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File: 1441878828111.jpg (8.66 KB, 275x275, 1:1, chaso.jpg)


Can someone explain the meaning of this symbol? I know it signifies Chaos in general but I'm concerned more with how the symbol relates to it. I have seen visions of it, however the "+" shaped arrows are in the shape of a Christian cross.


Also Chaos general.



Energy and dymanism in all directions, all possibilities, no limits, no boundaries.

When i see this i think of a Lingha or Cosmic Egg of creation, all potential and power in one point expanding in all directions.

But the freaky thing to realise is that the one point has no location, but rather is every space and time simultaneously.

I also see Ganesha as remover of obstacles and the religious ecstacy of the blurring of all seperations into a heady brew of limitlessness.


File: 1441890874863.png (15.44 KB, 852x852, 1:1, Coptic-Cross.svg.png)


btw there is are Christian crosses similar to the one featured in your dream.



How difficult/possible would it be for a person to reach this state perfectly?



Well disolving boundaries between subject and object and becoming liberated from provisional worldiness is the aim of most monist mystical systems such as Kashmir Shaivism or Vajrayana Buddhism.

You can experience glimpses of the sensation to varying degrees, I couldn't tell you exactly how hard it is to achieve it perfectly, since I am nowhere close.

Vid related:




Cool thanks!

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