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I am straight talking throwing fireballs and summoning trolls from beneath bridges.

One of my strongest experiences of manipulation that i would not experience normally:

>get experimental with cannabis

>prefer to isolate myself

>be listening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQA7RQEo-ss

>really started feeling primitive in a pleasant way

>I am concentrating on the ringing in my ear that i have since i can remember

>start assuming that mayyybe i can manipulate the pitch

>i can

>start playing with the pitch in my head

>going up and down

>notice it's on both sides and when both sides are on the same pitch my eyes open automatically

>I started going really low, imagine deep drone music

>my body would slow down, my breathing would slow down, everything

>No holds barred i went up with the pitch on both sides

>i started experiencing shivers in my body, the higher the pitch the more intense the shivers

>they get so high that my entire body is shaking and wobbing but my mind is sharp as a whistle

>get annoyed at the tv being to loud

>suddenly i really felt …. connected to the tv

>two men were speaking and everytime i switched the side of my "brainpitch" i was focusing on, the person speaking would change, like ping pong

>This can't be right

>I was just playing and i couldn't believe that i was "controlling" these men in the television

>try to change attention as fast as i can, the men would just stutter at eachother not making conversation, it was ridiculous how perfect the tv would sync up to my brain

TL;DR wannabe weedmage controls TV

On this very trip I was convinced that the music was commentating things in my life perfectly.

So i see to options

a magic into real

b the relation of time between information input and information processing is so messed up because of the delayed response time of my brain, so that my brain just got enough time to make the shit up.

I don't know which is more likely and any input

(including funposting) would be greatly apreciated

Sorry for the messy greentext and

Thank you for your time.



weed puts us in circuit 5/7

It triggers pineal to make sero+melo

it's like drinking coffee after a long night out so you can get to your mundane job and do your work.

Breath work leads to increased power, also start lyftan since muscle = more cells = more chi.

gather chi in darkness with qi gong pranayama combinations.



what do you mean with circuit 5/7?



the disinfo dindu is just spouting its usual gibberish, please ignore and don't reply


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>pic related

it is a map of reality,divinity,you,universe,etc.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



really cool this pic, where did you get it?



I went to google and wrote "8 circuit model"

and then I carefully pressed enter

and clicked on the image tab

and the second picture on the right

where then the image expand and link me to this




I hate how they always leave out da'ath.




I was wondering the same. Why is that?



Because Da'ath is the door to abyss.The Abyss is the great gulf or void between the phenomenal world of manifestation and its noumenal source.

This doctrine is extremely difficult to explain; but it corresponds more or less to the gap in thought between the Real, which is ideal, and the Unreal, which is actual. In the Abyss all things exist, indeed, at least in posse, but are without any possible meaning; for they lack the substratum of spiritual Reality. They are appearances without Law. They are thus Insane Delusions.

Now the Abyss being thus the great storehouse of Phenomena, it is the source of all impressions.

—Little Essays on Truth, Aleister Crowley.

However, this sephirot is often not shown on the tree of life, and instead there is an empty space, straddling The Abyss. In fact, there are often two trees depicted, one which shows Da'at but not Malkuth, and the other which shows Malkuth but not Da'at. These are considered as being before The Fall of Man, and after The Fall, in which the fruit of knowledge is taken from the tree, humanity loses paradise, and falls into the earthly state of suffering represented by Malkuth.



Also Da'ath Correspondence to the REAL Chapel Perilous, where the first veil of paroketh we hear of chapel perilous which distance the lower circuit/chakra from the higher one, and the veil of Isis/Abyss is which distance All what is manifested with the supernal.


LOL this thread just spiraled into total gibberish.



Saw a guy on youtube demonstrating a similar technique after I came across his webpage on television based mind control. I can't find it now.

His premise:

TV is pretty much responsive to the audience through some very strange means, even channel to channel if you switch them quickly.

Watch it and the actors will try to get your attention and say things to trigger you, things that relate to you and your feelings at the moment.

If you ignore them or shift your eyes around continuously, they try to get your attention. This can be through what they say, bright colors, or certain sneaky camera techniques.

Strange things will happen if you continue to keep an unfocused gaze and ignore the actors on TV, especially with your eyes.

Eventually they will stumble over words or say things to admit that they are trying to lock onto your frequency and are unable to.


I'm back a minute later with supreme content.




I'm in the process of reading through this right now, but there's something that comes to mind.

If I were to create a piece of visual media, one of the shows or animated .gif files which house these entities, then the script and camera details would all be determined by myself at the time of creation. When I, or anyone else for that matter, view the material at a later date, there should be no change in the structure. After all, the sequence of sounds and pixels is a set string of data sitting on a storage device. Similarly, when viewing an episode for a 2nd or nth time, the material should be identical, though the observer's attention may respond to different stimuli or otherwise notice something which had been missed (or forgotten) in previous viewings.

