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Esoteric Wizardry


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What's the deal with this /fringe/? This book is insanely expensive every where I've looked, it seems to be an extremely limited run and I can't find a PDF or paperback anywhere.

What's the deal with the left-handed reaper?


OP pic didn't upload for some reason…


Edgy magic is expensive.




Because frauds need the money.



>mfw most scientific research material costs 600-1200$ per volume for source material.

>mfw original cyclomancy is 400$ ( it's out of print and rare af tho )



Cyclomancy? You mean that one book? It's available on pdf.



i know, i have it.



I've heard about cyclomancy. Do you recommend it and what kind of results have you found with it?

As for the OP. Saddly as you go through your journey you'll find that many occult books are either out of print or extremely expensive. Best thing to realize is that we have everything necessary to evolve and expand within. You'll always be given and fed exactly what you need.



Frank Rudolph Young is excellent. All his other books are good as well:

Yoga for Men Only:


Cyclomancy - the Secret of Psychic Power Control:


Somo Psychic Power:


Psychastra: key to secret ESP+Control:


The laws of mental domination;: How to master and use them for dynamic life-force:


The Secret of Spirit-Thought Magic:




>Frank Rudolph Young is excellent. All his other books are good as well:

I started reading "Spirit-Thought Magic" and it was without a doubt the most hokey, idiotic shit I've ever read in an occult manual.

>Now, let's compress the whole process of mystic power into a

nutshell. Mystic powers are triggered when the tigroid bodies of

the nerve cells are destriped. The destriping occurs when the

physical body is fatigued or over-alkalized from any cause.

Pure 70s hokum.




What matter is the result.



x d is right.

>You will be taught now the four well-guarded steps for acquiring the secret power of spirit-thought magic.

>Step 1. Tap lightly (trauma) a specific part of your head, to

stimulate the particular area of your brain whose spirit-thought magic

you desire.

>Step 2. Induce a high rage in you, to overstimulate yourself


>Step 3. Breathe very deeply and quickly to over-ventilate your lungs; this brings on a more alkaline state to your body and thus destripes the tigroid bodies of your nerve cells.

>Step 4. listen to the astral synaptic sound and decode the message

or command you receive.

>These four jealously-guarded steps will now be described in

detail as follows

Hahaha. Yes, that's the secret to magic. Tapping on your head to traumatize your brain. Kekest of keks.



tap behind your neck at the conjecture of your skull while lowering your head slightly for a long while.


File: 1442199241291.gif (629.66 KB, 350x197, 350:197, 5ba.gif)


Good luck with the trauma and the energy blockage.



>wtf is muscle failure training

>wtf is propagation of oxygen from stretching / oscillating tissue of cells.

not even a basic ounce of qi gong or weight lifting has been unlocked in you.

Shame, i could even tell you how to use magick to get a double size dick to fuck da hoes wit.




You're under mind control. He might "oversell" his techniques, but it doesn't take anything away from the exercises. Some might work some might not depending on person to person.

You just disregarded entire books full of techniques you could be benefiting from based on the writing style of the author.


File: 1442208287630.jpg (20.96 KB, 450x299, 450:299, 127095609349.jpg)


Well..show us, don't use this "hoiler than thou" attitude .



its didi, holier than thou attitude goes for every naming/tripfaggot

they have their egos to maintain online you know



you act like the ''i am legion anon, blob, no individuality - must have a group or a collective to belong to or cannot seem comfortable, anon is a protective blanket for the ego as to not be attacked if wrong since who would know it was me. this name is useless, i can stop posting in the next minute, i can change name in a week you wouldn't know it was me - welcome to the new internet christianity.

^ that rhymed.



shut the fuck up, you idiot. nobody likes you


File: 1442260967803.jpg (54.25 KB, 331x402, 331:402, CXXx6xG.jpg)


Disinfo dindu'so butthurt : 99.9999% ballBusted


File: 1448837467797.jpg (223.74 KB, 508x452, 127:113, do it faggot 90.jpg)


Bardon books are sold at normal edition prices.

Keep guzzling rotten cum, left hand fags.



I have a PDF of it but it's copyrighted so I'm not uploading it anywhere…

Half of it is about the theory and other half has some really nasty curses.

On at least 3 occasions someone at /x/ has done them and posted about it, every time the cursed person got rectal cancer.

The being behind this is really powerful, it's possible to talk telepathically with him. If you're not very stable in yourself the experience will probably be horrifying, but it's up to you of course.


Maybe I should elaborate; liber falxifer isn't a book you want to read for leisure. Handling it is like handling poison, you don't want to bring it out unless you really have to. I don't even keep it on my computer for this reason, I got the PDF on a USB drive in a closet. If you'd opened it even once you would understand, you do not mess with this mindlessly.



the only "bad" thing that can happen if you upload it here is it's deleted by a global mod




Sounds utterly useless and dangerous and exciting all at once.




Shitty cunt with /x/ tier material

> it's possible to talk telepathically with him.

>with him.


>Santa la muerte


^seriously people taking this guy seriously.

Liber Falxifer I

you can find it in this torrent(can't upload it cause of shitty internet)


Liber Falxifer II



File: 1449261055926.jpg (57.82 KB, 1180x1080, 59:54, what the fuck.jpg)


I've had the first but never looked at it yet. I just looked at both of them for the first time.



It's definitely a being with male characteristics at the other end. I know that because female bodies give another kind of response.

My point is there is a reason the book is expensive or hard to find, it can be dangerous. I don't have the permission to upload it. The teaching belongs to the being who created it, either you feel you are allowed to spread it, or you will get in trouble for doing so.



>It's definitely a being with male characteristics at the other end. I know that because female bodies give another kind of response.

>Judge a death deity by human characteristics and "vibes"

>My point is there is a reason the book is expensive or hard to find, it can be dangerous. I don't have the permission to upload it. The teaching belongs to the being who created it, either you feel you are allowed to spread it, or you will get in trouble for doing so.

IF you didn't want to share it don't mention that you autistically hid it inside a flash then threw it in the closet.

Don't mention that you have it.

and no need for 'MUH RECTAL BLEEDING If you didn't even have personal experience with the deity, armchair occultist .



I did say very clearly that I have talked with him, and I explained why the book shouldn't be shared mindlessly. The OP didn't ask for a link, he asked about the contents of the book, which I briefly described.

Here's a useful link for you:




>I can't find a PDF or paperback anywhere.

OP implied that he wanted the book, he wouldn't say it is expensive and he can't find it if he doesn't want to see it.

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