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That's all I want in this life. Nothing else.

What's the best way to obtain it? Does the fact of wanting it move you away from it? If so, how to solve the paradox?


Punch an asshole in the face.



Meditate for 5-10 mins, twice daily for 40 days. Eliminate as much negativity from your life, including negative movies, radio, evening news, people, etc. Practice yoga. Practice a martial art.



But how to discern what is negative and what is not?



This is gonna sound like a cop-out answer but you really should be able to intuitively feel what is negative for you and what isn't. Just try to be mindful of everything you say or do and always be striving towards a greater good. Ask yourself if your friends or habits are to your betterment or detriment in the big picture. That sorta thing


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Reality is the consciousness tricking itself into believing that it's not "God". Inner peace is on a philosophical level the balance between being everything and being finite, you're already both, you don't need to be one or the other, you don't need to be entropy or order, you don't need to be positive or negative. You're the student and the teacher, so yes it's paradox, but that's okay.

Inner peace in practice is fully immersing yourself, appreciating each and every moment in this simulated reality, after all, you built it for yourself. You're free to do whatever you want, you even have the option of waking up, of course – there are gurus and chemicals which can open the door for you – but you wouldn't recommend waking up (waking up is the realization of the self, which then can only return to dreaming). This reality won't always be positive or negative, but it can be extremely complex and interesting and fun, just enjoy it.

Love, you.


I would recommend opening the 3 higher chakras. Those being the hearth,throat and 3rd eye/ajna chakra. Opening your hearth shall give you joy. The throat shall make you able to express yourself without fear or reservation. The third eye shall allow you to offer faith and willpower to others. The result shall be inner peace as you fully bacome your own master.

If you commit to doing this you can open those 3 chakras in 2-3 months. Then you may work on refining the energies. If you decide to do it don't give up halfway. Your body can be an obstacle if you don't listen to it. Just attempt to gently tame it.



For me, peace is the recognition of both personal harmony and imbalance.

It calls to my mind notions of doubt that there exists a sole pathway of obtaining peace. The calmness of the self is a very personal journey.

I think the paradox applies if you objectify the sense of peace, rather than internalize the process and sensation.



3rd eye opens throught meditation, how do I open the throat and heart chakra? Apart from exercises involing thoraric extension.



>Inner Peace

That is easy. You notice that you're thinking of a problem that makes you unhappy. You visualize it. You imagine penetrating it with your dick, ripping it apart.

As a bonus, you'll have a boost in confidence about the powers of muh dick.

It's easy to obtain inner peace, most of us don't because we don't want to disconnect from the world. You'll never attain inner peace and still be viewed as a member of the society.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eh… Ignorance. Stinks. For one, it takes knowledge to develop wisdom and thus peace. One can only evolve when they are at peace. That would require research and sifting through the dross (chan) in our day and age.

Presence can be sublimated through others. Eckhart Tolle is a excellent at doing that, yet it goes deeper. I'm feeling gracious, so here's an advanced source I normally wouldn't share in these dross pits. It still feels like casting pearls before swine…


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This chart/book may also be helpful… Yeah, get on my level.

It appears to me that George is in the 650 region, his insight and knowledge is right profound if not outlandish.

His references to Wisdom are analogous with Sophia, so seek a connection with this planet (it's a she) itself if you want another tool to abide in a deeper flow of peace.

Good day, cunts.




I kind of disagree with eliminating negativity… where it's common sense to stay away from toxic people, bad habits, unheatlhy food and whatnot, in the end rather than isolating yourself (which I'm not denying it may help on your path) it really comes down to the root of what the Dalai Lama once said: "“Don't Let Behavior of Others Destroy Your Inner Peace".

There will always be negativity through out your existance, in more or lesser degrees, but it will always be around the corner (all is transitory)… learn to travel through life unaffected, experience it, but in both extremes, whether you are infront of demons or the most enlightened beings, you'll remain the same… balanced, in harmony, in peace.

Meditate, be diligent about the practice and you'll get there.




i always love to see people trying to build their ego by forming little occult cults and then sticking to themselves and playing with their holy toys in a sense of superiority. they mostly remove themselves from society this way, also removing any need to deal with their autism. i'm glad, they are also glad. it's best for everyone.



You gotta have all 7 chakras open. If only have the upper one's open and you aren't balanced with the lower three, you loose touch of what's more groundly/earthly…. and you said 3 higher chakras, you missed out on the crown.



Yeah, the higher (male) and the lower (female) have to be balanced for the heart to be completely open and free. Takes a great deal of courage to be that vulnerable and authentic. Reconnecting with Sophia is definitely the way for me and the best way for my chakras to balance themselves out naturally.




