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File: 1442019970855.jpg (1.08 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, image.jpg)


I have an abusive mother who has psycically attacked me and ruined many parts of my life. I need to figure out how to get out of this shit as I can feel her atttacking me at the solar plexus like it describes in pic related. But I have no fucking idea how to sever this connection as I am too fucking weak to be able to do it on my own.

Is there some way I can get someone to sever this for me? Someone whom I can pay? Or maybe somehow get a spell that will sever that psycic connection?!?

>Pic related is from the /fringe/ sticky, it didnt work to stop this.


Hi I have been dealing with something similar from my father and sister. They have scapegoated me for a variety of things and its like this blame energy has been hovering over me. First whats very important is working towards getting your own place to live if you don't already have one.


File: 1442036940963.pdf (1.82 MB, Magickal Protection Damon ….pdf)

>Is there some way I can get someone to sever this for me?


>Someone whom I can pay?


>Or maybe somehow get a spell that will sever that psycic connection?!?

Of course.



here the pdf



Yes but no.

Do the damon brand, but also do uncrossing, cut and clear, the severing ties thing with the string thing



You need to forgive her so you can move on. Cut and relinquish all ties that are keeping you emotionally attached.






>Cut and relinquish all ties that are keeping you emotionally attached.

Moar like cut her break lines amirite



matricide is no different than self-inflicted wounds such as cutting.

Respect the womb that gave you the possibility to even experience the negativity you receive from such womb - Enjoy and bask in such negativity for it in itself is a lesson and a upgrade for the self.

Don't think you're the special snowflake who's the only one who has issues with kin, everyone has some form of issue with their parent / tutor. Those who don't are those who have been raised with proper balanced maternal/paternal figures who they themselves did work on their subconscious.

This whole culture of bullshit everyone is complaining about - it's always the other's fault is just more proof that westernized mentality is self-destructive and holds us back. Let's not forget the western society emerged from a deep survival-lack mentality. Before one points out examples such as china or korea or japan, may i remind you they also have been westernized.

If you want to blame something - blame the vatican.



http://8ch.net/fringe/res/50246.html Here was a little thread we had on this kind of work a while back. Other than that look up shadow work. Teal Swan has some great videos to get you started on it.



>as I am too fucking weak to be able to do it on my own.

No, you're not weak, and it's that mentality which leaves you open to external manipulation. Meditate, open your chakras, get physical exercise, be stronger. You already have all the power you could possibly ever need within yourself, it is only a matter of choice to use it.

Most importantly, accept that you control your own fate, you are the universe, you are the cause and the effect. When you understand that it is yourself, it will be easy to forgive your mother for her role in your life, and to forgive yourself for lacking this understanding before. When you accept yourself fully you become your own influence, leaving no room for external manipulation. The strength is already in you.

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