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The pinecone (in formal botanical usage: strobilus, plural strobili) is an organ on plants in the division Pinophyta (conifers) that contains the reproductive structures.

The members of the pine family (pines, spruces, firs, cedars, larches, etc.) have cones that are imbricate (that is, with scales overlapping each other like fish scales). The scales are spirally arranged in fibonacci ratios.


The Fibonacci sequence is named after Italian mathematician Fibonacci. His 1202 book Liber Abaci introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics, although the sequence had been described earlier in Indian mathematics.

They are intimately connected with the golden ratio;


Phi is used as a symbolic representation of the golden ratio.


A perfect pinecone would be a perfect representation of the golden ratio, or a golden spiral.


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Depicted here is the Assyrian Nisroch (In Bablyonian Nusku). In his hand is a pinecone. Or is it?

I think this is a depiction of an actual PHYSICAL HANDHELD DEVICE.



Most popularly known for his theft of fire from Olympus for the benefit of humanity against the will of Zeus, and the eternal punishment which Prometheus would endure for these acts as inflicted upon him by the judgment of Zeus.

I ask you now, did Prometheus bring fire? Or did Prometheus bring PHIer? Did he grant to humanity one of these pinecone devices and/or the underlying technolgy behind it?

Edward Leedskalnin and the Coral Castle

The structure comprises numerous megalithic stones (mostly limestone formed from coral), the largest weighing 27 tons. These stones were arranged by himself alone, and he did not use modern heavy machinery. These structures, like the Great Pyramids of Egypt, are still unexplained.

These stones were levitated and placed using “reverse magnetism”, AKA implosive PHIer.

I don't have the link readily available but I will find it eventually. Micheal Tellinger gave a speak in which he mentions that two children claim to have witnessed Leedskalnin move these stones. He held what they are thought looked like “ice cream cones”, one in each hand. A coincidence?


If it ain't practical and something that ye can apply it then don't post it.



Why don't you get rekt yid. What have you contributed? I made a connection that others will run with. This is a work in progress. I made what i consider to be an important discovery about the theoretical physics of the devices used to build the pyramids. You are asking for someone to do not some of the work for you, but all of the work for you. Fuck You.



I am okay with that.



That bronze pine cone in the first image you posted has an interesting history. Originally it was decorating a fountain next to a temple of Isis in Rome. Water flowed from the top of the pinecone. Which you could relate to the secretions of the pineal gland (like DMT). It was moved to the Vatican. Dante saw it there and used it as a simile for the face of Nimrod in his Divine Comedy.



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The pine cone represented in many ancient cultures (Egypt, Greece, India, Mexico and Sumeria) is the pineal gland.

Here is the first description of the pineal gland done by the greek doctor Galen (ca. 130-ca. 210 CE):

> Galen discussed the pineal gland in the eighth book of his anatomical work On the usefulness of the parts of the body. He explained that it owes its name (Greek: kônarion, Latin: glandula pinealis) to its resemblance in shape and size to the nuts found in the cones of the stone pine (Greek: kônos, Latin: pinus pinea).

source: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pineal-gland/

see the 1st pic of a pineal gland and you can somewhat see the similarity to a pine cone. Unfortunately, the only pic I could find of a isolated pineal gland is the last pic, which is calcified/florided one.


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more ancient civs pine cones


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>Unfortunately, the only pic I could find of a isolated pineal gland is the last pic, which is calcified/florided one.

whoops… here it is.




I am curious to know what a healthy pineal gland looks like with fluid inside the brain. If it infact does take on Fibonacci symmetry when activated. We only get to see flaccid, dead, or calcified versions.



>The pine cone represented in many ancient cultures (Egypt, Greece, India, Mexico and Sumeria) is the pineal gland.

I'm not saying it is one or the other. I'm saying it is both.


Thanks man this helps to prove my theory. They used this same technology to build all over the world because they were all of the same race. We cannot find the the machinery they used build the structures because they took it with them.



Additionally Graham Hancock speculates that the satchels the gods are holding contains DMT.



I know =( would be awesome to see the pineal gland in action or just a regular picture of the organ… I remeber seeing a pic of a pineal gland cut in half and it seemed hollow (implying it was somewhat of a lense which also relates to some reptile/amphibians that have their pineal gland has linked functions to their thermal eye called the parietal eye) but I couldn't find the link.

I think the gland might have some exterior lumps that could conform the fiboonacci sequence, it really wouldn't surpirse me.


I'm not discarding there's some ancient tech, but in this case I just think it's the symbolic importance of the pineal gland and there's just a lot civilizations that recognized it or maybe even had the info passed on from higher beings.



well, most jewish owned funeral homes harvest the glands and organs of the deceased without consent of the family, so you can prolly score a healthy pineal, i believe the price was something like 800-1200$.