Of course, when we're discussing visual media from an outside source, there's a bit more ambiguity. The universe can, very easily, be thought of as being constructed by the act of observation. A new show may have producers, actors, editors, and animators who worked on the project, but these individuals are practically just as fictional to the viewer as the characters displayed. As such, at least for the initial viewing, the material displayed could be a reaction to the observer's state of consciousness. This is somewhat complicated when a person views the media after having read about it or otherwise been introduced to its subject matter. He author mentions that the entities are fishing for information, but to what extent are they able to lay bait outside their box?



If you really want it to come together it would be best to watch his videos.



Is that circuit 7 as in genetic memory? 6/7 are switched sometimes.

I'm thinking of doing a dissertation on drugs, 8 circuit model and mental health.

Talking in more depth could be useful if you have a throwaway email or skype or something.

Based on my experience cannabis plus a powerful event can create longer term circuit 5, 6 and 7 turn on, as well as imprinting circuit 5. Can be both negative and positive, with both types of activation having looping effects with the lower circuits, especially overwhelming circuit 3 which threatens mental territory in circuit 2 and then circuit 1. I think 8 circuit model looked at in this way can explain cannabis psychosis and a similar process could explain most symptoms of psychosis.



>LOL this thread just spiraled into total gibberish.

Filthy mundane detected.



check out the video



Thanks OP. I had been stagnating in my magick practices for a while. That pitch controlling thing seems great, I'll try this tonight.

Also, I would say you're not really controlling the TV but that you are in fact controlling your reading of the TV's probability field. In other words you were not changing it, you were changing the point of view in which you looked at it.



Some speak without saying much.

This thread is still a massive pile of gibberish.

I'm almost about to start making some dindu memes.



You speak when you should be keeping silent and listening. If you don't understand what's being discussed, that's an indication that you need to read more, not start shitposting.

It's a sad day when basic Kabbalah/Crowley flies over the head of the posters on /fringe/. It's not gibberish; you're just a buffoon.



vidodrome was right tbh



But Kabbalah is nothing but gibberish.



Seems quite different to what I've read on the model



>Kabbalah is nothing but gibberish.

>Chakra is nothing but gibberish.

>Circuit is nothing but gibberish.

>hermeticism is nothing but gibberish.

they are all a map, don't think the map is reality.

"The menu is not the meal"

same thing you should use the menu(kabbalah,Tarot,Charka,Circuit,etc) to ORDER/BRING the meal(experience).



Except that chakras are real and measurable, idiot. You've never done any real energy work if you pair it with diluted gibberish and call it a map. They do correspond to the Sephirah, but not in the way commonly portrayed. People like you contribute to occult superstition and spread nonsense.



Chakra are conditioned into the energy body, some people don't use chakra and get affected little by it.Try MPR and see how many "chakra" you have..try charkra meditation and see how many chakra you have..belief rule reality(mostly).

It's better to make your own experience than to let your experience make you.

read Stephen Mace's Stealing Fire From Heaven



>You've never done any real energy work if you pair it with diluted gibberish and call it a map.

Now hear how Christian say the way to heaven:-

You've never had God's Grace, if you pair your method with satanic gibberish and call it a map


In the area of extra-sensory perception, the results are uniform after more than a century: everybody who sets out to prove that ESP exists succeeds, and everybody who sets out to prove that ESP does not exist also succeeds.


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i've also heard those high pitched ringings on my ear that OP speaks about so i decided to change my desktop background just in case i was being "readed" since i've also noticed that TV hypnotizes in a weird way were you just sit there and take it and after you walk up and get out it feels like a waste of time and energy

anyways switching backgrounds i come across pic related and the moment i set it as background my ears start ringing coincidentally is the duality that masons love to put on their puppets so much

PS: OP has a satanic picture, covered left eye with a satanic lightning S, that shit might be affecting you


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c you tuned into time and reality as it was being made


>Leary the cia acidhead



8 circuit model is still good. Leary's books are batshit though.

Here's the new antero alli book on it:




I was trying to find ways to express the amount of stupidity spewed on your post, but I eventually gave up as it should be self evident to those with ANY experience of /fringe/ related matters.

Having said that, keep it up anon.



i'll be real dude, this guy just seems like a schizophrenic who watches tv. btw the moment i typed that something flashed on my tv, spooky



I made that picture

It was a retake on a drawing of the protagonist of Lisa: A painful rpg.

Also the picture has the "right eye" covered in a scar.

But it might be affecting me or not, idk.

I feel like I am having every odd now and then satanic though.

Especially before bedtime the word satan would just pop up, like a routine of fear.

" what was i thinking last day at this time ? "

On another noided note, a lot of planes and helis flying around

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