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Esoteric Wizardry


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God is an octopus. All life began in the ocean, and all life will end in the ocean. Knowing this, who among you dares to idolize the human form?


I do.



Then you have chosen death, and a life of spiritual emptiness. How disgraceful.


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I passed along the water's edge below the humid trees,

My spirit rocked in evening light, the rushes round my knees,

My spirit rocked in sleep and sighs; and saw the moorfowl pace

All dripping on a grassy slope, and saw them cease to chase

Each other round in circles, and heard the eldest speak:

''Who holds the world between His bill and made us strong or weak

Is an undying moorfowl, and He lives beyond the sky.

The rains are from His dripping wing, the moonbeams from His eye.''

I passed a little further on and heard a lotus talk:

''Who made the world and ruleth it, He hangeth on a stalk,

For I am in His image made, and all this tinkling tide

Is but a sliding drop of rain between His petals wide.''

A little way within the gloom a roebuck raised his eyes

Brimful of starlight, and he said: ''The Stamper of the Skies,

He is a gentle roebuck; for how else, I pray, could He

Conceive a thing so sad and soft, a gentle thing like me?''

I passed a little further on and heard a peacock say:

''Who made the grass and made the worms and made my feathers gay,

He is a monstrous peacock, and He waveth all the night

His languid tail above us, lit with myriad spots of light.''



That's a lovely poem, but sir or madam, are you implying that I myself am an octopus?


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The chaosphere has eight rays because an octopus has eight arms.



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Get in here bro, we must enlighten these mundanes through diiscord.


File: 1442376521358.png (57.22 KB, 823x707, 823:707, PolypusDeusEst.png)

More mysteries of the octopus.


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so then you should be putting a picture of mitochondria…


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There is no limit to consciousness. Consciousness expands infinitely beyond humanity, beyond cosmos, beyond limitation, structure, order. As a physical being with an extended neocortex you have the ability to go beyond the psychic field of the planet and possibly even the cosmos, but instead you chose Self-Annihilation to become one with the false demiurge. Define 'dead.'



>this picture

so deluded, you're already God, stick with God not satan's lie.



>so deluded, you're already God

lmao what is this solipsist bullshit?

Literally worse than the demiurge.


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File: 1442442329370.png (786.98 KB, 1525x936, 1525:936, Screenshot from 2015-09-16….png)

Muh terrain.


File: 1442443614871.png (1.05 MB, 1514x936, 757:468, Screenshot from 2015-09-16….png)



>mfw banned for 2 days for nothing



Consider it a blessing I guess, I can't fucking stop drawing, and I've lost so much sleep and now I have to work in 3 hours with no fucking sleep.

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