub

>Have normal dream about great depression themed country. For some reason salt and water were very valuable.

>Realise it's a dream.

>Look up.

>See blurry but blinding figure with wings. Pic related.

>Tells me something, but can't remember.

>Just like when a negative entity is around you feel it, this entity has a powerful, pleasant presence. I know it's no ordinary dream.

>I ask him for his name.


>Wake up, feeling great.

>Why do I dream with angels? Ain't even Christian.

>Do some research.

>It exists. Archangel of purity.

>See pic related and immediately recognize it.


>Still can't remember what it said.

That was truly weird. Any similar experiences?

I know it sounds like second pic, but I'd also like to know if there are any means to know what was that vision for.


The last time I astral projected, I encountered three entities. Two of them were very muscular, with sand-colored leathery skin and no mouths. The other one was tall, garbed in futuristic/artsy attire, and had a strange network of glowing lines on its face instead of a mouth. They were all very kind to me.


Be careful with the kind and pure entities. Im sure you know this but they can just be assholes disguising their energies to trick and reinforce the delusions we humans create. Lets em sap more of our energy.

If it was really an angel though

>props to you, seriously

>but angels are usually assholes though


The Magician may go on for a long time being fooled and flattered by the Astrals that he has himself modified or manufactured. Their natural subservience to himself will please him, poor ape!

They will pretend to show him marvellous mysteries, pageants of beauty and wonder unspeakably splendid; he will incline to accept them as true, for the very reason that they are images of himself idealized by the imagination.

But his real progress will stop dead. These phantasms will prevent him from coming into contact with independent intelligences, from whom alone he can learn anything new.

He will become increasingly interested in himself, imagine himself to be attaining one initiation after another. His Ego will expand unchecked, till he seem to himself to have heaven at his feet. Yet all this will be nothing but his fool's face of Narcissus smirking up from the pool that will drown him.

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