I find this guy to be a good resource for 'inner peace.'



>also don't forget chakras aren't real, it's just symbols for bundles of nerves which get affected during emotional events.

problems with a root chakra can be overcome in the example if you fear spiders and you man up and hold the worlds most dangerous and large tarantula, some of which can shoot projectile's from their dermal regions which act as miniature pain arrows lunged in your skin affecting your nerves.

It's psychological aspects linked with processes such as adrenal glands, digestive processes, respiratory functions, posture, thyroid balance, etc etc. proper sunlight proper darkness.

it's essentially a guide on how to be a better healthier vessel.



> chakras aren't real

I disagree. I feel the chakras as some sort of force/energy/pressure (I'm not discarding it as a placebo though haha). Especially the pressure on the forehead, that's by far the most evident one and I can bring it up at will in an instant… some argue it's an excess of blood flow in the prefrontal cortex, but I'm not that convinced, it's super strong and feels even extended beyond my forehead, I can even bring it up in an instant (and have been able to trigger it on other people by putting my finger to their forehead), if it's blood flow it would like having a boner in less than a second… and the crown chakra! man, that's just an electric crown, it's really is quite something.

It's totally to do with our psychology and the rest of the organs/glands, I don't disagree with you there.



>also don't forget chakras aren't real, it's just symbols for bundles of nerves which get affected during emotional events.

I just want to punch you right now, you fucking disinfo agent.



Which means i'm giving you cognitive dissonance.

Example : you want to assault me because i dismissed mohammed or jesus.

your monkey is angry i attacked it's belief.

Chakras are just concepts - if you get high AF you may see them, I have, but then you realize it's just permissions you give yourself to visualize concepts which you attempt to fathom.

Chakras are simply bundles of specific nerves causing electromagnetic swirls in the energy - just because some hindus decided to actualize that concept as colored wheels doesn't mean it's really big colored wheels. You have chakras in your brain, which are associated with the ones in your body, futhermore the 7 model is watered down for new-agers since it was too difficult for writers to go into detail on the 72,000 chakras.

also you couldn't face me physically, i would overpower you, ->trust me.


Nothing is cemented - all is holographic illusion - your concept of the spiritual world, astral projection, visions, demons, angels - it's all generated from your subconscious - it's all in the mind, the mind is all - the mind uses unfathomable mathematics to project the tangible experience you perceive - the depth, the color the discernment, it's all imperfection - we define perfection via quantitative means… on a scale of, if you have this, it's all conditions.

There is no separation just as there is no truth to this. The only reason you want to do is from the desire to do as you have nothing else to do when you're on a unicycle but keep peddling and move or you fall off and slam on the ground, tho after a while you don't feel the pain from the slam and you can just rest on the ground relaxed and dazed.. still not going anywhere you intended to in the first place.


If you have issues with my posting why not address them with the elements which seem to cause cognitive dissonance in you - i would effortlessly assist in you in reaching logical cohesive innerstanding overstanding and understanding of why your emotions are getting the better of your judgement.

the only real disinfo is the info which tells you to be limited to a concept or a specific belief. Truth is unlimited yes, but also logical and cohesive - as truth is but a song in the U-N-I-VERSE ( you and I verse ).



Truths like Chakras are provisional truths.

At the ultimate level they have no tangible state seperate from the unchanging All.

However for those working with them for a purpose it is useful to acknowledge them as 100% true and for the observer they pretty well are.

The true nature of illusion is only really apparent for those who have broken through and a lot of those professing it have no real experiential validity for their claims.

It is unwise to spread the everything is an illusion/mind meme outside of metaphyiscal non-dual threads as it gets in the way of the Upaya concept of expedient means (ultimately not true propositions or views which are rungs on the ladder of Enlightenment) and hamstrings practioners before they have the tools they need.

Btw just because all is mind/non-dual it doesn't mean that it is the practioners mind as such, our conventional minds are another illusion which has to eventually be overcome. The subconcious can colour and influence reality, but most phenomena emerges from a higher order beyond conventional mind (ego).

The psychological approach can quickly degenerate into materialism and is limiting, lacks the awe inspiring thusness of supernatural experience.



I just simply love you Anon.



>It is unwise to spread the everything is an illusion/mind meme outside of metaphyiscal non-dual threads as it gets in the way of the Upaya concept of expedient means (ultimately not true propositions or views which are rungs on the ladder of Enlightenment) and hamstrings practioners before they have the tools they need.

What tools? Meditation? Energy manipulation?

Or do you mean once one finds "the answer" then one stops searching for means of advancing spiritually?

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