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The other thread(s) seems to be dead for now. Spontaneous writing thread part ???. Begin now!


trapped here forever


When a baby is born, it still identifies itself as part of its mother. It believes it is the one being. But as the baby slowly grows, it realizes that it an individual. Do you think that this can happen with other things that we create? Can things that were once part of our imagination and therefor us gain consciousness over time and become an individual?

Has this happened with mankind in regards to nature? It seems like all other animals identify themselves as one with nature, but humans because of their intelligence have distinguished themselves as something other than nature and have become unique.


troplutonius had a fucking troll in the swamp when the swamp man to huntington shot a long sword in the heart of the beast.

a long trong full draught had an exemplary test on the man's full knee when the man decided to fly over a short way in the magicsters home in the wood hermalocke there he met a man in a glancefull tunic and in a fine robe of gold silverling in the mighty forest of hermalock in the day of june the first of the year 1234

what the man said to the stout man in the garnic in a shallow bathered outfit could not say any words to a thook like this yellow fairy

a boy in his robe stood by a lake in the mornign breeze in the fine woods of americano glades in the eighteen year of the fall of gadeos. The man in his robe stood by the side and stood on a piece of wood of timber and sawdust. A full shriek of dust had entered a tiresome and fully wiscount a disgusting breeze indeed in the woods of glades this early and yearly morning in nature's peace.

a long fork had in glades in a buggard on the church's porch on the may of day hath a fine trouser that he could swing across a fellow man in his garnets .

what a sorrowfull and disgusting evening we had this fine day, we stood up and had a pair of trousers hanging by the porch, and may had blown away by the gentle breeze of the nature's wild ciscumstances of the edge of anthur pagoda. In my wildest dreams a gaul had been a foul a man to throw such a garnest thing to a supper.

to see such a man throw up at a supper, that would be a foul and rave thing to behold.

at moon in the lake of hermalocke a dairy cow stood upon a stable of logs of timber in a foul inscest of thanks and a burglar was in the fire dancing in a daringly faust.

to kill a man hath a sorrow of a thousand cows in the early morning of glastonborough in the little farm of afrodathe.


Tall bleades of grass, sweaping wind

Where the samba travels tango

And the fog covers the hill in blue

Nameless faces of phill and bill


The world is not what it seems. Beneath the grime and the glitz, there is another side. A side not often seen.

It is full of penis. Big dicks, small dicks, long dicks. Every type of dick you can think of. Nothing but dicks all day long!



"Sleep is how I deal with this shit. Sleep is for the weak."

"Playing video games with my eyes closed. Detachment is a vital key."

and this last one I did HIGH AS FUCK at the peak of my trip and its one of ma favs

"Mythology is just waves of energy man. Demigods and Gods are the oversouls. Incarnates, while still a part of the experience, are fakes. Blank slates forced to forever re-login, reincarnate. You must rbing upon the age of the demi-god if you ever hope to achieve Nirvana. Now go listen child. Go harder than a rockstar"



please continue this or write a seperate related piece.

really resonated with me for some reason.


I doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan - which is why we must find our plan, not waste our time. But wasting our time with things that inspires us forms our plan. It keeps us from gathering the means to do it though. We should read books about magic or meditate more or whatever but what truly inspires me is seeing that magic in action instead of going through the long and hard process of achieving it - even though that's what I'll do. I just hope being in indirect contact with magical worlds - which affects my mindset and my believes towards magic greatly - have a positive effect on this. After all, to believe is the most important part when it comes to magic - or is it? Am I just lazy?


is this what counts for good discussion on this loser board



I will later anon, now I'm drinking with my dad


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If there was some way to live this life without trying to emulate it then we would be free of this pain that we have to endure everyday, I want to love everyone but it's too hard to do it all the time.


Matter always moves in circles, just like the conservation of masses law from chemistry puts it. We will never be able to satisfy ourselves by constantly accumulating matter. No. We will just enlarge the circle. It's not matter that keeps us alive. Maybe our bodies, but not our conscience, as matter will never be self-aware. So if matter doesn't create conscience, then matter can't kill it. Only conscience can defeat conscience and we defeat ourselves by constantly thinking of matter, we neglect all of our real needs. We need to stop moving in circles, we need to detach ourselves completely from matter and we need to stop manipulating matter - stop thinking of it. I did not ask for a material form, nothing holds me. People want to know why they were brought into this world. It's an extremely logical question when one realizes the misery he is doomed to live in, a misery that is so energy consuming that many give up on thinking of why they're here. I know why. Humanity is a farm of negative emotions that feeds a corrupted conciousness. It's funny though, when I present to people this truth as a possibility, they deny it, they HOPE they're here to change something. Billions have thought the same way, yet the misery somehow remains. Keep failing to answer the first question. Deny your consciousness. Manipulate matter. Get more matter to manipulate. Build cities, colonize planets so there could be more and more unhappy people striving to make it through live solving unnecessary problems daily. Live for matter. Die for matter.


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Hello i just decided to follow allong and write the 1st word that comes to mind after the next one even if sometimes i might screw myself over but ok that being said. hello ok, wow let's do this its kinda hard because you can fall into traps that is my report. have a nice day… well i'm trying to think here I had a good idea that flashed by too fast fuck it was about the subject in general. i'm kinda screwed now I cant find what it is…ok now i got it when you have a goal in mind you can accomplish that goal easy peasy but when you end your goal you suck ass and thinking about your goal makes you type so you fail because you stop thinking ok fuck i missed something lemme re read myself.

OK i decided to end my experiment here. It was very interesting I thought I would be just fun and games but I was actually pretty cool. I will now elaborate the conclusion I was trying to make. When you have a goal in mind you chain words and while you do that you manage to think abit but when you think you always end up typing after thinking a single word so you just break your chain of though and you can re-read yourself to have a look back.

I would also add that English isin't my native though but I can think in English. I allso do understand that I have expsoed some of the meta-game of my mind. Nyes b0s


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*and you can't re-read yourself*

such irony


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wanna know whats funny? 54000 is equivalent to 9 in numerology.

There are 3 3's in 9.

Watch the embedded video for more info on the number 3.

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