This is highly illegal, and will for sure bring on you the pinnacle of rage and anger from the ancestors of the being.


Oh…I see you guys still haven't posted anything practical here??

Oh well

Cone of energy

It is known that cone are found nature in shape of torando and vortexes, and all that jazz.I am not here to discuss heavy theory but let just say that a soild sphere shape is good for defensive thoughtform, and cones/pyramids are good for sucking energy into you, and the cone/pyramid can be programmed to certain intent to "flavor" the energy you receive.Here a step by step to create an astral cone to suck energy for you:-

1.Put your palm facing each other and make sure they are apart 3-2 inch.

2.Will yourself into flowing energy between your two hands and create a ball on energy(you can use colors to guide the energy in you)

3.now keep turning the energy like you would make a ball out of drought creating a sort of ball

4.once you feel you have the ball with resistance of a drought ball(kinda resist you but you can squish it) start shaping into shape of a cone and plug it to the sky to collect energy, or to earth,sun,moon,divine light,etc.

5.repeat your intent into it and use this to empower this method to empower the cone ( >>25313 )

6.you can also put the cone head on your aura and let it suck energy of your wish to your body.

potent method, try it and see, don't take my word for granted.


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I agree with you before even trying it, ( i will ) because the cone or pyramid has been established as having implosive tendencies.

Do you agree with Joseph P. Ferrel's speculation that the Great Pyramid of Giza is a weapon? If activated then that would mean that it is drawing energy into the earth.


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First I want to apologize for my post, this one:-


I am sorry that I caused tension between you and me, and hope that you don't take it seriously.

>Do you agree with Joseph P. Ferrel's speculation that the Great Pyramid of Giza is a weapon?

I didn't read his speculation, but I will hopefully.Although I think it is more of harnessing the energy more than using it in power(pulling the energy of earth for the usage of humanity), according to one of my vampire friend(energy body condition where the body isn't able to sustain itself with energy) he told me that pulling energy from earth,sun, and the moon take much longer and are harder to pull while the human,animal energy is more potent and condensed.Also Imagine yourself looking down upon the North Pole of the Earth. Now divide the world in two by drawing a line that runs from the North Pole through Giza and all the way around the world back to the North Pole. Then quarter section the globe by drawing anoth- er line at a right angle to the first. The four quadrants of Earth are attributed in Yod Heh Vau Heh order thusly:

• The Quadrant east of Giza or most of Asia is ruled by the Ace and Princess of Wands;

• The Ace and Princess of Cups rule the area of the Pacific;

~The Ace and Princess of Swords rule the Americas; and

~The Ace and Princess of Disks rule most of Europe and Africa. (See figure 38.)[Begin in the middle east and directly in UAE I have found using this method to show how the people in each area will treat so, so it is good for traveling and knowing where to go when you want to tour the world.

>If activated then that would mean that it is drawing energy into the earth.

Don't want to say wrong, but no.It draws energy from the earth,hope this knowledge help you, it always a fun thing to spectuale and enjoy but always remember that you have to get down and eat food,pay bill, and take a shit.(get practical m8)

also one Giza as a way to pull energy to earth, go look up orgonite.


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Anon from these two posts

I wanted to point out that Pyramid don't PULL energy rather they AMPLIFIES it.

Pyramid of energy(to amplifies energy)

It is easy to make your own pyramid out of chipboard or cardboard. Cut a base 9 3/8 inches square, and four isosceles triangles, 9 3/8 inches on the base and 8 7/8 inches on the sides. Use masking tape to join the four sides, forming a pyramid which will be six inches in altitude. Then draw two lines on your base from the center of one side to the center of the opposite side, thus dividing the base into four equal squares, and marking the center of the base where your two lines meet. Use a small magnetic compass to align your base with one of the center lines exactly north and south, then hold it in place with a few pieces of masking tape. A small wooden table is best for the location so that your pyramid will be undisturbed.

To use your pyramid, build a good thoughtform in our normal manner ( pointed out here >>54215 ), but use a piece of paper with the clear desire thought written out on it for a nucleus. When the thoughtfonn is well built, put it and its piece of paper on the base of your pyramid. Feed it with the thoughtform energy from your hands, then put the pyramid in place on the base and feed it with thoughtform energy again by holding your hands close to the pyramid on its north side. Each morning and evening, hold your hands close to the north side of the pyramid and feed your thoughtform again. You can tell its progress by the feel of the energy flowing into it. Many thoughtforms will bring their physical manifestation while they are still in the pyramid, but if nothing has happened after eight days it is well to plan to release it on the ninth day. The release process is to remove the pyramid and pick up the thoughtform and its piece of paper. Feed it once more with the thoughtform energy, then set fire to the paper and announce to your thoughtform that it is now time to go out into the world and bring its manifestation.

P.s:you can feed your thoughtform using the tulpa method here :- ( >>25313 )

The Pyramid's Amplifying Power

I would like to impress you strongly with the power of the pyramid as a thoughtfonn amplifier, but I include a word of caution. The pyramid amplifies exactly what you put in, therefore the quality of your thoughtform is of great importance. If you are tense and up-tight when you build the thoughtform, the tension will be amplified, too-and the result can be extremely uncomfort­ able. Let me share my first experiences to help your under­ standing. The first time I tried the pyramid for this purpose, my mood was that of a happy experimenter. I didn't know if it would work, but I was willing to put the magic in to see what would happen. There was a short term financial goal that looked physically impossible to achieve, so I built my thoughtfonn for its accomplishment and put it in the pyramid. It manifested in less than 18 hours! I'm as skeptical as the next fellow, so my reaction was: "It may be a happy coincidence." But I was certainly encouraged to try again. So I set a hearty new financial goal and again put my thoughtform in the pyramid. This was a biggerjob, but it manifested within three days. This time my reaction was, "Oh boy! We've got a gold mine here!" I became all tense and excited as I built the next thoughtform md put it in the pyramid.The result was disaster! This time the pyramid amplified my anxiety and put me to bed with an acute gastric disturbance for three days. Now you know why I have such a great respect for the pyramid power-so don't you make the same mistake. There's no sense in both of us getting knocked down.



Interesting, might use in meditation.



Just a note if you can visualize a clear crystal pyramid and you are sitting on it while meditating you will start to feel a timelessness settle inside of you, which is actually an astral time travel machine(but it is easy to use but hard to master)



I'm a beginner of just doing thought forms and such, but I know how to move my energy around and go into deep meditation.

>My question for this is, should I put the paper INSIDE the pyramid or like just on the bottom of the base?

>When releasing the thoughtform do I need to burn/discard the actual pyramid to/is it usable another time or once only?

>You said you can tell the progress by how the energy is flowing, should it feel more stronger/amplified because of the pyramid?

>For creating a thoughtform as an example, put in Wealth on the paper and give it energy, then put it in the bottom of the pyramid? Or do I need to create an actual sigil?

>How would putting a crystal around it change it anyway?



>My question for this is, should I put the paper INSIDE the pyramid or like just on the bottom of the base?


>When releasing the thoughtform do I need to burn/discard the actual pyramid to/is it usable another time or once only?

If after 9 day the result don't manifest just remove the paper and burn it with intent of sending the thoughtform to do it's job.

>>You said you can tell the progress by how the energy is flowing, should it feel more stronger/amplified because of the pyramid?


>>For creating a thoughtform as an example, put in Wealth on the paper and give it energy, then put it in the bottom of the pyramid? Or do I need to create an actual sigil?

>use a piece of paper with the clear desire thought written out on i

anyway your like write it ,sigilize it,scribble a little, do whatever you feel right.

>How would putting a crystal around it change it anyway?

I don't know.


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you missed this one


I heard somewhere that the pyramids are ancient airports to teleport to different parts of the world



it's gas stations for energy,

people would boost themselves inside and the outside was to funnel energy to their flying crafts.


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A basic photograph with extremely low shutter speed.





The pineal gland is an endocrine organ which produces the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is involved in the entrainment (synchronization) of the circadian rhythm and is an antioxidant that protects nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.


Visually, it bear more resemblance to the shape and size of the nuts found in the cones of the stone pine, as observed by Greek medical doctor and philosopher Galen. Additionally, medical literature up to the Renaissence refered to it as “worm-like” structure.


The pinecone shape, or the golden spiral, is thus the generative source of the pineal gland, not the gland itself as some fallaciously claim.



yet it has to do with the "dream world"

> melatonin users report an increase in vivid dreaming".

Dreams have profound connection to ourselfs/inner being, it just can't be the shape that attributes to it's importance.






>don't drink tap water

>do research and drink a bottled spring water (preferably in bpa free bottle, but try your best)

>spring water more likely to only contain small amounts of naturally occurring calcium fluoride

>OR buy a crazy expensive reverse osmosis filter

>so drink spring water only



>those websites sell kelp and irish moss


>your body can use iodine to bind and then throw away fluoride.

>your body can also use selenium (nuts and seeds) to bind and throw away mercury, but that's another conversation



>get a glass jar with a lid

>50% coconut oil

>50% cinnamon

>mix it up

>brush your teeth with that

>that's it

>works better than toothpaste


also do not EVER use teflon pans

do not ever use aluminum pans

only ever use pyrex, cast iron, stainless steel

make your own deodorant

>mostly coconut oil

>some arrowroot powder (wholefoods)

>some baking soda

that's it.







read ingredient lists on everything.

make sure your baking soda is only sodium bicarbonate. no aluminum.

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